Leave Behind


It was all a mistake............


Today of course was another lie, another lie that slipped through my lips.


It became a habit to say the words "I love you", but it seemed forced and it was full of emptiness. 



Finally arriving at his apartment he stood in the front smiling to himself like an idiot. 


With that I went to pack. The only thing I left was my presence and a note that he would have read by the time he went back into the room. 
Unknowingly tears covered my pale cheeks. 
The word that slips out of my mouth everyday "I love you" became a habit
and every time I say it my stomach churns. 
It's not that I don't love her anymore but it' just that I did something
to her that even I can't bring myself to admit anything. 
I started sobbing to myself until I heard the front door close. 
That was it; that was what made me finally wake up from my trance. 
It was too late now I can't just go hold her back after what I have

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God i love this story so much :)
it was really really nice and touching... ^__^