Crashing into Destiny

Crashing into Destiny [Holiday FicEx Oneshot]


How did that one line go again? Oh right. Suffice to say it was not one of my finer moments in life, but all the same I had no regrets. You see, unlike some people, I happen to be a firm and devoted believer of destiny. Fate will always find a way to make happen what needs to happen. True love does exist, and you will find it and live happily ever after. Although I had to admit, sometimes I do question the omnipotent beings and mystical and mysterious powers that govern the world as we see it and perceive it. I respect them, really I do, and I understand that they are doing what they must to follow the outlines of the universe to have that one eternally significant event happen to you, but did they really need to affect their influence like this? Sometimes I really can't help but question their judgment- well, one in particular. Then again, it's all about the presentation these days and going with a bang. If things hadn't happened as they had I probably wouldn't be here at this little cafe waiting for one Kim Junsu, now would I?


But seriously, couldn't have fate decided on a less expensive, less destructive manner for the Meeting for the First Time Movie Moment?


There was one main disadvantage to having your birthday fall two days before the 25th of December, and that would be the sorry curse of a joint gift for Christmas Day and your Birthday. When I was younger I complained a lot, but this just might be the first time I'm keeping my mouth completely shut. I had woken up as usual, heard the sweet sound of my mother's singing downstairs, smelling the glorious smell of breakfast, and feeling the slight chill of Christmas. Most importantly, it was my birthday today, and to say I was excited was a mammoth understatement. So excited as I was anticipating the beautiful day ahead, I struggled out of my pink bunny blanket, only to have my legs get caught and tangled in the sheets, and fall face first off the bed and on to the non-carpeted side of the floor. But not to worry, these normal regular occurrences no longer faze me, and so I had headed on downstairs to greet the household a lovely morning.


Father Bear was on the breakfast table as usual reading his morning paper while Mother Hen was in her pink and yellow frilly apron cooking kimchi pancakes and seaweed soup for my birthday. I also saw some frosting on the countertop and I knew eomma had been baking as well. All in all, it was a wonderful start to the morning! I kissed my parents good morning and they both smiled in return. It was after I took my seat that I sensed something extra special.


Yeojin-ah,” appa started, “We wanted to congratulate you on finally getting your driver's license last week.”


I was trembling in anticipation, was this it? Was this the moment I had been waiting for?


Dear, you should have let her eat breakfast first before you show her our gift for her.”


Gift! Oh yes, there was no way I was going to delay this any further! I pulled out my lower lip and puffed my cheeks, “Eomma, appa, tell me now, pwease?”


And as always, like the moth to the flames, like ants to a picnic, like fish to bait, and early bird to worms, my parents fell for it hook, line, and sinker. I was so good at this.


Alright dear, here's your present.” appa pulled out a small box wrapped in green paper with little candy canes all over it tied off with a large red bow. Not the best color combination, and not really what I had hoped for, but perhaps?


I smiled and thanked my parents as I carefully took the box in my hands and slowly tore off the wrapping paper. I popped the lid off, and there it was. Right in the middle, nested in shredded bits of tissue paper was a shiny car key. Tears welled up in my eyes and a soft sob escaped my lips. “Thank you!” I screamed, jumping up from my seat to give my parents a giant bear hug. I quickly ran to the garage just to make sure, and there it was. A cute little apple green car all to myself.


Again, saying I was happy was not enough, the word hardly scratched the surface of how I was feeling at that point in my life. Happy did not do the way I felt that time any justice because there were just so many things going on inside my head that I couldn't quite define it even until now. I was overjoyed, overwhelmed, ecstatic, caught in a rapture that was beyond my imagination. It felt like I was being lifted ten feet into the air and just floating away in cloud nine. I could literally feel the rush of blood through my veins as my heart pumped at a faster rate- systole and diastole coming in instantly one after the other almost as if my heart was about to jump right out of my chest. Nothing was ever going to top that moment, or at least at that time, I though nothing ever would. At least not immediately after.


Of course the first thing one had to do was to take it out for a little spin. In a matter of minutes I had managed to eat breakfast, shower, brush my teeth, get dressed and ready to leave, and yes, in that order. I waved goodbye to my parents before dashing out the door and hopping into my lovely new car. I was doing some last minute shopping today, and what better way to break in my new car than a ride straight to the mall.


Obviously the mall was packed as I squeezed my way in to find the perfect present for my parents and closest friends. I already had a good idea what I wanted to get them, so for a change it didn't take me forever to purchase my gift list. It was hi and bye in a matter of an hour. Elated that I finally got my shopping list done, I whistled a happy tune as I walked down the parking lot toward my shiny new baby. It glistened like a pretty apple freshly picked and washed, and ripe for the biting. It was so cute I couldn't get over it AT ALL. I wanted to actually take the thing and put it my pocket just so I could carry it around all day. Some people may find this weird, but it was a very cute car. Very.


I slid into my brand new car and switched on the engine, humming to a song that won't leave my head. The feelings of an evil foreboding never even once crossed my mind as I inexpertly) though in my head I felt like an expert) drove out of the open parking space, now singing out loud and bobbing my head at the song that had taken a concrete form on my lips.


Nae geokjung malgo go away

Jipchak eopshi sarajyeo joolgae

Medal lil jul alatgaetji

Yeokgyeoweo chakgakhajima


Deo meotjin sarang mannalgae

Neol huhwaehagae mandeuleo julgae

Seulpeumeun jigeum ppooniya, boy

Cause love is over, love, love is over tonight-




It was at this point that my life was about to take an unexpected turn and I hadn't realized it yet. As I drove down that short distance from the driveway, everything started going in slow motion with classical music playing in the background. The irony of the situation was such a pain in the behind that I still feel the same agitation as I had that very moment every time I think about it.


In a blur of colors (mainly green in a very apple-y shade) and snow, my amazing driving skills had been tested instantaneously. Mind you, it was not my fault in any way, form, or shape at all. As soon as I was out on the driveway, a black SUV had stupidly passed by and so here I was aggravated and out of sorts as I stepped out of my car.


Assessing the damage was not something I had been looking forward to. Why of all days- why at all did I have to drive my shiny new car right into an equally shiny black SUV?! My legs trembled as I took one cautionary step at a time towards the back of the vehicle, feeling the trepidation kick, feeling very much like a student about to be reprimanded and sent into the principal's office. I tip-toed towards slowly, inching my way as slowly as I could hunched over and trying to catch a glimpse of the owner of the SUV. What if it was a scary old man? Some high-ranking politician? Some hitman on the kill?! What if it was a disgruntled girlfriend who just broke up with her boyfriend of four years and was itching to out at some unsuspecting victim? Even worse, what if it was someone my parents knew?!


I sighed in relief as I saw the damage, it was a mere scratch, nothing major than a paint job can't fix, but the fact still remains that arrangements had to be made. Hanging my head down low, I tottered over the front side of the van, and I heard the audible click of the driver's side door opening.


Red high-tops were the first thing I see from under the door, and I knew this was going to be easy. I waited for the rest of this person to appear from the SUV. As soon as he, I was sure it was a he, hopped out from the vehicle, I took a moment to analyze my enemy. From his red high-tops to darkwash jeans to a plain black shirt over an obviously fit body, his strong biceps flexed as he fingers pulled his aviators off his face. The winter sun was extra bright as it reflected off his face, and as with every movie moment, this gorgeous piece of man set his eyes on me, and Plan A was in motion.


Plan A, meaning Plan Pretend Like a Foreigner and Not Understand Korean.


I turned my knees together, one foot on tiptoe as I dropped my shoulders and pouted. “Ah...” I started, pushing the limits of how high my voice could go. “Ah...I'm sor-ry,” I said in English. My teachers had always said I had very good pronunciation. “I don't speak Korean?”


It's okay, I understand English. I'm in a bit of a rush, so can we do this quickly, it's a bit cold.” he said, in his perfect English.


Crap. That's about all the English I could come up with, not to mention I didn't understand a thing he just said after I understand English. Plan B it is then.


Plan Aegyo to Death.


...very well. But I can speak some Korean....” I added rather lamely. I opened my eyes wide, guys always like the innocent doe-eyed look, right? I pursed my lips into a pout and puffed my cheeks, “I'm sorry oppa, it's my first time.” I said, tilting my head so I can look up dramatically at him.


Damn. This man was unfazed.


He looked at me obviously bored and not buying my act, but I was insistent to sell! I can't get into trouble, it Christmas after all- that's it! Christmas!


I was about to open my mouth to ask him to let the issue go in light of the season, but his phone began ringing.


He pulled out a sleek black phone and turned it to his ear. Well, at least his shoes were red, he wasn't all black and emo-ey. I think.


Hello, Minji? I'm a little stuck with something, but I'll pick you up in a bit okay? Oh, you're running late too? That's great, I'll see you later then, wait for me okay?”


By that time, I was already thinking: Great, he had a girlfriend, how was I supposed to exact Plan Seduce This Person?


He returned his gaze to me, “Look, miss, it's a little chilly,” his eyes scanned the area, “Let's talk in that cafe okay? I have to be somewhere, but let's get this done.”


Before I could say no, this guy had started circling the two vehicles and started taking pictures of the point of impact and even the make and license plate of my car. There was no escaping this now.


I didn't have a choice but say yes, and we both parked our cars properly again in front of the coffee shop and the both of us entered the establishment. I was flushed with the warmth inside the shop and the aroma of coffee and tea as soon as we opened the door, and I welcomed the heat gladly. We took a seat somewhere in the middle. I had debated on running away, but I had an awful inkling that this man would have found me nonetheless and that frightened me more than the prospect of just handling the issue right now.


He took the seat across me and a waiter appeared right on cue. We gave out our orders and I sat there awkwardly waiting for my judgement.


Kim Junsu.” he said, extending his hand.


I took it and gave an off-handed shake, “Lee Yeojin.”


Because it's Christmas I'm not going to ask for much, but I really don't appreciate you getting my car scratched. It was your fault after all.”


I opened my mouth to protest, but his eyes were boring into me and I was just into them. In this lighting, he was even more handsome than he was outside. It was probably the proximity, and I leaned in closer to have a good look at him. “You're really going to let me off easily like that?”


He leaned closer as well, leaning on his elbows on the table, “Well, I'll need your contact information too.”


Excuse me?”


Insurance policy.”




He pulled out his phone and and ever so blatantly he snapped a picture of my face. What the?!


“Evidence.” he stated flatly.


I couldn't believe he had done that then, and I still didn't believe it now, but that's beside the point. At that moment, I was caught in between bewilderment, shock, and disbelief at this Kim Junsu person's audacity. My mouth opened and closed like a fish and I was left utterly speechless until our orders arrived.


“Yeojin, yes?” he started, “I'll need your contact information. I'll have you know I'm not going to let this off easily.”


I nodded in defeat.


“It's new isn't it?”




“Your car. It's new isn't it?”


I nodded. I wanted to wipe that amused smirk off his face, how dare he make fun of me like that?! I pulled out a pen and started writing my contact information on a piece of napkin. “How do I know you're not some crazy psycho serial killer?” I asked.


“You'll just have to take my word for it.”


I grit my teeth, “No.”


“Then watch the broadcast for the music show on friday then.”


“What the heck is that supposed to mean?!”


His phone started ringing again and he picked up the call right after the first ring, “Minji, yeah, sure. I'll be there in twenty then.”


His girlfriend?


“I have to get going, but I'll see you here again tomorrow okay?” he snatched the napkin from my hands, leaving a few bills on the table, “don't even think about not showing up, I know where you live.”


I rolled my eyes, “No need to have your girlfriend waiting.” I scoffed.


“She's not my girlfriend, she's more like a sister so no need for you to be jealous this early in a relationship. Tomorrow then, 2PM. Don't be late.”


And with that, Kim Junsu left the cafe. I stayed for a little while longer, it could have been worse, he could have filed an incident report and that's never a good thing for me. Sighing, I asked for the tab and left immediately after paying. Music broadcast on friday?


I met with him the next day, and the next, and the next, until that friday music broadcast show and he apparently was a member of this new idol group. You see after watching that you'd think I'd stop seeing him given the nature of his work but Mr. Kim Junsu was insistent. We started seeing each other after that, surprisingly or not.


And now here I was waiting for him some amount of time later.


“Been waiting long?” Junsu asked, suddenly appearing from behind me, dropping a kiss on the top of my head.


“I shook my head, no, it's okay, how's Minji and the others?”


“Good.” Junsu took the seat across me on the same table from what seemed like such a long time ago.


“What is it?” I asked, sensing something I couldn't quite put a finger to.


“Happy Monthsary.”


Excuse me?


Junsu continued, “Well, third monthsary.”


“Monthsary? Are we even going out?”


“Well, I don't know about you, but I've been seeing you since you scratched my car.”




Well, that was a very blunt way to put it. I smiled at him unable to hide my delight. Oh destiny. You are such a tease.

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Chapter 1: lol that was interesting, nice story

found this in the 'random story'
blueskygrey #2
i had a great time
LOL!!! oh my gawt this is amazing, daebak!!
Junsu character just so.. cute, eh? idk
i wouldn't he crash into my new car, even if it's ferrari... well if the pay is meeting Junsu, and suddenly being 'lover'
Lol!! just so love this one
All I can do is laugh... hahahahahaha... Junsu is a mess... OMG... hahahaha... kind of makes Me wish that something like that would happen to Me... kind... the last thing I want is to get into an accident... whether it jus leaves a scratch or not... but that was sweet... and Believe Junsu would actually do something like if it was to ever happen to him
haha reread both Su fics XP They're the exact opposite hahah oh and XD Minji
onairosnma #6
this is so cute.. i wonder why i read this just now.
Adorkable... My friend would gush out crazily if she saw this... LoL
kyeoptamest #8
cute ^^
hmmmmm :3
Aww Jun.K, so direct but so cute ^^<br />
I see Minji haha xP more connections