Host vs Real



‘Junsu…  You have a request in room ten when you are ready.’



The voice flowed softly through the beats of music, through a thin curtain and into a room where Junsu stood fixing the sleeves of his grey tailored suit, adjusting the sparkling cuffs at the end and straightening out the wrinkles that tried to form along the seams, it was a new suit and though he had worn many of these, they always seemed so stiff when they were fresh and new.  Junsu sighed, shivering out the stiffness his body felt before his eyes glanced up to the mirror that stood directly in front of him, his eyes taking a quick look over his face, smiling genuinely at the flawless skin that was his own before shrugging his shoulders and settling comfortably into the suit he wore.  He could feel the good day seeping in as the smile faded and the cold appearance of himself came back to his eyes, this pleased him as he backed away and his bottom lip, a normal day was always a good day he supposed.



Pushing back the curtains of the dressing room, Junsu entered a long narrow hall, soft velvet colors decorating the walls, batches of roses hanging from golden flower pots stuck tightly to the walls, pictures of what seemed to be angels scattered in random spots that could be filled with nothing else, but seemed to bring out a lovely over all image even to the dressing quarters of the male host‘s.  Junsu puckered his lips, his hands pulling down the front of his suit as he easily moved past these in an instant, never bothering to admire the beauty he got to see…  Perhaps it was because he got to see them every day that the significance of it all wasn’t so important anymore, and it faded into something dull for him.  None the less, Junsu exited the velvet hall way, finding himself in a bar set up, dimmed lights with shades of red covering the new room, male hosts flocking about, entering rooms where ladies, and even some men sat awaiting the company from what was known as a host, some even catered outside the rooms at small booths that could only hold two people, unlike the room where anyone could enter as long as access was granted.  Junsu couldn’t help but smile as he breathed in the smoky air and began moving down the line of rooms, reading off the numbers with quick glances before stopping at a well sized room that held the number ten above its door way in bold print.  Junsu carefully pulled at the door, it coming open easily as a puff of fragrant perfume hit him.



‘About time you finished getting ready.  It’s never nice to keep a lady waiting you know.’



A female voice spoke, Junsu closing the door silently before turning towards the woman that sat with legs crossed on the dark blue couch that circled the room.  He bowed with a hand against his chest before raising himself to speak.



‘My apologies Hyorin, you usually don’t come so early on weekdays.’



Junsu spoke, making his way over to the couch to take a seat next to the brunette woman who crossed her arms over her chest, head slightly turning towards Junsu who eased his way next to her, his hands already outstretched for the bottle of alcohol that sat waiting to be poured into the two glasses next to it.  Junsu wasn’t hesitant to wait, the liquid coming out smooth and easy as he lifted the glass just in time to meet the waiting hands of Hyorin who leaned back instantly and let out a rather large sigh.  Junsu’s lip twitched.



‘That was such a heavy sigh,’



Junsu announced aloud, taking his own glass and leaning back, an arm circling Hyorin’s shoulder as she huffed and poked out her bottom lip, taking a sip of her alcohol, Junsu doing the same, swished it around after pulling it back, awaiting for the flow of conversation to begin.  Of course Hyorin did not fail to comply.



‘I think my boyfriend is starting to dislike me.’



Hyorin spoke, looking down at her shoes, her foot moving in a circle, Junsu taking a long drink from his cup before a small smile formed on his lips.



‘Well honey, have you been giving him that y attitude as always?’



He asked, earning a pinch from Hyorin who obviously couldn’t help but smile.



‘That deserves it though Junsu!  He’s been nothing but mean to me!’



Hyorin stated, holding her glass close to her lips, nibbling along the edge, glancing over to Junsu who looked a little lost in his thoughts, he turned towards her, his shoulders shrugging.



‘Well there’s your problem then, no wonder he probably dislikes you.’



Junsu spoke, earning a death glare from Hyorin who only snuggled closer to him, her head resting against his shoulder, she let her hands rest in her lap, her eyes peering through the glass to the dark crimson liquid that swished around, a frown forming along her lips.



‘Will you help me a little Junsu Oppa?’


Hyorin asked with a sweet voice now, her eyes fluttering as she looked up at him through her lashes, Junsu already almost done with his first glass of alcohol, the rim of the glass being barely taken away from his lips, his face no longer a smile, but a simple look illuminated by the dark reds that shone into the room, he didn’t even glance her way before speaking.






Hyorin pouted her lip yet again as she got up on her knees, the couch sinking in as she placed both hands on Junsu’s shoulder, the man’s lips twitched as Hyorin looked pleading his way, the short hot pink dress she was wearing slowly starting to ride up over her thighs.  Funny though cause she did this often when she didn’t get her way, but she wasn’t exactly doing it to entice the man into getting her way, it was more of her way of not caring while she was throwing a temper tantrum because she wasn’t getting her way.



‘Pllleease Oppa!  I like my boyfriend very much so!’



She groaned, shaking his shoulders back and forth, Junsu raised an eye brow, he didn’t look amused, but then again when this happened, he never did.



‘Then why do you come here so often.’



Junsu asked, taking Hyorin’s hand’s and removing it from his shoulders, Hyorin blinked a few times before slumping back down into her seat, her arms re-crossing over her chest, her side plastered to Junsu’s.



‘Oppa is so mean.’



Hyorin mumbled, causing Junsu to give a wicked grin, the female taking not even a second to stand, her dress being tugged down, her hair flipping over her shoulder, even through the dark lighting her perfect figure could be seen, her body posing like a model unconsciously as she glared down at Junsu before taking her cup in hand and downing it all in one.



‘I have a request.’



She demanded suddenly, Junsu finishing off his drink before pouring another cup for himself and Hyorin; she walked swiftly around the table in front of them, her hips swaying, and the taps of her heels clicking to the beat of the faint music.  She stopped at the nearest wall, allowing her body to be pressed up against it.  Junsu eyed her from his position on the couch.



‘You know I can’t refuse, you’re the one paying hun.’



He spoke, Hyorin’s lips twitching into a smile as she leaned forward slightly, her hand gripping her dress in a seductive way, strands of hair falling over her shoulder.  It was no wonder this woman was here, her body oozed appeal and money all over.  Junsu placed his foot on his knee as the girl looked shyly his way.



‘Tomorrow I want to pay to take you on a date with me.  But not just us alone, I have a few friends I’m taking out tomorrow night, and I knew you wouldn’t agree to go if I just asked you to come without it having to deal with work.’



Hyorin spoke, her smile dazzling; body shifting nervously, Junsu furrowed his eyes brows.  It wasn’t like he’d been on dates before with some of his clients, but to be in a crowd would be a first.  Junsu placed his glass on the table, lifting hers to offer it to her.



‘I’ve never been in a large crowd before, why not take that of a boyfriend and make up with him?’



Junsu asked, Hyorin making a sour face as she moved back towards him, taking her glass in hand, sipping it carefully, she shook her head back and forth.



‘He’s such a bore when it comes to being with my friends, plus this new guy that just moved from Boston will be accompanying us~  I really like to impress new friends and you sir are the best choice for this sort of job!  You’re so blunt and straight to the point people will fall in love with you!’



She stated, her heels clacking louder the more excited she got, she placed a knee on the table now as she set her glass down again, Junsu eyed it then looked back up at her, a finger already twirling at a strand of hair, her eyes pleading towards Junsu.  His shoulders shrugged.



‘You’re the one paying for it.’



He spoke, Hyorin’s shining smile bright on her face as her hands clapped together, just in time for the door to her room to be opened, both turning to meet a surprised gaze of an attendant who stood shyly at the door.



‘U-Uh, it’s time for your next reservation Jun.k.’



He spoke, Hyorin glancing back to Junsu who his lower lip, mouthing the words ‘new’ to the female who made an ‘o’ shape with and turned back towards the young attendant, a smile retracing her lips.



‘He’ll be out in just a moment sweet heart; I just need a few more minutes.’



She stated, the boy quickly nodded, his body bowing before quickly exiting and shutting the door.  Junsu stood easily as he readjusted his now slightly wrinkled suit, pulling down his jacket and approaching Hyorin, she laughed sweetly and low as a finger traced his button and she looked up through her lashes,



‘Will you wear black for me tomorrow?’



She asked, Junsu sighed, and he really couldn’t deny such a request, not from one of his best customers.  He nodded his head, Hyorin cheering to herself as she back away, her feet taking her back to the couch where she sat down.



‘Normal time as always my Jun.k oppa,’



She implied ily, her legs crossing, hand giving a short wave as Junsu cocked his head before straightening himself and exiting the room, he wasn’t exactly sure if tomorrow was something he was going to be looking forward to, crowds weren’t exactly his thing…






The alarm clock rang unusually loud today, the sun shining bright through white curtains that hung along the large windows that took over most of the far right wall, the whole thing bringing light into a room whose walls were covered in light blue colors, a soft image and a bed to match.  The covers on the bed seemed to be in a clump that moved after the object of ringing didn’t seem to stop.  A hand instantly reached out, tracing the desk till it found the alarm clock, the sound silencing once the button for it to be silenced was pressed and the hand s back under the covers.



A form now rose from the clump on the bed, the sheets and blankets falling into a pool around the man that sat up on his knees, hands rubbing his eyes, fingers running through his hair before his head turned, looking down at the nearby night stand.  A pair of glasses sat awaiting at which the man didn’t make an hesitation to forget them, swiping them up and placing them on his face just as a loud yawn was forced out from him, his arms stretching over his head, a pleasant smile spreading across his face.  His body rolled out of the bed now, feet hitting the floor with a soft thud, the man moving for the nearest closet, the large closet that held over an extensive amount of clothing for only one person...  He stepped through the door after opening it, his eyes scanning through mounts of different shades and colors, passing by a rack full of shoes until he found what he was looking for, a simple, comfortable pair of jeans, and a nicely designed t-shirt that would more than likely be a snug, perfect fit.  A random pair of shoes was grabbed on the way out as he shut the door behind him.



A new, pleasant this time, ring began going through the large room, the man pausing in his tracks, his eyes going wide as he quickly moved to his bed, throwing his selected cloths onto the covers and his shoes on the ground, his body twirling around as the ringing continued.  He had no clue where his phone was, the ringing a ring tone from his phone that was nowhere to be found.  The man growled at himself, cursing that he should have kept better care of his phone.



‘Where did I put it?!’



He mumbled to himself, already on his hands and knees, searching under the night stand, looking under his covers, it wasn’t until he lifted the excess covers hanging over the side of his bed, did he find his phone lying underneath the bed itself.  He chuckled slightly at his stupidity before grasping the phone in his hand and quickly flipping it open, placing it to his ear and speaking in a rush before whoever was calling decided to hang up.



‘This is Junsu.’






The other end shouted, causing Junsu to pull the phone slightly away from his ear before bringing it back.



‘Hyung~ Took you long enough to answer your phone!  Did you lose it under your bed again or something?’



The man spoke cheerfully, causing Junsu to grumble in embarrassment before shaking it off, using his leg strength to get up off the floor, the phone being held between his ear and shoulder while he picked up his clothes again, leaving his shoes and instantly heading for a porcelain looking bathroom on the other side of his room, the man on the other end babbling away.



‘You haven’t forgotten about the get together this afternoon right?!’



He asked, Junsu smiling to himself as he threw his clothes on the sink and went into his bathroom closet to retrieve a towel.  He shook his head back and forth, not really expecting anyone to see, but more of it being a habit before he spoke.



‘Of course, I wouldn’t miss seeing you today Junho!  You just got into your new dance academy!  Your big brother wouldn’t miss it for the world!’



He exclaimed hearing another cheerful exclamation on the other end from Junho, Junsu couldn’t help the giddy smile as the brother he loved so dearly continued to talk to him, explaining about  the different things they would be doing.



‘It sounds exciting Junho, now let me get back to getting ready for this wonderful day, okay?  I’m jumping in the shower and will see you in an hour.’



Junsu spoke, Junho huffing on the other side, but quickly agreeing, Junho would do anything to see his brother sooner than later, and Junsu knew this.



‘Alright Hyung, I’ll see you in an hour.  OH! And one more thing, there’s this new guy I want you to meet, he’s ing gorgeous and just your type too! He’s new here and just moved next door, I invited him because he seemed cool!  Can you believe he moved all the way from Boston?’



Junho stated rather cheerfully, Junsu didn’t seem so cheerful though as he sighed into the phone.



‘Junho, you know I hate when you say things like that, I’m not dating or getting into any relationships at the moment.’



Junsu spoke, wringing his towel in both hands, he was glad Junho was trying to be helpful, but setting him up with dates, he had always felt was going a little too far, especially considering the last time he had dated ANYONE it wasn’t pleasant memories at all.  A shiver ran up his spine before he was completely brought back to earth, his thoughts not needing to wonder.



‘It’s alright Hyung; I just want you to meet him.  I got excited, my bad.’



Junho spoke apologetically, Junsu frowning, but was quick to put a smile back on his face.



‘It’s fine, now let me get into the shower or I’m going to be late in seeing you!’


Junsu partially shouted into the phone, hanging it up the moment Junho spoke a goodbye.  The cold chill was long gone by the time Junsu was setting his phone on the counter and stripping himself of every article of clothing and turning on the shower stepping in and taking in the warmth.  The water washed down him easily as he felt the worries of his mind just flow away, today had to be a good day, Junsu smiled to himself while sighing.






‘Junsu HYUNG!!’



Junho shouted half way across the parking lot Junsu had just pulled into, he was climbing out of his car when Junho came sprinting across from where a large crowd of people stood talking amongst themselves. Junsu smiled cheerfully, embracing his younger brother who seemed overjoyed that he was finally there in his presence.  Junho was already tugging his arm towards the crowd before he could get a word out.  Junsu laughed before stopping him,



‘Junho let me at least lock my doors before you drag me over to your friends.’



Junsu smiled, Junho blinking a few times before agreeing, Junsu pushing the button on his little remote that hung from his keys, the doors making an audible click indicating that it was locked.  Junho was pulling him again the moment he knew Junsu’s door was nice and secure, and his older brother was ready to be dragged.  Junsu snickered lightly, looking towards the crowd, there were some he knew, and then other’s he didn’t,  Chansung was definitely a given to who he was, he was one of the ones that always towered over the others, and was a face Junsu had seen often, ever since him and his youngest brother started dating, the next was Nichkhun slightly taller than Chansung he’d known this man since they were kids together, he was close to both him and Junho and was a great family friend, it seemed he had brought his well known boyfriend Wooyoung along,  Junsu of course knew a few others, but wasn’t exactly close to them as he was the others he took notice to..  But it wasn’t until he approached the group did he notice the tallest guy, the guy that practically towered over everyone and someone he hadn’t seen a day in his life, Junsu couldn’t help but go wide eyed the moment he was placed in front of this man with his wide toothy grin and was introduced.



‘Hyung, this is Ok Taecyeon, he was the one I was telling you about over the phone, he’s from Boston and speaks AMAZING English.’



Junho spoke, causing the other to look a little shy as a hand was outstretched towards Junsu’s, his free hand resting against his form arm, he knew Korean traditions well, Junsu instantly did the same, and couldn’t help but stare at the large man who was still smiling like a maniac.  Junho wasn’t kidding when he had told him he was gorgeous, every feature on his face screamed ‘Y’ to him, but he pushed it back as he gave a sheepish smile.



‘Nice to meet you Taecyeon, my name is Junsu.’



Junsu spoke, trying not to sound like a complete idiot in front of this new man that wouldn’t stop smiling.  Luckily Junho was a savior today though as he was quickly pulled away, Junho wanting to introduce him to many more people other than just Taecyeon, this kid had really met a ton of new friends, each one Junsu having a little trouble in remembering who was who, well except Taecyeon, just looking over his shoulder and seeing that man’s height and built, there was no way Junsu was going to be forgetting that anytime soon.



‘Hyung, you’re staring, I thought you said you wouldn’t date anymore?’



Junho whispered to his side as they finished off the new friends and went to stand by Chansung who was chatting with Nichkhun, who was more than happy to have a new English speaking friend he could talk too; Junsu had almost forgotten Nichkhun came from the states as well.



‘W-Well look how freakishly tall he is!  He’s almost scary from how much he towers over me.’


Junsu whispered back, Junho releasing his arm and going to cling to Chansung, leaving Junsu empty and staring at the large man across from him, who of course, just happened to glance his way and catch his eyes.  Junsu had nowhere else to look though as he smiled again, a sort of pinkish tint covering his face, his head turning and eyes again searching for something else.



‘You’re names Junsu right?’



Taecyeon’s voice startled him, how the hell had he gotten so close to him without even making a noise?!  Junsu took in a sharp breath, quickly bringing himself back to earth, he slightly turned towards Taecyeon nodding his head up and down, he felt dumb, but he couldn’t help it, it wasn’t everyday that a man such as Taecyeon came along.



‘So I heard a lot about you from Junho, he say’s you’re a really great person to be around, also bragged about your English skills.’



Taecyeon smiled, he was always smiling.  Junsu cursed Junho mentally, sending a short death glare towards his younger brother who wasn’t paying him any attention, well from when he could see, Junho could be grinning behind him and Junsu wouldn’t be able to tell. 



‘My English isn’t that great, I’ve only learned a little from my days back in high school, and you really shouldn’t believe everything that comes out of his mouth, he thinks I’m the BEST biggest brother, but I’m far from perfect.’



Junsu stated, Taecyeon nodding his head up and down.



‘So can you understand what I’m saying right now?’


Junsu his bottom lip, his mind deciphering the words in his head before he could reply, he was glad he remembered half the things he learned in high school.


‘Of course,’


Junsu replied, earning a wowed expression from the man, his lips couldn’t help but twitch and his eyes looking down in embarrassment, he wasn’t fond of being acknowledged or praised so highly, there were tons of people a thousand times better than him at doing a lot of things.



‘I also heard you like to sing.’



Taecyeon spoke, Junsu raising his eyes, both gleaming at the words, singing was a hobby he’d been into for years, and it was something he didn’t mind showing off when asked, it was his passion.



‘I do, it’s something I’m studying actually.  Well I’m studying music.’



Junsu admitted, a smile of pleasure appearing on his face as the subject of what he liked to do most came into play.   It wasn’t often the subject was brought up, not many people cared about singing it seemed now a days, well unless it was a famous celebrity, but other than that it wasn‘t a well used topic.  Junsu shifted nervously as the awkward silence settled in, Taecyeon nodding his head, he turned slightly to him after a long moment.



‘So um, are you doing anything after this little party, you know later tonight?’



Taecyeon asked, Junsu feeling a slight shake within his body, but chose to ignore it as he frowned, his head sadly nodding up and down, he really didn’t have anything to do, but…



‘That , I was going to invite you to this party I’m going to with some friends later tonight, but I guess there goes that idea.’



Taecyeon laughed, Junsu allowing his lip to curve as he smiled, it was so weird how carefree this man was, Junsu opened his mouth to speak again, but someone had called Taecyeon’s name loudly, waving him to come over, his eyes looking apologetically at Junsu who just gestured him to go, his mouth closing.


The instant Taecyeon had left his side, Junho was there to replace him, their arms linking, his eyes following Junsu’s gaze to Taecyeon who was grinning like the crazy maniac he was.  Junho whistled.



‘Keke, Hyung, I knew you’d have a thing for that man!’



Junho squeaked while earning a slight jab to the ribs then a low shush from Junsu who quickly looked away, Junho frowned in pain as he clutched at his side.



‘Hyung, you should have taken him up on his offer!  Sitting at home cooped up studying at night is not a great social life!’



Junho whined, getting only a snort from Junsu who couldn’t help the glances he was throwing over his shoulder, he looked back towards Junho just having to ask.



‘Where did you say he was from again?’



Junsu asked, Junho’s expression sour, but answered willingly.






He replied, Junsu raising an eye brow, now why did that seem so familiar?

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Sorry guys, I haven't been feeling like myself lately, that's what's taking this so long to update.


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Chapter 4: ooh! are you still revamping this? i'm so curious what the EFF is going on! :)
Chapter 13: A few minor mistakes that I noticed on the latest chapter. You might want to proofread it! Here's two that I noticed:

- But I guess nothing could ever go so easily - *it
- Changmin, you are still - was one of the Junsu's speaking to him?

Anyways good story so far! I hope you will update soon! Also I didn't even notice that Taeckay/Taecsu were dating. Did time pass in the story without me realising?
Chapter 3: I only started reading the first chapter but I quite like it already! I'm going to read some more soon! In chapter 2, was junsu having a panic attack or does he have a split personality?
Jundyuok #4
Chapter 13: its all good. i love you x every single word in this story. ;)
thank you very much for the updatee!~~
Chapter 13: i want some taeckay moments lol xDDD
rurinkosakura #7
Chapter 13: Aaaaaaa :') they're safe! :3
Woo_Infinite_Hyun #8
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for the update^^
Chapter 13: Finally an update!
Oh hod I almost forgot about this story already. .
Im glad u updated this^^
Chapter 13: I know taec will save junsu and hyorin. And so, the '2nd' junsu now has his own life rite? As minjun? And it's gonna end but I really like this story. But, I'm glad u updated thou. Thanks for the update~