
A Family Once Forgotten

Daehyun’s POV

“How did you like the party?” I ask Sophie as we go up to the room that she’s going to use while she’s here. I specifically made Jun put Sophie’s luggage in a room near mine so that we wouldn’t be too far away from each other.

“It was fun,” Sophie says with a smile, “it was really long, though.”

“It was,” I say. “But that’s my parents for you. They always like to plan big parties.”

Sophie nods her head as we silently walk next to each other. “Will I see your parents?” she asks.

“Maybe,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “They’re busy with their work a lot of the time.”

“Oh,” she says as she looks down at the ground again. There are probably a thousand questions that are going through her mind. “Why did you cover your sister’s mouth and prevent her from saying things?”

“She was going to say nonsense,” I lie. “You can listen to her nonsense later. I like for her to make good impressions on people rather than the ones that she normally makes.”

“I don’t have a sibling. I kind of wished I always had one,” Sophie confesses.

“Isn’t that what I’m here for?” I ask. “Aren’t we already like brother and sister?”

“True,” she says with a big smile.

“Oh, here we are,” I say noticing what hallway we’re in.

“How do you know where we are?”

“I grew up here, didn’t I?” I ask jokingly.

“I forgot,” Sophie says with a chuckle. “But you lived here six years ago. You can remember that far back?”

“It’s really not that far,” I tell her. “Despite the size of the house, I don’t go into every part. Only a couple of hallways here or there, like this path to my bedroom.”

“I thought we were going to my room.”

“We are. Your room is going to be near my room so you don’t get confused or anything about where you are. You’ll also know where my bedroom is just in case any confusion happens.”

Sophie nods her head as I explain things to her. She’s probably very confused.

“What about my clothes?” she asks.

“Your clothes will already be in there and your suitcase. If you want to change, I can take you on a tour of the house, unless you want to go out and do something.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Sophie happily says.

“Well the next few days are going to be busy.”

“Yeah.” I shouldn’t have said that. Now Sophie’s sad because I just reminded her about her parents’ funeral. I shouldn’t have said anything, it would’ve been better for all of us if I just didn’t say anything. Why do I always say the wrong things now?

“We’re going to go out,” I proudly state. “Here’s your room. Get changed and then I’ll come and knock on your door when we’re ready. I’ll go ask Youngjae and Hyosung-noona if they want to come.”

“Okay,” Sophie says looking at me before she goes into her room.

I hope that that’s the last wrong thing that I’ll say.


Sophie’s POV

I go inside my room and am immediately impressed at how large it is. This place really has to be a palace, it’s so big, although Daehyun did say that that’s why the place is called the Korean Palace. How does one get a house this big, though? There doesn’t seem to be any houses this big back home.

There is a large bed up against one wall of the room where there are windows. Also in the room there is a couch and a television. It basically looks like a small apartment in a single bedroom. Is this what Daehyun’s bedroom looks like?

I spy my suitcase sitting on the bed. if Daehyun says that we’re going out, then should I wear something casual or something a little more formal? Well, if we’re going out then I should wear something casual.

Going through my suitcase, I look for something that looks nice but doesn’t look too dressy. I manage to find a pair of jeans and a simple v-neck solid colored shirt. I find different shoes and put them on before I go out the door and I already see Daehyun standing there.

“You’re a fast changer,” I tell him.

“I’m a guy; I don’t have that much thought into what I want to wear. Shall we get going?”

“Sure,” I say nodding my head. “Are Youngjae and your sister coming with us?”

“Yeah,” Daehyun says as he leads me downstairs.

“Where are we going?”

“Places,” Daehyun slyly says looking at me. “Well first, I was thinking of getting a makeover.”

“A makeover?” I ask him.

“I was thinking about stopping by the hairdressers first.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I came back after so long, I thought it’d be good to change up a bit. I think this brown hair isn’t suiting me anymore.”

“What would you change it to?”


“Blonde?” I ask surprised. “You’re going to go blonde?”

“Why not?” Daehyun asks shrugging his shoulders.

I stare at him. I can’t imagine Daehyun as a blonde, I just can’t. It doesn’t feel like it would be the same seeing him as a blonde. “Well, I’m not going to get a makeover,” I tell him.

“Wasn’t expecting you to,” Daehyun says with a slight laugh. “I was going to do it.”

“So then we’re going to the hairdresser’s first?”

“Yup. I think Youngjae was thinking about going blonde, too.”

“You’re both going blonde?” I ask. I can’t even imagine Daehyung oing blonde, but both of them going blonde? That just seems completely impossible. Why do they both want to go blonde in the first place?

Before I realize it we’re outside. “There’s the car,” Daehyun says pointing towards it. “It looks like Youngjae and noona are already in there.” I look at Daehyun as he opens the door for me in this expensive looking car. “C’mon, get in,” he urges.

I follow him and go into the car. Youngjae and Daehyun are going to be blonde? Why?


Daehyun’s POV

I hope Sophie’s not too shocked at the news that I’m going to be blonde and that Youngjae is going to be blonde. I already talked with Youngjae about this before, well briefly since we had to get changed quickly to go out and get this done. Hyosung knows all about it, too. it’s all part of my plan, I just hope she realizes it.

“Hey, why don’t we get our hair done together,” Hyosung suggests to Sophie.

“What do you mean?” Sophie asks.

“We could like just get it done. I was thinking about dying my hair too actually,” she confesses. Sophie probably thinks we’re all weird people who like to get our hair dyed. “You could get highlights. I think you’d be pretty cute.”

“I’d need brown highlights though, or caramel colored,” Sophie says as she examines her own hair.

“You should get them,” I chime in, “I think that they’d look really good on you.”

I can see her deeply thinking about it. I don’t really want to pressure her into doing anything, but at least we’re not talking about her dying her whole head. It’s only going to be highlights at the most, that’s it. Youngjae and I need to go through even more preventive measures.

Before long, we arrive at the salon. “Sophie, why don’t we go together and the boys can go together?” Hyosung suggests. “I can tell you some of Daehyun’s baby secrets.”

“Sure,” Sophie says nodding her head.

“Let’s go,” they say. “We’ll see you boys later, when you’re blonde.”

“Of course,” Youngjae says with a smile before they leave.

The two of us make our way to the back where we get seated in seats. This hairdresser is good in the keeping secrets department. She won’t say anything about the prince and his cousin changing hair color and neither will the staff. They’re all trained to do so and if they do, then it could mean the end of their career.

“Tell me again,” Youngjae says, “what’s with the sudden thought of becoming blonde?”

“For school,” I simply say.

“School? You want me to dye my hair blonde for school? But I like my black hair.”

“Too bad,” I say. “Do you want Sophie to know the secret?”

“I didn’t know that it was such an important secret for you.”

“Very,” I emphasize. “I don’t want her to know. I don’t want Sophie to be afraid. I’m pretty sure that she’ll be freaked out if she knew.”

“Won’t she be freaked out even if she didn’t know and won’t she be hurt even more that you didn’t tell her?” Youngjae asks.

“That’s why I’m planning on never telling her,” I explain. “Anyway, if we get our hair dyed blonde, then we can just go into a different school and we can totally disguise ourselves. No one will know who we are.”

“I can create a whole new persona for myself,” Youngjae says thinking about all of the possibilities.

“Yup, then maybe you’ll finally be able to get a girlfriend,” I joke.

“Hey, you don’t have a girlfriend either,” Youngjae pokes back.

“Whatever, we just have to do this for a little while more.”

“But won’t people see you tomorrow at the viewing and then the funeral? I mean, the Prince of Korea has to show up some time,” Youngjae states.

“Not really,” I say. “Some people don’t even know that I’ve returned. We could just say that I have to go back to America for important business. That way a blonde Daehyun can go to the funeral and be by Sophie’s side without anything happening.”

“How long have you thought about this?”

“Long enough,” I say looking at Youngjae. He should really not underestimate the power of a prince.


Sophie’s POV

I sit in the chair while the woman starts doing my highlights. “You’re going to look really cute, don’t worry,” Hyosung says over on my side.

“Ah, are you so sure?” I hesitantly ask her.

“Yup,” she says nodding her head. “And don’t be afraid to call me unni. I can tell that you were a bit hesitant.”

“You could tell?” I nervously ask.

“Of course I was train— I mean, I can pick up when people are nervous,” she says. It’s like she was going to say something but caught herself before saying it. Is she trying to not tell me something?

“That’s good,” I say for a lack of something to say. It’s slightly awkward being left alone with Daehyun’s sister. I didn’t even know that he had a sister.

“Daehyun probably didn’t tell you this yet, but you guys are going to go to school here.”

“School?” I ask staring at Hyosung. “He didn’t say anything about it.”

“Figures,” Hyosung says with a slight laugh. “But you guys didn’t graduate high school yet.”

“Is he changing to go to school? Like his hair color.”

I watch Hyosung as she thinks about it. She finally just shrugs her shoulders. “I’m not sure. Maybe? He hasn’t seen most of these people for six years. He probably just wants to come back a new person.”

“Probably,” I say nodding my head. “How do you think he’s going to look if he goes blonde?”

“I think he’ll look…different,” Hyosung says. “We won’t be used to his hair straightaway, but I’m sure we’ll get used to it over time.”

“Probably,” I respond back. ‘I think I’m going to miss just having dark hair.”

“You’ll miss it in the beginning, but you’ll get used to it over time, too. But school,” Hyosung says attempting to put the conversation back on track as it was before. “What were you learning in school before?”

“Just the regular things a senior should learn,” I calmly say. “Like calculus and American government along with computer science that Daehyun made me take.”

“Daehyun made you take something?”

“Yeah,” I say nodding my head. “If it weren’t for him, I don’t know how I would have survived that class. What school are we going to go to?”

“I’m not sure,” Hyosung says. “Since Daehyun has been gone for so long, we have to enroll him in school as well as you. If you wanted to, since you and Daehyun are arriving late in the year, we could get your schedules to match up with each other.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Unless you wouldn’t want that.”

“No, no, I want that,” I quickly say. “I don’t know the language, so it would make things difficult, right?”

“It would, I forgot about that,” Hyosung says with a laugh. “Look at your hair; it’s becoming better by the second.” The woman that’s doing my hair says something to me in Korea that I don’t understand. I look to Hyosung for help. “You’re just going to follow her. They have to like heat the dye on.”

“Oh, okay,” I say getting up and following the lady.

As I sit under the machine I start thinking. My life is going to be completely different here, right? Today is only the first day that I’ve come here yet I’m experiencing all of these things. I’m really tired, too, though, but Daehyun seems as though he’s taking the time change very well. It’s like he’s used to traveling places.

If I’m going to get enrolled into school, though, does that mean that Daehyun wants me to stay with him? It is true that I would be all alone if I went back to America, but he wants me to stay in Korea? Would my parents think that that’s alright?

My parents. Their viewing is tomorrow. Just what type of missions were they involved in? Why did they have a secret life that I didn’t know about? It just feels like they sort of betrayed me, but they’re my parents. I can’t stay angry at my parents forever. They’re the ones who provided food and a shelter for me for all of my life until they passed away. Now I guess Daehyun’s going to be doing that job. I just hope that I’m not too much of a bother to him or his family. It does seem like his sister is very approving of me, though, and his cousin.

I just wonder if his parents would approve of me.


Daehyun’s POV

“You’re telling me to enter my school under a different name?” Youngjae complains.

“Look, it’s only until we graduate,” I tell him. “It’s nothing major.”

“It is so major, what are my friends going to think?”

“Fine, then we’ll just go to a different school,” I say. “How about that?”

“I’d rather go to a different school,” Youngjae says pouting. “It’s one thing that you’re making me dye my hair and another that you’re making me transfer schools and change my name.”

“Look, it’s not going to be that bad, we’re graduating soon anyway.”

“Whatever,” he says crossing his arms. “What would be the names that we’re using anyway?”

“I was thinking of combining our names to get two different ones, like Daejae and Hyunyoung.”

“Don’t you think that they sound a little…confusing?” Youngjae asks.

“No,” I say shaking my head, but not too much since we’re both sitting under the machine that makes our hair turn color, I don’t know the name for it. I look at myself in the mirror and see my hair quickly changing to blonde. It looks like a new me. “Actually, if you wanted to, you could make nicknames.”

“Nicknames? Really, Daehyun?” Youngjae asks. He’s probably slightly annoyed with my big plan, but I don’t care.

“Yeah, nicknames,” I tell him. “And I call the name Daejae, I’ll just be called DJ. That means that you get Hyunyoung.”

“Is that even an actual name?” Youngjae complains.

“You know, have you always complained this much?”

“Of course, you’ve just been away for six years.”

“Right,” I say as we both laugh at each other.

“So, you like Sophie, right?”

“What?” I ask at Youngjae’s sudden question.

“You like her, there’s no denying.”

“How are you so sure?”

“You always spend time with her.”

“She’s my best friend.”

“Well if she were your best friend then you would’ve already told her about your family and where you come from. If you like her, then you don’t’ want her to be afraid and like leave you if she ever found out.”

I just stare at Youngjae. It’s not like he’s necessarily correct, but is that the reason why I don’t want Sophie to know? I just don’t want her to be hurt about the whole thing and I don’t want her to be involved with my family. I was just wishing that she would understand, but if it turns out like this, then maybe I do like her? I’m just not going to think about it for now, I can’t think about it.

“Anyway,” I say attempting to change the subject, “what’s happened since I left?”

“Nothing much,” Youngjae says as he closes his eyes for a little bit. “It’s been the same for the most part.”

“How about my parents? Have they been up to anything fishy?”

“Nothing that I realized. Then again, I was busy having a social life.”

“What social life?” I jokingly ask Youngjae.

“Probably more than a social life than you had in America. What did you do there with Sophie?”

“Just did what normal kids do.”

“How did you learn English really fast?”

“Sophie,” I say as I think back to when I first started there. “She was willing to help, well, everyone was willing to help. It was just that she was a bit more open than the other people who were slightly reserved. She would always point out simple words at first and then she would make sure that I would understood.”

“How is our aunt doing?”

“She’s doing well,” I say nodding my head. “She really took care of me, but I understand why she left in the first place.”

“I guess the pressure of being perfect got to her,” Youngjae says.

“And I guess our parents like being perfect, right?” I ask him.

“You could probably say that again,” he says with a light laugh. I laugh along with him.

“It’s good to be back, though. I never realized how much I miss it here,” I say. I never thought that I would ever say those words.

“It’s good to have you back, it was lonely without having my cousin there,” Youngjae says with a bright smile. “Hey, with this new hair, we could become kingkas. I’ve always wondered what that feeling felt like.”

“You were a kingka before, weren’t you?”

“But only because I’m the prince’s cousin,” Youngjae says looking down at his hands. “I’ve wanted to reach that status on my own. Maybe this new hair, new name, and new school thing isn’t going to be so bad.”

“See, you’re getting there,” I say with a smile. “It’s just going to get some taking used to, but we have a couple of days before we enroll in school.”

I just hope everything goes as planned.


Will everything that Daehyun plans go as planned? Will they be able to trick the student body with their new hair? How is the funeral and the viewing going to go? Will Daehyun's parents approve of Sophie? 


Here is Chapter 5. It took a long time to update this story, right? Well, in that time I graduated high school, which was mainly the reason why the updates took so long. So I apologize for that. But I hope you enjoyed :D

Here are B.A.P gifs to you as repayment :) I don't own any of them. Click here to see more.

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Halimalikesrice #1
Chapter 29: Even thought the story kinda dragged an some parts didn't make sense like sometimes the name changes or you would mention something and then it was supposedly not mentioned OVERALL THE STORY WAS AWESOME!!! I'm currently reading It You and I love that too! Keep up the awesome stories!! :)
Chapter 29: Omgg this fanfic is so good !!! I really thought that she would be with daehyun :( but oh well I really enjoyed it :)
Ewitsjaydelol #3
this story fcuked with my mind so much.. i reallythought she would end up with daehyunnie instead though. anyways~ this was/is and AMMAAAAAJING story.. :D *gets up to give author-nim a standing ovation* <3
LiliLee #4
I'VE SAT IN ONE SPOT FOR 2 HOURS CATCHING UP! (still only up to chapter 19 lol)

-goes round linking mah biatches to this fic- wooooo
LiliLee #6
All the ____'s coming out now o.o A part of me wants to break down and cry for some reason.
LiliLee #7
*smashes head against the wall*
littlelamb86 #8
gosh....i just read thi s all in one's so frustrating why daehyun's parents can't tell him everything but has to go all secretive and make him look for the answers...
LiliLee #9
Why you don't have more subscribers will forever be a mystery to me.
And I feel like my comments are getting repetitive xD So look at my last comment and pretend its the comment for this chapter xDD
LiliLee #10
*flails around* what the ____. No. Why. No no. Omg. What. Omg I can't. What. Sdyikxsyporqzlyqagllxb