


You've spotted me. I can see the way your chocolate colored eyes spark up the second you see me. The only thing separating us now is a mere few inches.
You try and reach up, standing on your tip toes, and then jump. Jumping, you make sounds of struggle, but your eyes and set with determination. I will be yours, you've decided. Your small childish hands barely brushes me, but now that you've touched me, you need me.
A taller figure comes along, and lifts you by the waist, up up up. Your eyes shimmer as your lips turn up in a smile. Your hands shoot to grasp me, and squeeze me. "Daddy, can I have him?" you cry.
Once you've been set down, your father pats your head and replies, "Sure, sweetie. Anything for my little princess."  That's all you need to hear, and soon enough you are grasping me, arms around me, barely fitting all the way around. You're a skinny little thing, awkward six year old legs with twig like arms. You're strange, yet I like you already.
And then you're placing me on a strange sort of moving seat, in a strange place. Just a moment ago I could see my own kind, so many identical just like me. But then you had singled me out, and we were passing through a place that was beeping noisily. A pair of rough hands threw me carelessly into a bag, which crinkled and made weird sounds when I was placed in it.  
You gently pulled me out and held me to your chest again, patting my soft body as you murmured sweet things into my ears. Hand in paw in hand, we left my home to a new place.
You sit in a strange sort of chair as your father ties you down with several grey bands, and then I'm sitting on your lap as your father smiles at me and gently ruffles my fur. "So Mr. Bear, how was your day so far?"
You wrinkled your nose at him and replied back, "Daddy, his name is Teddy." The man nodded, chuckling to himself and said, "Alright, Teddy it is.” 
Teddy. My new name. I like it. You take me home, and then to your room, all decorated in a pale yellow. There are pictures of you all over the place, you and your father, and some other woman. She’s pretty, like you. You look like her, the same eyes. I like your eyes, I decide as you place me on a soft pillow.
You lay on the bed staring at me on your stomach, sighing before speaking out loud, “You know what day it is Teddy? It’s my birthday. And because I got your today, it’s your birthday too.”
So it’s my birthday. What is that exactly? I really don’t know, but you seem to act like it’s a good thing, so it must be.
Your father appears at your door and says softly, “Honey, it’s almost time.” You nod and head towards another door, and after a few moments come out in a dress. It’s yellow, but not a bright yellow, it’s pale and it looks good on you. You head towards your nightstand and pull out some yellow ribbon, tying a piece at the end of your braid carefully and then one around my neck. Your fingers are gentle and soft, like a mother tending to her child.
You take me in your arms again and we head downstairs. Many more people your size are there, and your father is speaking, he’s saying something funny from the way the children are laughing. You laugh too, and I feel happy. Laughter means happiness right? Well then, that means you’re happy.   

The day passes on with laughter and other happy sounds, I'm shown, but not touched, to several people, and I'm admired. You smile brightly, your baby teeth appearing everytime someone said something about me.

Soon your father brings out a white rectangle with yellow flowers on it. He reads out in in his deep and comforting voice, I like his voice, it makes me feel safe, my other sense of familiarity other than being in your arms. "Happy Birthday to my dear daughter, and of course, the newest member of our household, Teddy." 

Your grin grows wider, if that's even possible and you cry out, "Thank you Daddy!" Daddy. I like Daddy. He's a kind man, with a nice smile. Right, his smile looks just like yours. Toothy and sort of goofy, but it's genuine. 

He lights fire to colorful sticks sticking out from the white rectangle and you blow out the fire, your arm around me, clutching me and I hear you whisper softly, "I wish for me and Daddy and Teddy to be together forever."

I don't know why you have to close your eyes and blow out the fire, but as you hold me tightly, I wish the same thing. 
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