Acts of an OkCat: A Comedic Quick-Shot For the Young At Heart



WARNING: This is PURELY FOR FUN. Okay? I love Taec just as much as you do (probably more, but I'm not even gonna argue on that one cause it's stupid). IF YOU WANT TO READ SOMETHING SERIOUS THAT IS /ROMANTIC/NOT TO BE TAKEN FUNNY.....then this fic is NOT for you. 

If you've read my other fics, I will warn you....this is unlike anything I have ever done and I probably wont be doing anything like this again any time soon. 

BUT, basically. I was scrolling through tumblr, and this idea come to my mind. I've never done a /You/ fic before, so bear with me okay???



There's a reason why I love Taecyeon more than air....

Because even though he's a celebrity (and god of being y) he's still a kid

A big, tall , giant eared kid with teeth like BLAM and abs like BOOM and a deep voice like AHHHHH~

And the best part about him,

No matter how big 2PM gets, he refuses to let that kid get any older than 8 years old, at the oldest

And even though he KNOWS that he's ALL THAT and a bag of chips AND a pop

He's silly...and smooth...and everything that is good in my eyes (lol, yes I know he has flaws but that's what makes his good parts so wonderful, it's a balance, like yin & yang)

I've said all of this as in introduction to a short story....



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Chapter 1: poor taec... he was probs just trying to make a friend lol
Phamtastic #2
Chapter 1: I love your backround GIF
Jiru-chan #3
Chapter 1: lol this is so adorable! and the GIF's make it a lot funnier
SeraizaLee #4
Chapter 1: I think I just died laughing at this.....!!! Freaking hilarious..!! Totally not your style of writing, but your temporary lapse of sanity had made a truck load of us laugh our brains out.... >.<
Chapter 1: I just found this on tumblr xD I'm laughing my ___ off at the gifs xD
hahaha... this funny..
love the gifs..and honestly when I saw videos of him playing and goofing around.. I just went 'oh~ that's typical of him'..
he's like a hyperactive kid that would never sit still..
OkCat is just OkCat! Haha... That was fun! You'll just name the baby Taec Jr. Lol
Oh, yeah ~~~ Loved it!
Hahah this is hilarious c: Love it xD(;
eilsel_lj #9
this is love taecyeon oppa!!! my bias to all kpop boys.. :)