

"Oppa.... should we broke up?.."

Woohyun widened his eyes, realizing what did you just said. "M-mwo?!" "I-I think that would be the best way for both of us" a tears started to rolled down your cheeks. "W-what did you just say??" his expression turned serious. A sigh escaped from your lips as you looked at him "I loved you.. But you pushed me away... You've always been busy. You often canceled our date too" you explained, swallowing your tears. "Y-yah yah! I didn't meant to do that. I'm sorry okay! I can't live without you _____. I love you" he hold your hand and you could see how his eyes were started to filled with tears. "I-I'm sorry.." you walked towards the door, letting him to let go of your hand. "_____-ah!" You tried to avoid his voice who was calling your name. "I'm sorry.." you said softly as you ran outside his apartment, leaving a frustrated Woohyun inside. You stood in a small corridor, leaning your back against the cold wall, and wiped your tears away. Walking in the sidewalk, you bit your lower lip trying to control your feelings, not wanting to cry in the middle of the busy street.

You opened your appartment door, kneeled down on the floor and cried silently. Thinking about what you did made you cry harder. He was so perfect, but you had to just throw it all away. 



You stare at your apartment window blankly. It's been 3 weeks since you break up with Woohyun and you knew he has a new girlfriend. You were in another relationships too, but after a week of relationship, your boyfriend cheated you which made you in so much pain. A sighed came out from your lips as you walked towards your bed, throwing your self into it. You couldn't lie to your self that the fact you still love Woohyun. But he's always been busy, and he often canceled the date he promised.

Woohyun was trying to call you everyday but you felt guilty to him. Not wanting to hurt him anymore, you decided not to pick up his calls. A flashbacks about you and him suddenly appeared on your mind. 


Flashback (Age 17)


You opened your eyes, when you heard something hitting your room window. You sat up on the bed, ruffled your hair and glance at the clock beside your bed; 3 AM. Lazily, you stood up and walked towards the window. Opening the  curtains, you saw how Woohyun were throwing small rocks towards your window with a grin on his face.  "What are you doing?? It's 3 o'clock in the morning!" you whispered. "Hehe I couldn't sleep." "And what's with the throwing rocks thingy on my window?" you crossed your arms. "Umm.. I wanna take you to somewhere" he smiled. Rolling your eyes, you  closed your window and decided to go with him. You quicly changed your clothes and slowly walked down stairs.  Twisting the front door metal knob, you could felt a goosebump. "Let's go" He smiled as he rub his back of neck. You nodded and followed him. 


"I've never been in love" he said breaking the silence. "I see" you raised an eyebrow. Actually, you were surprised. How  could a greasy boy had never been in love? He's one of the popular boy at school though. He's also a good looking  person. "How about you?" he suddenly turned his head to you. "M-me?" You could felt how your cheeks were turned  pink. "I-I don't know". "Oh.." he sighed. "Actually, where are you taking me?" you looked at him curiously. "The park" he smiled. You felt butterflies were flying on your stomach and it means that you're totally in love with Nam Woohyun.

You both arrived at a park. The lights were pretty, the sky was still dark. It was a cold night and you shivered a little. "You okay?" Woohyun suddenly looked at you. "U-um yea". He raised his eyebrow seeing your shivering body "You're not okay" he sighed as he took off his jacket and cover your body. A little smile appeared on your lips as his hand were covering you. "Hey, you know what?" he smiled. "Hm?" "I lied to you. I'm in love" he said while grinning. "I-in love? With who?" you felt how your heart was beating fast. You were afraid he has a crush with another girl at school. "You" he grinned, looking up at the sky. You felt a hundreds of butterflies were flying inside your stomach and your face turned pink as well. "Hehe.. I like you too" you confessed. He turned his head at you, widening his eyes. "Riiiiiiiiiiighttttt. Ehm.. soo.." he cleared his throat "Would you.. like to be my.. girlfriend?" he blushed and rubbed his back of neck. You were freezed. You couldn't believe what did he just said. You felt a thousands of butterflies were flying inside your stomach. "U-umm.." "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to,.." his expression turned down "But I would be happy if you want to" he continued. "I would like to" you grinned as your cheeks turned red. "Really????! Ah! awesome!!!!" he showed his wide smile and he gives you a bear hug. "Whoa whoa whoaa!" you screamed. "E-eheheh sorry.." he let go of you and rub his back of neck shyly. "it's okay" you smiled at him shyly. "You're so cuteeee" he pinched your cheek.  "I love you _____" "I love you too Woohyun oppa" you blushed giving him a smile.



End of flashback



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Chapter 1: This is so beautiful ;; hope you update soon
"Oppa.... should we broke up?.." <-- OMG :O