One - My first step

I'm a warrior, what are you to me

"Out of the star in the sky, the northern star is the one you must look our for. It will lead your way, no matter where you are."


"URGH!! They are still chasing me! What the...!??!?!"

~~~~~~ hastily dropped a few explosive pins on the floor to distract the Black Warriors, but they simply jumped over them and continued chasing me.

If only she had calculated a little better; her miscalculations had caused her to be spotted by guards at the Dark Association. Now, ~~~~~~ is trying to get out of the Dark Forest, and she has no idea where it leads to. Eventhough she herself, is a well-trained female warrior, capable of doing various stunts with her renowned snake whip, her specialty in martial arts. However this time, she had set of the alarm and at least a dozen Dark Warriors were hot on her heels right now.

"AHh!" ~~~~~~ Got hit by a poisoned dart, and her right arm was bleeding profusely. She continued to race forth, bumping into trees and branches along the way as she had gradually lost her senses and could not concentrate on the road ahead. "Please.... me!..." ~~~~~~ thought.


At the other end of the forest, stood the might TS Association, the martial arts academy that trained and brought up upright warriors that served the people. Their greatest enemy was of course, the people and students of the Dark Association. That  fine day, he was sitting by the great big rock, closing his eyes and breathing in the fresh scent of lilies. Just then, his ears twitched. "Someone.. of the Dark Association??!"

Immediately, he got hold of his blazen sword and took it out of its sheath. He got into position, and embraced himself for the enemy that was approaching. "About.... ten odd of them...Not too strong, but I still have to be careful. There's someone's like a mixture of Dark Assiocation aura and...." as he was millions of questions popped up in his mind, he wa jolted back to his senses when he heard s blood-curdling cry.

"A GIRL???!" he gasped, and ran forward to check out what was going on.


Then, ~~~~~~ was only about twenty metres from the end of the forest. She saw a big fortress of the TS Association and darted forward to hide behind some of the big rocks. As she ran, she tripped over a dangling branch and plunged forward, down the slope.

"Miss! Hello!? Are you alright? Please answer me!!" he shook her, trying to get her back to her sense. He sighed, and stared at her bloodied arm. Thankfully, at that moment, when ~~~~~~ was rolling down the slope, he caught her before her head came into contact with the big rocks.

He placed her by the side of the rock, so that she could lean and rest on it. He could still sense her breathing, so she was still alive.

He took a deep breath. And concentrated on the incomming targets. The moment he opened his eyes, four men cloaked in black flew out from the bushes and pranced at him. In a swift move, his sword and had made many visible slashes on their limbs. From the corner of his eye, he saw two men approaching ~~~~~~, and hastily went back to get rid of them. Now, all twelve Dark warriors were before him. He set off his final blow; a bright orange light, caused the twelve of them to disperse immediately and flee, half injured.

He went forward to try to get hold of the intruders, but had just missed them by a bit.

When he went back to the big rock, he could not find ~~~~~~ anymore. In the original postition, stood a emerald talisman, with a special design of a cross.

"Daehyun, what happened?" Himchan appeared from inside of the academy. "I heard some cry for help."

"I've taken control of the situation already, however, the victim is gone too."

"The victim's a  SHE, right?"

"How'd you...?" "I'm an expert with girls of course. That talisman you are holding, it belongs to her, right?"

"Yeah I guess Master Jung would know what to do with this."




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midst_lhady22 #1
Chapter 5: yes! its because of goodamet!!! gosh,, man!!! TAT i feel sad when they ddnt give back her dad....
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