
The woes of an idol in training

(A/N : THERE"LL BE SOME CURSE WORDS HERE AND THERE. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU.I'm writing this in a 'you' perspective so that you'll be able to imagine the pains of training being inflicted to you. Sorry I'm so sadistic, I'm just so sick and tired of my friends congratulating me and all that crap.)

You were 14. You were an avid SM fan. You wanted to be like them so much, on stage, fans chanting your name. You lived in Singapore, a small yet lucky country, blessed with numerous visits from Hallyu wave idols. Unfortunately, not being amazingly wealthy, you were never able to go to any of their concerts. Your grades were average. The typical fangirl. Nothing special about you.

You had a little talent. Dancing. However your room was too small and you kept knocking into things. You longed for your friends to do dance covers with you but they were too shy.

In a dead end. Bursting out with talent, yet not able to polish it. You were very close to snapping. Frustration was the word that described you the most those days.

One day after a really long school day, you were walking home. nothing special. But then you walked by the same alley you've walked by for years and heard some muffled noise.

Curiousity got the better of you and you went in and checked it out.

Music. Not just any music... Dubstep! 

You loved to dance to dubstep.

As you walked the music got louder and louder.


You found yourself infront of large wooden broken slat.

But you didn't understand. How could music come from a piece of wood? You pushed it away.

And found heaven on earth.

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