This time is over

I'm Not A Boy

School is going to …. That was thought that pondered your head as you rode your bike to school. All eyes were on you as you stepped through the door. It seemed the whole school stopped and watched. Your secret was out. The whole school now knew you are girl pretending to be a boy. You placed you hoodie over your head and walked with your head hung low. You didn’t dare to look at anyone.

“~~~~~ don’t worry we’ve got your back” Neil, Kevin Sung Jung and Dongho appeared next to me.

“~~~~~~why didn’t say you were a girl? And a cute one at that?” said Dongho

“Why? So that you could ask me out, you are not my type any ways” you laughed. You had my friends and that was the important thing.

“~~~~ see you later I have class. What’s for lunch?”

“Don’t ask ridiculous questions. I’ll see you guys later.”   You walked off the girl’s room.

While in the stall you heard some girls come in.

“Can you believe her pretending to be a guy just to get close to Jinyoung? Then  running off in the middle of school with him. She’s a little tomboy . I have to get rid of her.”

“I agree, did you see how Kevin held on to her. Kevin is mine. She better be careful. Yoona are you ok? I know how much you liked him before.”

“Whatever that’s not important, we need to get her out of here very soon” They left the bathroom, leaving you feeling confused. Oh Jinyoung knows!! How will I be able to face him? You did your best to avoid him all day. As the school day came to a close Jinyoung walked up to you.

 “We need to talk”, he pulled you arm and dragged you to a back garden away from everyone.

“Ah…yeah” your cute-boy nervousness had taken over.

“What happen with your oppas? Were they mad at you? Hope I didn’t get you into too much trouble. What happen yesterday? Are you grounded or something? I’m so sorry” he blurted everything in one breath.

“Calm down” you placed your hand on his cheek. Regretting it immediately, when you saw his changed expression. He made one step towards you filling the gap that was between you. He used his fingers to play with the loose hair that lingered slightly above your cheek.

“~~~~ I’m really sorry for asking you to skip classes. I also knew were a girl for some time now.”

“You did? Why didn’t you say something?”

“I was waiting for you…. Maybe you were hiding your gender for a reason.” He knew all this time and he said nothing. I guess he is never been or never will be attracted to me.

“I have to go.” You started to walk away. Jinyoung grabbed your arm and pulled you into his chest.

“Don’t run away from me ~~~~. Tell me the truth why were pretending to be boy? Are you into girls are something? Is it to get close to guys?”

“I don’t have to answer to you. It’s my business and let go of me Jinyoung or I’ll scream”

“You know I can be a really nice guy, but also I can be very bad so be careful how speak to me.” You knew Jinyoung never like creating scenes. Screaming would be the worst mistake.

“Jinyoung you’re squeezing my hand, let go of me or else.”

“Or else what?” he wore a y grin across his face. His face was extremely too close to mine now. He was dangerously close to you. Your heart beat was out of this world. You became afraid of Jinyoung.

“Jinyoung get away from me!!!” you tried to push him away from you. Your hand slipped to his chest and he held on to your hands. Your hand began to wriggle on his chest. When you realized you started to blush.

“Like what you feel? There is much more of that, if you want to feel it.” He slowly started to step away from you. You decided it was best not to anger him any more.

“~~~~~ next week will be share a room for the weekend, so let’s try to get close as possible.” He walked away completely and started laughing.

Share? Room? Next week? What was he talking about? Like if I would go anywhere with him you thought.

‘~~~~~ I’m sorry there is no way the rooms can be changed. We had you enrolled as a boy, so we paired you in a room with a guy- Jinyoung. He is also your lab partner so have to stay in that cabin room with him. I thought you two were getting along fine. Did something happen?”

Like duh he found out I’m girl and doesn’t want anything to do with me. “No sir” you had to lie. Had to face it my life was over.

The whole school thinks I’m a weirdo for being a girl and pretending to be a guy. My guy friends feel sorry for me. Yuri and her cronies are out to get me. Jinyoung is mad at me and he doesn’t even see me a girl and I have a crush on him. I will be locked away for 3-days in a room alone with him. High school is just great.

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I am such a bad author. It seems I have basically threw away this story. I need to stamp complete on it. Sorry to those who have subscribed.


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Chapter 19: Yaaaaay! An update :))) And it's about CNU oppa!!! Waiting for your next chap ;)
Chapter 18: Yay! Updateeeee!! I miss this story :3
Chapter 17: Update please! I fell inlove with this <3
kamoi_mac #4
I have been a bad author it been ages since I have updated :( Sorry Now that i am on holiday I will do better *cries*
update more please !! :3
kamoi_mac #6
Thanks to all readers please remember to comment and subscribe.
@HyunMi soon to update
kamoi_mac #8
Read and comment.....Thanks