Dear Diary, I Fell In Love. [OneShot]

Dear Diary, I Fell In Love. [OneShot]


December 1, 2010

Dear Diary,

Today…I met the love of my life.


“Students, the library is already closed. Kindly get your things quietly and leave.” The librarian said as she started closing the airconditioners and fixing some books. I let out a soft groan as I closed the book I was holding and checked my phone, the time was already 5 in the afternoon.

“Hey, let’s go.” My friend, Key, said as he started getting his things. I sighed and grabbed mine. We exited the library and walked side by side. “I’m nervous. The quarterly exams would be next week. Are you prepared already?” He asked as we went down the staircase that will bring us to the school gym and the waiting area.

“Yeah. I feel that I would fail.” I said in a gloomy tone as my eyes searched through the crowd of students going home already.

I paused and stopped mid-step as I looked at my right side, where the computer laboratory was located. Something…I mean someone caught my attention. He stood tall and handsome, he was talking to Shindong, Shindong and I were classmates back in the last year of Middle School. What was his name? I should know.

“Hey, what are  you staring at? Let’s go.” Key said, tugging on my uniform. I took one last glance on him and went to the waiting area.


I sat on one bench beside Key on the waiting area. I was half-aware of what he was saying, I was still thinking of the guy I saw earlier. I might have fallen for him at first sight.

“You know, I saw Ryumin earlier with his friends…” Key said excitedly as he hugged his backpack. “Hey, are you listening?”

“Huh?” I said stupidly. He frowned and shrugged.

“I thought you were listening.” 

“Oh, y-yes…I was.” I lied and brushed my bangs that blocked my view.

“Liar. You look stupid.” He stuck out his tongue and faced away. I hit him playfully on his arm and chuckled. I looked at the entrance of the school….

OMG. It’s him again.

“Hey, do you know that person? Or on what year he is?” I asked Key as I tapped him on the shoulders and pointed at the guy with my eyes.

“Him? Aniyo.”

“Oh.” I muttered dissapointedly as I continued to stare. “Maybe he’s a junior student. But  he looks like a freshman.”

“What? Is that your replacement for Ryumin?”

“Yah. That makes me sound like a flirt.” I glared at him. “I only like them both.”

“Pssh. Your blushing.”


December 2, 2010

Dear Diary,

Today, I found out what his name is.


“Hey, Mingi. I have a new person that I like.” I bragged as I talked to my girl best friend on the corridors.

“Really? What’s his name?”

“I don’t know yet. And I think he’s a junior, but he looked like a freshmen. He’s friends with Shindong.” I shrugged.

“Then, why don’t you ask Shindong?”

“Later.” I said. It’s break time and we went down the cafeteria. I saw Gi’s other friend, Yumin, who’s a classmate of Shindong. “Can you ask him what’s the name of the name of the person he was talking to yesterday?”

She nodded and went to the entrance of the cafeteria where Shindong was standing. She came back with a smile.

“His name…is Yang…Yo—Argh. I forgot his name.”

“Can you ask what his section is?” She nodded again and after a few seconds, she came back. “He’s from class 1-2. Your section last year.”

“Whoa. He’s younger than you.” Gi teased.

After that, we were like stalkers who asked around the freshmen people.

And that’s how I got his name.

Yang Yoseob.


December 25, 2010

Dear Diary,

Today, I talked to him…via the Internet.


I browsed through my Cyworld that was full of pictures of me and my best friends. I had this Cyworld for two years.

I sighed boringly as I checked the time, 12MN, thank goodness we don’t have classes since it’s Christmas vacation.

I opened my MSN and stared at his username ‘Yycutie’

When will he talk to me?

I closed my eyes and rested for awhile

Until a sound made me sat up.

Yycutie: Merry Christmas. :D

OMG he talked to me.


Isn’t that great?

SJELF: Merry Christmas, too. :)

I typed in ‘I love you’ but erased it afterwards.


January 10, 2011

Dear Diary,

Today, I confessed to him…and he rejected.


I waited for him infront of the school gates.

As soon as I saw his face, I stood up and put my hands behind me.

“Hey.” I started.

“Hi.” He said. “Shindong-hyung, go ahead.” Shindong nodded and left us. “What is it you wanted to tell me?”

“I want to get straight to the point.”


“I-I like—“

“Seobang!” I heard a female voice from behind me. We both turned around to see a very pretty girl walking to us. “Happy anniversary, seobang.”

My whole world fell into pieces as she kissed his cheeks. “Hi, unnie.”

“H-Hi.” I replied. “Yoseob-sshi, I need to go now.” I started walking away.

“Hey! What did you want--?” He asked but I already entered the school.

Dear Diary,

He has a girl he loves already.


Author’s Note:

I tried to make it as interesting as possible. But I failed. Kekeke~ I based this on someone’s love story, but I added somethings up. Thanks for reading. :)

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Chapter 1: nice!! screw this.ten characters.
Short but nice!
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
this story is more like a dongsaeng-noona thing..right?
love this!maybe u should make a sequel?
ViviB2UTY took the words right out my my mouth :D
so cute~<br />
i think you should do a one-shot sequel :)
Someone's love story? Hmmm. <br />
Ahaha! Nice oneshot anyway. <br />
xOxlalala #8
This was adorable! :)