I want a Jelly

I want a Jelly

"Hyung, I want a jelly ... can you make it for me?", Taemin speaks to Key who was sitting on the couch with him.

"MWO? Jelly? Oh,Of course I'll make it for you my sweet heart ... ", Key Taemin’s head spoiled. Then he rose from the couch, went to his room, and quickly came out with jackets, hats, and sunglasses.

"I will go out briefly to buy ingredients to make jelly, so wait patiently at home ...", Key walked to Taemin and his head again. Taemin just smiled, and walked to Key to open the door for him.

"where’s Kibum going?", Onew asked to Taemin after seeing his ‘wife’ out alone from their dorm.

"Oh, Appa! Umma want to buy the ingredients to make jelly for me. "Taemin smiled happy to answer the question. And he walked toward the couch, sitting next to the Minho which is busy with book in his hand.

"He went his own? Why did you not go with him? And , why do you suddenly want to eat jelly? "Onew asked again.

"I do not know Hyung, I suddenly want to eat that, and Umma would make it,well…its must be delicious!", Taemin giggling happily and hugged Minho that quiet sitting beside him.

"You always ask for anything to him, I rarely ...", Onew muttering to himself.

"Hyung, if you want something, you can just tell your wife, do not blame my Taemin.", Minho satirical his Hyung. Onew glanced towards Minho, he wondered why his doangsaeng’s ears were so sensitive .

"I'll ask him to make something for me later." Onew left them to enter  his room. They simply accompany Onew with giggles. They think it was jealous of their Hyung because Taemin always overlooked by his wife, Kim Kibum.


Onew opened his bedroom door, he yawned, and glanced at the clock in front of him. Already at 4 pm, he slept long enough wait for Key's that being out go to shopping. He expanded his views throughout the dorm, there was no sign of life of their members who are always making noise at dorm. Then he walked down to check the TV room, but then he heard a noise in the kitchen. He walked towards the kitchen, and could see into the TV room, no one there, where all the inhabitants of this house? He thought.

"Yeobo?", Onew had stood at kitchen door, saw the figure of Key who is standing wearing a pink apron in front of the stove.

"Ah, Yeobo ... you awake?", Key turned, over to 'husband', and put his hands on the Onew neck. Onew Key’s hair and smiled at him.

"well, I just woke up, and heard a noise in the kitchen ...", Onew looked Key , he is still hanging in front of him, then glanced at the corner of the kitchen. "What are you doing? Cook for dinner? ", Onew asked and pointed at the kitchen table.

"Hmm .. I'm made some jelly for my baby Taemin. ", Key giggles happy. And let go off his arms, busy with his activities again.

"You're not tired?", Onew sitting in a chair not far from where Key standing. Key answered only by looking at Onew, shaking his head with a cheerful smile. Onew shore up his chin, staring at Key that busy preparing material of Jelly.

"Where are the other members? Why do not you ask Taemin to help you,Yeobo? ", Onew looked around the dorm they were a very quiet day. Onew does not have a schedule as well as Key, and therefore they relax at home.

"Jonghyun go to training with his SM the ballad, 2min couple was dating outside,maybe? And us, being in the kitchen. ", Key explained. Onew glanced worry, this is a holiday, Why  their Maknae ask to Key for made a Jelly? who should be able to rest in peace, not to cook favorite food for their baby.

"You should be able to rest today, but because your child demands it, you have to stick in the kitchen all day ...", Onew muttered.

"YAH! why? I was happy to make food for him, so I do not feel tired ... ", Key defensively.

"Yah right Yeobo... but you've always spoiled him, what he wants you always do. I rarely ask you something. "Onew said in a bored tone. Key turned, stared at Onew.

"What's wrong with you? I did not spoiled him, I'm just happy to make him happy because of my food. ", Key looked puzzled. Why did his boyfriend as if jealous of what he did on the other members.

"Nothing's okay, I'm just surprised. So you love him until willing to spend your rest time to make something for him. "Onew did not realize his words this time to make his boyfriend gave him a puzzled look.

"I think there was something strange happened to you. Why are you suddenly so cold behave like this? I just do what I like. And this does not become a burden for me?", Key staring Onew with furrowed brow, trying to guess what is really on Onew mind now. Onew caught the sight of Key unhappy over his words.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry, I did not mean to satirize you. I'm just worried about you, I just want you to little concerned about your health, and stop busy in the kitchen every day. "Onew walked up to Key, he prefers relented and did not prolong the problem.

Key still staring at Onew with furrowed brow, not understand.

"Satirize me? So you're sarcasm me before? why? What makes you not satisfied with me? ", Key said looked Onew cynical. Onew widen his eyes, shocked with Key's response was to take seriously his words.

"aah, hm, it's not like that… I mean ..."

"Then what? " Key cutting. "Oh, I know. You say that you rarely ask me something, and I always did what  Taemin want. You mean is that if you ask me anything I rarely do for you, isn it? Do you envy to him? ", Key joked to Onew, gazing searchingly with his boyfriend. Onew make a mouth-shaped 'O' in shock to hear Key’s words.

"Hey, Yeobo ... I do not talk like that, right?"

"Stop, enough. I do not understand what happened to you today? Now you're out of the kitchen, I want to cook a jelly for my Taeminniie", Key pushed out Onew body of his territory with look of annoyance.

"Ya..Yah, Yeobo… listen to me ..."

"I Do not want ... you go out, or I'll mad at you ..", Key harder push Onew out of the kitchen. Onew calling his name from front door of the kitchen, but Key did not heed him. Onew finally gave up, and sat in the TV room, what was wrong with his words? He just said the truth, but the situation became tense, he felt he outrageous to Key, he felt that it was true he seems jealous to Taemin.


Onew looked Taemin, Minho, and Jonghyun was sitting in front of him and ate jelly made by Key. They had just come home from their activities, dating exactly, for 2min couple. Onew chewing a piece of fried chicken in his hand, he does not eat jelly that made by Key. Not because they do not like it, he really liked all Key’s dishes, for him, all Key’s dishes is the Key’s Love that give for him.

But this time, Key only serves for the other members, he did not bring a jelly for Onew. Onew looked at Key  who was sitting next to Taemin who praised his jelly, Key repeatedly smiled and Taemin’s head Taemin.

"Hyung, do not you eat this jelly?", Minho breaking his reverie.

"Ohh,right, why do not you eat this, hyung? You know, this jelly most delicious I've ever ate.Hyungg…~~.” Taemin staring Onew with happy giggles.

"He did not want to.", Key answered their question with a look so sarcastic. Onew just shut up and stared at the three members in front of him.

"Huh? Hell yah, this is very tasty ... not normally what you do not eat it that cooked by your wife ...? ", Jonghyun stared Onew with a puzzled look. Onew just shut up and chew the chicken, then looked at Key, but then Key turned away from Onew. Feeling something was wrong between their leader and the almighty Key, Minho stand and put a plate that is up to the sink plate. Then come back again, and pulled Taemin who also has finished eating to go to his room.

"Ummaa ~ ~ gomawoooo, I'm glad you made it for me, very tasty." Taemin stood to his Umma that he still seated on the floor.

"Anything for you, my baby.", Key reviews the lips smile, then glanced toward Onew cynical.

"Huaah ~, I think this desert is enough to drive me to sleep soundly. I go to bed first,yosh? Bye! ", Jonghyun move from his seat, he also understands there is something going on between Onkey couple in front of him.

"Me too! Come on, Taemin! ", Minho took Taemin and headed to their room.

"good night, Appa, umma ~", Taemin waved his hand, and walk follow Minho. Key and Onew smiled and said good night to Taemin.

Then the atmosphere between them be silent, awkward, and there are no words that come out of their mouths. Key sat silently staring at the TV screen, and Onew still chewing his chicken that will be exhausted.

"I want to wash dishes, you go to bed first.", Key finally solve their awkward atmosphere, and walked into the kitchen. Onew glanced at the corner of his eye. He stared at the figure of Key to disappear into the kitchen. He had to clarify all the words in the day, he felt his boyfriend was very angry and disappointed with his attitude. Onew finally move from the couch, and walked towards the kitchen.


He stood for a moment on the verge of the kitchen door, set his breath stared Key that standing in front of him.

"What do you want?", Key sudden surprising him. Onew caught awkwardly standing behind Key. He tried to be as natural as possible to look at Key. He drew breath again, and walked over to Key.

"I ... I want to eat a jelly,yeobo…." Onew hugging Key waist from behind ,suddenly. But Key did not react to anything, still do the dishes in front of him, but there is no movement that he would reject Onew action.

"It  exhausted.", Key replied briefly. Onew pouted his mouth, his boyfriend is very hard to be persuaded if he was angry.

"Then make another one for me.", moving his arms to Key’s shoulder.

"I must take a rest, that's what you say to me ,do you?", Key still would not look at him, and was busy cleaning the dishes. Onew sighed, and did not want to let go of his arms.

"Let go, I had to take it all, and go rest.", Key trying to get rid Onew’s hand. But it's useless, his arms stronger.

"LEE JINKI!", Key shout, turned angrily towards Onew. Then his expression slowly softened, Onew looked at her with sad eyes. Onew hand now on Key waist, their bodies are still close.

"Let Off!", Key looked Onew serious.


"Let me go!" Key looked at Onew wish to kill him.


"YAH! WHAT DO Y --- mmf ", before he finished his words, thin lips were silenced by the Onew’s thick lips. He tried to let go of the kiss, but useless, Onew's hand hugged him tight, and his hands pressed Key heads to keep kissing him. Onew dominate. Onew’s teeth pulled Key’s thin lips, he kissed Key deeper, his tongue into the oral cavity, all Key’s teeth by him.

Key can not lie to his feelings, he threw himself on Onew slowly, his hand pushing Onew’s head to be closer to him. Deepened their kiss, full of feeling, such as had not been met. Then they broke a kiss to take a breath, they looked at each other with wheezing.

"You cheated!", Key looked annoyed, but he did not hide his face felt so flushed, and his heart pounding. Onew smiled looked pretty boy in front of him.

"I'm not. I only give you what you want, and deserve what I give you. "Onew winked. Key chuckle.

"You were jealous of Taemin, did you?  Even not, I still judge you like that. ", Key began to discuss their problems. Onew take a deep breath and looked at his lover.

"Yes ... I envy to him, I apologize. I think you are more dear to him compared to me, I think that you were happy to see him smile more than you saw me, you .. "

"But for me, theres only you can make me happy." Key cut Onew again. Onew paused, then smiled and looked at his lover.

"I love Taemin, he's the sweetest boy I've ever encountered. But ... ", Key  put his arm around Onew’s neck and pulled his face closer to the Onew face.

"But, people who make me happy and excited every day There's only one… it is You, the person who made me think I will not be tired, it was you, because every time I get tired, and I want to fall asleep, I just simply hug your body, all energy lost if re-emerges, and when you hold me, when it was I became the happiest person, you understand,Lee jinki? ", then Key pressed his forehead pat on the Onew’s head with a smile.

Onew sigh of relief, how much he loved the man in front of him. He is very grateful to GOD have send an angel who is very handsome and cute, and loved him more than he could imagine.

"I know, And I really know you love me more than what I can imagined." Onew left Key’s cheek it gently.

"Of course. I give you my love veeeerrry…. much. ", Key expressed his feelings with his hands stretched out wide like Yoogeun on Hello baby.

"Hahahaha ... Yoogeuniie's style!", Onew laugh at the behavior of Key which is considered he is a Diva. His Aegyo in this time very funny, and he liked it. They both laughed, hugged each other.

"AH, Actually, I'm leaving the jelly in the refrigerator for you.", Key off his arms and walked to the refrigerator. But a second later, Onew pull Key waist, and hugged him again from behind.

"Andweeee ... I just want to eat you, your skin is already supple like jelly." Onew buried his head in Key’s neck, and bite the Key’s neck of a white-and soft-, which makes key groaned.

"Aaa .. aaaargh.. ~ wha-what are you doing?", Key turned, looked at Onew with hot flushes. Onew smiled grinned.

"Just enjoy your taste, I think you're no less delicious like Jelly!", Onew pulled Key’s chin trying to kiss him again. But then his lips closed by Key’s hand.

"YAH,WaeeeEE… ??!", Onew surprised his actions was rejected.

"I think we should back to our room, you know ... here is very cold, and ... no blankets.", Key said as he played his index finger on Onew cheek with a naughty eyes. Onew smiled at the behavior of his lover. He nodded in understanding. And then pull Key arms to the room. After that, for God sake, we know what will happen next between them. (you can add the scene according to your imagination) cool ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.

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sarafu #1
!! that was really cute ^^ i love it too
sannDictator #2
@amazmi : thankiss darling... TT^TT
awww, this is cute ! ^^ love it !