I Can Help You Save The World...

[discontinued] Rogue

"Sir, the student profiles you asked for." a husky low voice said.
"Give them to me." Lee Dong Su said
"Yes, sir." The messenger immediately laid the folder on the floor.
"Are they complete?" Dong Su looked at him. 
"Yes, sir. All four girls." The messenger slowly backed away,and left the dim room.
Dong Su reached over to open the folder.

Name: Im Minhee
Age: 17
Special skills: 
-Fluent in six languages: Korean, English, Thai, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese.
-Flexibility - a three time gold medal winner for SouthKorea`s National Gymnastics.
-Quick, agile
NOTE: Dead father(shot), and very distant mother. Sister, Im Yoona of SNSD.
Dong Su nodded in approval. He flipped to the next one.
Name: Kwon Heeneul
Age: 17 
Special skills: 
-Martial arts
-Very fast.
Note: Being the same age, she had grown close to Minhee, and her sister is Kwon Yuri. Yuri and Yoona, being in the same group, had brought them somehow close.
He grinned slightly and flipped to the next page. 
Name: Hwang Jaemin
Age: 18
Special skills:
-Knows 2 types of martial arts
"Mmmm." he mumbled, nodding.
Name: Choi Mina
Age: 18
Special Skills:
-Good with swords
-Ninja / martial arts
-Exceptional aim with guns
-Knows the weak points of a human body
-Can kill. With her own. two. hands.
"Sir?" a knock on the door was heard.
"Yes?" Dong Su asked.
"The men are ready."
"Ah." Dong Su smirked. "Well, send them to the school."
Dong Su looked at the folder. "My plan is about to complete."
Im Minhee yawned in class, then played with her dark bracelets. The bell rang. Time for extra-curs. She stood up and walked slowly into the hallway. She twirled a lock of her silky hair and continued walking. She then heard a swift whoosh of wind. Her head snapped back, looking behind her. "Who`s there?" she asked, crouching, as if ready to pounce. Suddenly, someone pushed her onto the floor. "Who-who are y-you?" she stuttered. 
"Shh." the man said. Suddenly, everything went black.
Minhee opened her eyes. "Wh-where am I?" Her vision cleared slightly, and she saw three other girls sitting beside her, wearing the same half-horrified, half-inspired expressions on their porcelain faces. Their hands were tied up, and they were bound to chairs. "Do you know where we are?" she whispered to the other girls.
"No." they shook their heads blankly.
"Let ME answer that question for you." a man said. They all looked up. An old man was towering over them. "I am, well, just call me Father."
Minhee managed to wriggle out of her binds. She immediately took hold of the man`s neck. "What do you want?" she glared at him.
"AMAZING." he chuckled. She was shocked at his response. She looked behind her shoulder to see the other men laughing, as well. She turned back to "Father". But he wasn`t there. He slowly tapped her on her shoulder from behind. She quickly turned around and grabbed him. "WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?" she asked one more time. 
"Your loyalty." Once again, he managed to wriggle out of her grasp. More like teleport. But the other three girls immediately caught him by surprise.
"What do you mean?" asked a girl. She kept her grip on him tight. 
"Men." he said. The men [in black] started to grab the girls. They fought back, but simply couldn`t escape, with knives pressing on their throats, daring to poke through their delicate skin.
The man stepped back. "My name is..."
"RAIN." smirked a girl. 'Father' raised an eyebrow, but ignored the pun.
"Lee Dongsu, and I can help you save the world."
So I decided to pick only 4 girls. It`s not that I don`t like your apps, I really wanted to pick you all, but it`s easier for me to write with 4 girls. SORRY. :>
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@undakbar WHOOPS, I FORGOT TO FIX THAT. I only decided to pick 4 girls, because it would be easier to write with only four. To those I didn`t pick, sorry, nothing personal. I loved your apps, but it`s easier with only four.
can´t be helped...<br />
btw..the latest chapter...there must be a mistake.<br />
the guy said: "Yes, sir. All five girls."...yet you listed only 4 profiles O_o<br />
or did I miss something?
The teaser is good. (:
just so you know, i never read the teaser before i applied. i like the teaser :)
sapphireBlueJack #5
applied as Miya Kirihara ... :D
...to me this was pretty good! XD<br />
applied as Her Sae Rok
Hi, i've applied as Choi Yeon Gi. (: