White Prince


Tired of searching for someone to love and believing what your horoscope "predicts" you have learned to slowly move on and away from any coming love interest. But what happens when, for once, your luck slightly begins to shift. Who will be the white prince that your horoscope claims you will meet.


You begin to read the heading of the horoscope section on your monthly magazine as you do every month waiting that this month, for once, its prediction would be true. You begin to read:

(Your actual horoscope): This month cupid will bring you new opportunities. Filled with mystery and enchantments, a new person will enter your life through an unexpected meeting. He will be a prince, dressed in white. He will be an angel fallen from heaven.


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This sounds like a cute story plus it kind of reflects what i do(read horoscopes but they never really come true) So please update soon!!!! I wanna read!!!!!! BADLY!! %(.