[Review] Charming Elegance

A Secret I Would Die For

Title : A Secret I Would Die For
Author : ruwee
URL : http://www.winglin.net/fanfic/mengruifan5/
Reviewed by : Betty

Title: 10/10
The moment I read your title, only one word can make me said it loud to myself and that’s ‘Wow!’ In winglin, there aren’t many interesting title which can attracted me that much and your title seems to be one of the interesting title I’ve seen! And besides, it matches with your story a whole lot and I think I can never think of another title to suit the story.

Poster: 5/5
What a splendid graphic! I’ve always loved Vann’s art since the day I’ve known her popular site! Other than that, the pictures of the graphic also matched everything to the story. I guess I have nothing more else to comment.

Background: 5/5
Excellent, it goes with the poster and it doesn’t cover the color of the words.

Forewords: 10/10
It’s been sometime since I’ve read good forewords in winglin. First, your English is good and your described everything in detailed just perfectly. It’s totally like I grabbed a book from a bookstore and read at the back of the book to read the summary!

Plot: 9/10
Frankly speaking, I seriously adore your plot a lot, especially the starting. Also, it was quite unexpected between the foreword and the chapters. I thought one day Chun might really kill Ella if she was the one who killed his parents but who turns out that Selina was the suspect! The other part of the unexpected was the forewords were all actually a dream! It really fooled me from the beginning until I know the truth when I continue reading it! And last but not least, your epilogue is another thing which surprised me! I never would have though Chun kept the secret until he dies!

Spelling /Grammar/Vocabulary: 15/15
Well I don’t really spot any mistakes but did spotted few spelling errors only. But it’s okay and overall, everything just looks fine and doesn’t bother me to kill marks in here.

Creativity: 13/15
Speaking about creativity, I think it may be a little different from other stories I’ve read so far but I guess there are certain parts which I do think it’s a bit similar to some stories. But I guess I do think it’s quite creative when you set Ella was the one going to be killed by Chun someday, especially when almost the whole story is based on Ella’s point of view. And as I mentioned before, your plot is consider quite unexpected as well as a little bit of creativity.

Writing style: 5/5
It was neat and I guess I have no comments about here.

Reader friendly: 5/5
It’s very friendly of you to reply whatever comments your reader left you. And well, your readers do loved your story a lot.

Characters: 5/5
Chun and Ella are my favourite pairings!

Flow of story: 10/10
Wow, everything seems to go just fine with it! Nothing to comment about here either!

Bonus: 5/5
I’m reading your story the first time but after reading everything, I just can’t help but click on chapter one to read the story again! You’ve done really well in this fanfic and I enjoyed reading it more than I expected.

Total: 97/100


Thanks a lot! Super very much, haha. Thanks for taking time to read my story. :D

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DancingQueenHyoyeon #3
cute story! Please keep making more like this!