The Right Thing.

Culture Shock

Key’s POV:

Tears blinded me as I drove through the streets of Seoul.  It was Sunday afternoon, just a mere couple of hours after I’d discovered the scandal in the dorm.

I was going way over the speed limit, changing lanes, and weaving in and out of traffic like I had a death wish.  My tears squealed against the pavement several times, and angry car horns honked in my direction more than once.

I didn’t care.

I had to get away.

Get away from here.

I felt like the faster I drove, the faster I could escape what I’d just witnessed; what I’d just discovered.

Visions of Minho and Seungmi –my beloved Seungmi– together in his bed, tangled up in each other’s bare limbs, tortured me to the point of insanity.

I gasped with pain, gripped the steering wheel as hard as I could, and slammed on the gas pedal.

I had to escape this agony.

As if on autopilot, without even realizing where I was going, I cut through the streets of Seoul until I neared the neighborhood that 2PM lived in.  Before long, my car slid to a stop in the parking lot of their large dorm near JYP.

My feet swiftly carried me into the large building and up the extensive staircase to the sixth floor of the building –2PM’S dorm.  The elevator was too slow.

Ding dong!  Ding dong!  Ding dong!

I rang the doorbell incessantly, and Wooyoung yanked it open with an annoyed expression.

“Key?” he asked with a frown.  “What are you doing here?”  His expression softened when he noticed my own.  “What’s wrong…?”

“Where’s Taecyeon?” I demanded, digging my nails into my palms.

“Down at the studio,” Wooyoung replied.  “Practicing routines for our concert in two weeks.”

I didn’t even thank him; I took off back down the hallway, back down the staircase and out into the parking lot again.  I sprinted past my sleek car, across the busy crosswalk, and burst into the front door of JYP Studios.

The receptionist at the front desk tried to welcome me, but I blew right past her; I knew my way around this building, and being a fellow idol, I had unlimited access to everything.

I found Taecyeon in the large dance studio on the third floor, going over routines with Nichkhun, Junsu, and JYP himself.  All four of them turned at the sound of my entrance, and Taecyeon’s eyes grew large.

“Kibum,” he said, leaving the group and approaching me.  “What are you doing here?  What’s wrong?”

I didn’t answer him.  I couldn’t find the words.

He could tell just from one look that I was troubled; severely troubled.  His strong hands gripped my shoulders and he peered hard into my face.

“Kibum,” he said, shaking me slightly.  “Snap out of it.  What’s wrong?”

I was sure my face was ashen, my eyes were bloodshot, and my overall expression was just…miserable.  Desolate and broken…

“Yah, Taecyeon!” Junsu called out.  “Get back here!  We aren’t done!”

“No, don’t go,” I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut.  “Hyung, I…I need you right now.”

Taecyeon’s eyebrows knit together with great concern as he watched me.  Then, he finally slung his arm around my trembling shoulders and faced his teammates and his producer.

“Guys, I’m sorry,” he said, bowing slightly.  “This is an emergency.  I’ll be back as fast as I can.”  He turned me around towards the door.  “C’mon, Kibum,” he whispered, steering me forward.

I leaned against him as we walked, feeling weak with agony.  I’d never felt like this before…

The others yelled at Taecyeon to halt as we exited the dance studio, but he ignored them and instead, pushed through the wooden, double doors and back out into the clean, white hallway.  “Follow me,” he said.

We ended up in a large, chic lounge nearby the dance studio, and Taecyeon locked the door behind us for privacy.  He then helped me onto a soft, beige couch and sank down next to me, eyeing me carefully.

“Do you need anything, Key?” he asked.  “Water, a snack…anything?”

I silently shook my head, and Taecyeon heaved a sigh.  He leaned against the back of the sofa.

“Then, tell me why you’re here.  Tell me what happened.”

Fresh tears welled up in my eyes as I attempted to recount the situation.  Just thinking about what I needed to say made me ill; a wave of nausea rolled through my gut.

“Key…”  Taecyeon laid a gentle hand on my shoulder again, and I sniffled.

“She cheated on me, hyung,” I finally whispered.  My voice was barely audible.  “She cheated on me.”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Seungmi!” I cried.  “She cheated on me, hyung!  She slept around with Minho while we were at the beach this weekend!  She cheated on me!”  The words were like a knife sliding down my throat.

I angrily flung a pillow across the lounge.

“Whoa, whoa, calm down, Kibummie,” Taecyeon said, raising one hand.  “Are you sure?  How do you know?”

“I’m totally sure!” I snapped.  “I caught her hiding from me… in his shower!  They were probably in the middle of screwing when I walked in the dorm and she tried to hide.  But, I found her, hyung.  I found her, and then she confessed to me that she cheated!”

More furious tears rained down my cheeks.

Taecyeon could only gape at me.

“You’ve got to be joking,” he murmured in shock.  “Seungmi…cheated on you?  She actually did that to you?”

I nodded while desperately trying to control my emotions.

“It’s unbelievable,” my hyung continued.  “She seemed so weak; so cowardly.  Where did she get the courage to go behind your back like that?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care!” I snapped.  “I just want to rip her head off!  Minho’s, too!”  I clenched another pillow between my hands, pulling on it from both sides.

Taecyeon snatched it from me before I could tear it apart.

“Kibum, Kibum, Kibum,” he soothed gently, laying another hand on my shoulder.  “Let’s just calm down, okay?  Take this one step at a time.”

I had no intention of calming down.

“I hate her, hyung!” I cried through my tears.  “I hate her so much!  She did this to me!  She broke my heart!  Why, hyung?!  Why do I hate her so much?!  Why does this hurt so badly?!  It shouldn’t…it shouldn’t hurt like this!”

I gave another long, low groan of agony and clutched my aching heart.

Taecyeon’s expression was grave.  “You know exactly why this hurts, Key,” he murmured.  “You know exactly why…and you need to say it.”

I buried my wet face in my hands.

“I’m in love with Seungmi,” I said into my palms.  “I know it, hyung.  I’m in love with her.  I’ve been in love with her since…since Christmas.  When I told her I loved her, I meant it.”

My tears flowed harder as I spoke those words; as I finally admitted the truth to myself.  I leaned forward and bowed my head between my knees.

Taecyeon’s large hand rested against my back.  “I’m so sorry,” he soothed, gently rubbing my shaking torso.  “I’m so sorry she did this to you.”

“Hyung…” I squeaked out.  “What am I going to do?!  I need her.  I can’t…I can’t live without her.  My entire life changed because of her, you know.  But, I thought it changed for the better.  I was happier with only her by my side, instead of the chicks we picked up in clubs.  Do you understand?”

“I know exactly what you mean,” Taecyeon said, still rubbing my back.  “Donghae and I could see it before it happened.  We could see you falling in love with her, and we used to be like ‘Man, we’re jealous’ because you were so happy.  We thought you and she would be something special…”

“I thought so, too,” I whispered through my sniffles.  “I thought so, too.  But, she did this to me, hyung.  She broke my heart.  I don’t know what to do now!  I’ve never experienced this before.”

I slowly raised myself upright and turned my bloodshot, desolate eyes upon Taecyeon.  The tears dripped off my chin.

“Hyung,” I whispered painfully.  “What…what do I do?  Please, tell me what to do.”

The handsome singer heaved a worried sigh.  “All you can do is take things one step at a time.  You have people who care about you.  You’re never alone,” he murmured before pulling me into a warm hug.  “And, right now…just cry.  Let it all out, Kibum, and cry.”

I gripped his strong back and sobbed into his shoulder.


Seungmi’s POV:

As soon as I got my bearings back and my emotions under control, I knew what I needed to do.

I wasted no time.

Key had left the dorm earlier –I’d heard him– so his bedroom was fortunately empty.  I burst into the dark room, flung open his closet doors, and grabbed my suitcase from the corner.

Without a second thought, I began throwing my belongings into the suitcase, not even bothering to neatly arrange them.

I had made it to the third drawer of the dresser before a voice suddenly interrupted me.

“Seungmi, what are you doing?”

I looked up and over to the doorway, where Minho stood peering into Key’s bedroom.  He held an ice cream sandwich in one hand, and his expression was stricken with panic.

I cringed.

“Minho, please don’t—”

“What are you doing?” the handsome singer demanded again, stepping further into the room.  His brown eyes swept over my suitcase on the floor, surrounded by piles of my clothes.

“You…you know what I’m doing,” I murmured, turning back to the dresser.  “I’m leaving.”

Minho set his ice cream down on the closest end table and rushed over to my side.  “Seungmi, Seungmi…”  His eyes pleaded with me.  “You’re joking.  You must be joking.”

I didn’t meet his gaze.  Instead, I pulled out my last shirt, stuffed it into my suitcase, and zipped it close.  I rose to my feet.

“It’s not a joke, Minho,” I said as evenly as I could.  “I’m leaving.”

I tried to shove past him, but he put an arm on my elbow.  He forced me to look at him.

“You’re talking crazy,” he replied.  “Just calm down, and let’s be rational about this.”

“No!” I snapped, struggling against his hold.  “I can’t stay here anymore, Minho!  I have to get out of here!”

“And, go where, huh?”  His grip tightened on my elbow.  “Where exactly are you planning to go, Seungmi?”

My frown deepened with anger, and tears glistened in my eyes.  Minho’s own expression was a mixture of fury, sadness, and confusion, as well.  I breathed through my nostrils.

“I don’t know,” I spat.  “Anywhere.  Seoul, Busan…America!  I don’t know, but I don’t care.  I have to get out of here.”

Gathering my strength, I pushed against Minho again, desperately trying to free my arm from his grasp.  He didn’t budge.


His sharp question pierced my heart.

“Tell me why, Seungmi.”  His fingers tightened around my skin, almost to the point of pain.

I cringed again, not meeting his gaze.  “You know why, Minho,” I muttered.  “You know why.”


My temper snapped.  “Because of this, Minho!” I cried, pointing at my bruised, swollen jaw.  “Open your eyes and look at this!  This happened because of me and my actions!  It’s my fault and I won’t subject myself to it anymore.  Now, let me go.”

I pushed against his hold again, but he moved his strong hands to my shoulders and forced me to stay in place.  “Seungmi, look at me,” Minho ordered, and I couldn’t help it.

My blue eyes connected with his, and a shiver rolled through my body.

“Look at me.”  His voice dropped to a softer tone, and his fingers gently touched my tender jaw.  “That was not your fault, baby girl.  No matter what, Key still had no right to hit you.  Again.”

The words caused tears to well up in my eyes.

“It wasn’t your fault, Seungmi.”  Minho’s thumb gently caressed my cheek.  “Trust me, it wasn’t.  In fact…take this as a good sign; a sign of your closure with Key.  This is the end of your relationship with him, so pick yourself up, keep your head held high, and move on.”

Something about those words –the end of my relationship with Key– broke my heart.  Agony seared through my chest, and I closed my eyes as tears dripped out of them.

“Yes, it’s the end,” Minho softly repeated.  “But, it’s also a new beginning.  So, please…don’t go, Seungmi.  Please…stay here.  With me.”

Pain constricted my chest.  I knew what Minho expected; after this past weekend with him, it was only natural.  He expected a relationship out of me.

And, I would love to grant his wish, but…I was so battered; so broken from these past months with Key.  I didn’t know how much time I would need to recover.

My blue, watery eyes gazed woefully at Minho –my beloved, handsome Minho.

“I’m sorry, Minho,” I murmured.  “I have to go.  I have to get away from Key.”

I pushed against him again, and this time…he let me go.  Minho stood still –silent– as if he were in a trance.  My body brushed against his as I trudged past him, suitcase in hand.

The distance grew between us, and the silence grew between us as I headed for the door.  A knife could cut through this thin, tense atmosphere.

“What about us?”

Minho’s voice sounded faint; distant.

It chilled my bones to the core, and I froze in my tracks.  My wide, puffy eyes stared at his nearby melting ice cream.

“Seungmi, what about us?”

His voice cracked with emotion.

I halfway turned around, and shuddered to meet his gaze once again.  He had spun around to face me.

“What do you mean, Minho?” I asked, swallowing through my tight throat.  “What about us?  There’s…nothing.”

“Nothing?!” Minho cried painfully.  “How can you say nothing?!  What about this past weekend?  Did that mean nothing to you?”

I winced as I remembered the past couple of days.

“N-no,” I squeaked.  “It was great, Minho.  It really was.  But…it wasn’t real.  It was just a fantasy, Minho; like a game.  It wasn’t right.”

Minho took a step toward me, his lips parted with disbelief.  “It wasn’t right?” he repeated incredulously.  “It wasn’t right?!  You should have thought about that before you kissed me!”

A sob shook my body.  “I’m sorry, Minho!” I cried.  “It was a mistake, and I’m sorry!”

“Mistake…”  He scoffed bitterly and looked off to the side, trying to blink back tears.  “Falling in love with me was a mistake.  Is that what you’re saying?”

“No!”  I squeezed my eyes shut with agony.  “Don’t misunderstand, please.  I just…I can’t do it.  What would Key think?!  What would the rest of SHINee think?!  Their opinions of us would decrease, Minho, and you have an image to keep.”

“I don’t care.”  Minho furiously shook his head.  “I don’t care at all what they think, Seungmi.  And, you shouldn’t, either.  Do you know why?  Because you should know what you want.”

He was approaching me.  He took long strides in my direction, and I wanted to back away from him.  But, I could not.  My feet stood rooted in my spot, as if magnetized to Minho.

My throat was as dry as sandpaper.

“Do you, Seungmi?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.  “Do you know what you want?”

“I...I…”  My lips trembled.  “I can’t, Minho.”  Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

“You can’t?” he repeated.  “Or, you won’t?”

He had reached me now, and his hands gripped my face.  His fingers gently wiped away my tears.

“Forget about what everyone else thinks, Seungmi,” he whispered, still caressing my face.  “What do you want?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but only sobs came out.  My fingers released their grip on my suitcase.

Minho stared into my eyes.  “What do you want, Seungmi?!”

Before I could stop myself, I breathed the single word… “You,” and that was all it took.

Minho pressed our lips together in one of the most passionate kisses I’d ever experienced.

His fingers tightened around my cheeks, my arms wrapped around his neck, and I stood on my tip-toes so I could better kiss him.  His body came into contact with my own, melting our skin together like Minho’s ice cream on the table.

I held on to him as tightly as I could, and I kissed him with as much affection as I could.

I did everything in my power to feel close to him; to escape the horrors of my past with Key.


Minho’s POV:

For the remainder of that day –the remainder of our spring break– I hid Seungmi away inside of my bedroom.

We moved all of her things from Key’s room to my room, and then she stayed there, locked away as if in solitary confinement.

I agreed with her that it was probably not the smartest decision for her to stay here anymore; I said I would do everything in my celebrity star power to help her locate her host family.

If we were lucky, they would be able to come back to Seoul relatively soon.

Although, in my opinion, I didn’t see much point in the effort; Seungmi only had roughly another month left here in Seoul, anyway.

It wouldn’t kill her to wait out one more month under these tense conditions.  Then, she would go back to America and as for me…

Well, I wasn’t sure what I would do when that time came.

Around ten o’clock that night, as I was standing at the kitchen sink rinsing out a bowl of ice cream, Key returned to the penthouse.  I could tell it was Key from the slamming of the front door.

I also heard Onew’s voice calling out to him, asking him what was wrong.  He didn’t answer.

Onew had arrived home just a few hours ago, so naturally, he had missed this morning’s soap opera and was completely out of the loop.

I glanced across the large kitchen and into the living room, where Onew sat on the couch, watching with wide eyes as Key hurried by, head down and fists clenched.

He called out to his bandmate again, but Key did not stop.  He darted down the hallway and into his bedroom, slamming that door shut, as well.

I heaved a large sigh and turned back to the sink.

“Minho-ah.”  Onew’s smooth voice turned upon me next, and I tensed slightly. 

“Yes?” I said, not looking up from the dishes in my hand.

“What’s wrong with Key?”  Onew had turned off the television, rose from the sofa, and was now approaching me, his eyebrow arched curiously.  “Why is he like that?”

I ground my teeth together before evenly saying, “I don’t know.”

“Oh, yes you do, Choi Minho.”  Jonghyun’s voice rang out as he emerged from the hallway.  “Don’t you dare lie to your hyung.”

Annoyed, I turned off the water, dropped my clean bowl into the sink, and whirled around to face Onew and Jonghyun, who were now leaning on the nearby bar counters.

Curiosity was etched deeply into our leader’s features.

I sighed again and rubbed my eyes.  “Don’t make me do this, Jonghyun-hyung,” I muttered.  “It’s been a long day, and—”

“No, I won’t let you off the hook that easily, Minho,” snapped the vocalist.  “You created this situation, so you take responsibility for it.”

“Situation?” Onew repeated, glancing between Jonghyun and me.

I groaned and stared up at the white ceiling above.  “Seungmi cheated on Key,” I finally said, and my voice was barely audible.

“What?” Onew asked.

My fist banged against the counter.  “Seungmi cheated on Key!” I snapped, staring my hyungs right in their eyes.  “With me.  Are you happy now?”

Jonghyun rolled his eyes in disgust again, while Onew’s jaw dropped open with shock.  “W-what?!” he cried in disbelief.  “Minho, you…and Seungmi?  You guys…”

“Yes,” I muttered, turning back to the sink.

“SHINee meeting in my room now,” Onew commanded, and Jonghyun nodded.

“I agree,” he added.

I rolled my eyes.  “I don’t see what it will accomplish…”

“That’s enough of your negativity,” Onew snapped.  “Come with us now.”

I reluctantly turned away from the sink and dragged my feet through the kitchen and down the long hallway, following my two hyungs ahead of me.

Jonghyun stopped at Taemin’s room along the way, grabbed the maknae, and hauled him into Onew’s room along with us.  Onew locked the door once we were all ushered inside.

Taemin and I claimed the bed, while Jonghyun sank into the large bean bag, and Onew took a seat in his rolling computer chair.

His eyes were boring into my own.

“Minho.”  He spoke my name…long and low.  I shuddered.  “What exactly happened this weekend?  Tell me right now.”

“Tell him,” Jonghyun chimed in, and I was almost ready to throw something at him.  He was acting way too immaturely about this.

After another sigh, I parted my lips to speak, but Onew held a hand to silence me.  “Hold on,” he said.  “Taemin, did you know about this?”

The youngest boy looked up from his 3DS in his hands and blinked his large eyes.  “What?” he asked before it dawned on him.  “Oh!  I-I knew something was happening behind Minho’s bedroom door, but…I didn’t know exactly what it was.  I had a pretty good guess, though.”

He went back to his game, and Onew’s eyes cut back to me.

“Explain,” he ordered.

I puffed out my cheeks.  “It was nothing, really,” I started.  “You guys all left on Thursday, so it was just me, Seungmi, and Taemin here.  I took Seungmi horseback riding that day, then we went for a midnight swim, and then…things between us got rather heated, I guess.”

My body tingled as I remembered the absolute ecstasy I had experienced that night.  My cheeks flamed and I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.

“So, you slept with her?” Onew clarified, and I rolled my eyes.

“No, hyung, I didn’t,” I sarcastically muttered.  “We did each other’s nails and makeup all night.”

“Yah, you watch your mouth,” Jonghyun said, stabbing a finger in my direction.  “This whole mess is your fault, anyway.”

“Not necessarily,” Taemin replied as he rolled over onto his stomach.  “It takes two to tango, so…Seungmi played a part in this, as well.”

“We already know Seungmi has the IQ of a monkey,” Jonghyun muttered.  “So, we can’t really hold her accountable for this, either.”

My nostrils flared.  “You take that back,” I snapped.  “Get over your little attitude, and don’t you dare insult my girlfriend again.”

Girlfriend.  The word rolled over my tongue, tasting as sweet as sugar.

“I can if I want to!” Jonghyun shot back.  “You and she are ruining—”

“Guys, c’mon, don’t fight,” Onew said, holding up his hands as if to separate Jonghyun and myself.

I continued to glare angrily at my handsome hyung.

“We’re digressing a lot from the issue at stake,” our leader added.  “Besides, I have a feeling that plenty of fights lie in our near future.  If the four of us don’t stick together, then…there’s no hope for us.”

“No hope for us to survive The Kibum Menace,” Taemin joked in an overly dramatic voice.  His 3DS beeped at that moment.

“Anyway,” Onew continued after shaking his head.  “Minho, you didn’t finish your story.  What else happened this weekend?”

I flipped a pillow between my hands.  “Seungmi and I spent every night together, and we—”

“Taemin’s poor little ears!” Jonghyun cried out.  “You subjected him to that kind of environment?”

“Jonghyun!” Onew barked, curling his lips slightly.  “Shut.  Up.”

The handsome singer sat back in the bean bag and stuck his tongue out like a little brat.

“We weren’t loud at all,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

“Actually…”  Taemin gave a throaty chuckle.  “Actually, you know…hehe, I heard some stuff.”

I shoved the pillow in his face before continuing with my narrative.  “We spent the entire weekend together, and it was great.  I told her I loved her, and she said she loved me, too.  She was worried about Key, but I really wasn’t.  I pretty much had a feeling that she would break up with him as soon as he came home.  She seemed happier now that she had me.”

“How could you tell after just a weekend with her?” Onew asked carefully.  “Minho-ah, don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment.”

I rubbed my forehead.  “Well, it doesn’t matter,” I replied.  “Because everything got screwed up, anyway.  Kibum came home early from the beach –he was home this morning.  Seungmi and I were still in my bed, and she tried to hide in my shower until the coast was clear again.  Long story short, he found her there, she broke down and confessed to him, and he punched her in the face.  Again.”

Onew leaned back in the chair and tossed his head back.  His hands covered his face, and he let loose a groan into his palms.  “No,” he muttered hopelessly.  “No.  Key did not hit her again.  Just no.”

“Oh, he did,” Jonghyun piped up.  “Left a big bruise on her jaw and she was bleeding in the mouth.  It’s all Romeo’s fault over here.”

“Stop saying that!” I cried before flinging the pillow across the room at him.

He expertly caught it between his hands.

“I’m not going to tell you guys again to stop bickering,” Onew said, sitting upright again.  “I will admit that Minho’s behavior this past weekend was, in retrospect, probably not the best thing for SHINee.  He could have handled the situation better.  However, if Seungmi didn’t tell him to stop, then she is just as responsible for this issue, as well.”

I smirked to myself.  Oh, she certainly did not tell me to stop.  In fact, it was just the opposite.

“But…”  The leader of SHINee continued to speak, drawing my attention back to him.  “What’s done is done,” he said.  “And, we can’t change the past, so now we have to fix the present.  Together.”

“I think it’s safe to say that Key-hyung is out for blood,” Taemin muttered as he furiously pressed buttons on his game.

“More than blood,” Jonghyun added.  “That boy’s out for brains, guts, bones; anything he can get ahold of and rip apart.”

I shuddered a bit.

“Minho,” Onew said, looking directly at me.  “You are going to have to be extremely careful; you and Seungmi both.  I hope you know that.  Key could strike at any moment, and the three of us will try to watch your back, but…there’s only so much we can do.  You’re on your own for the rest, and Seungmi is, too.”

“No,” I replied with a shake of my head.  “She’s not alone.  I will protect her from him.  I won’t let him hurt her again.  Not when she’s finally made the right decision for herself.”

“The right decision?” Jonghyun repeated with an arched brow.  “How do you know what’s right for her?  You are judging strictly on your feelings.  What about Seungmi?  What about Key?”

My expression twisted into a frown.  “What?!”

“I sort of agree,” Onew added.  “Kibum changed his behavior; his lifestyle.  The alcohol, the drugs, the women…it has all stopped since January, and the five of us have been strong again, just like before Seungmi came here.  I had almost grown accustomed to their relationship.  It seemed good for Key; as a way to keep his feet on the ground.  Now…we’re back to chaos.  I would almost rather see them together again if it keeps SHINee out of trouble.”

Rage began to pulse through me.  My blood seemed to boil within my veins.  “I can’t believe what I’m hearing,” I growled.  “Why are you all taking Key’s side?!  Why are you defending him?!”

“Hyung, calm down,” Taemin started to say, but I wouldn’t listen.

“Do you guys not remember the way he treated her?!  All the horrible things he did to her?” I snapped, rising to my feet.  “He battered her; he physically assaulted her!  How could he possibly be the right thing for her?”

“Only Seungmi knows the answer to that,” Jonghyun evenly replied.  “It’s not our place to say what’s right for her, or not right for her.”

I glanced between my three bandmates, shaking my head in disbelief.  Emotion was welling up in my chest.  “I feel like…”  My throat constricted.  “I feel like you guys are turning your backs on me.”

“We’re not,” Onew clarified.  “I already told you the four of us have to stick together.  We just want you to be real, instead of ruled by your feelings.  You need to see all sides of the situation.  We want what’s best for you, what’s best for Seungmi, and what’s best for Key.”

“Seungmi,” I whimpered.  “She’s the best thing for me.  She’s all I ever wanted; all I ever needed!”

Jonghyun smirked as he twirled a lock of his brown hair around his finger.  “Did you consider, Minho-ah…” he said.  “That Seungmi might be the best thing for Key, as well?”

I could only stare silently at my hyung.


Seungmi’s POV:

I sat atop Minho’s window sill couch, staring glumly out into the dark city beyond, and drew my knees up to my chest.

My cheek rested on top of them.

From down the hallway, I could hear bits and pieces of the SHINee meeting happening in Onew’s bedroom.  I couldn’t hear everything, but I could hear enough.

Enough to know that, once again, I was the problem.

I heaved a miserable sigh.

What have I done?! I thought to myself.  What have I done?!  I have ruined SHINee again.  I have ruined their relationships with one another.  They may never perform together again because Key is ruined now…and it’s all my fault.

I raised one hand and rubbed my sleepy eyeballs.

I just…I don’t know what to do anymore.

Two arms suddenly s around my waist and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

“Whoa, relax, Mi,” Minho whispered.  “It’s just me.  Relax.” 

His warm lips pressed against my temple, and I leaned back against him, feeling defeated.

“Are you alright?” he asked in concern.

I shook my head.  “No, I’m not,” I muttered, holding tightly to his muscular arms.  “Everything is ruined, Minho, and it’s all because of me.  I feel so guilty.”

Minho’s torso heaved a large sigh.  “Seungmi, we’ve been through this,” he said.  “Nothing was your fault.  You just finally followed your heart.  Yes, Kibum got burned in the process, but…well, that’s life.”

Did I?!  Did I really follow my heart?!

“But, Minho,” I murmured miserably.  “I made promises to Key.  I told him I would always be by his side; I would never leave him because he needs me.  Did those…did those mean nothing?  Am I a liar?”

Minho tightened his arms around my waist and shook his head against my neck.  “You’re not a liar, Seungmi,” he soothed.  “You didn’t know this was going to happen.  You were just confused.”

“I think I’m confused now,” I mumbled, wriggling out of his grasp.  “Why do I feel so guilty, Minho?  Why?  What should I do about it?”

The handsome singer sighed again and gazed out the window into Seoul beyond.  “There is nothing you really can do, Seungmi,” he said.  “Just…wait for it to pass.  Time heals everything, you know.”

“Would you support me—”  The question popped out before I could stop it.  “If I wanted to talk to Key?”

Minho arched an eyebrow.  “Talk to Key?” he repeated.  “And, what exactly would that accomplish?”

“Just…”  I stared back out into the twinkling city.  “Just explain things to him, I guess.  Explain my feelings and apologize for my actions.”

I felt Minho scoff a bit.  “In my opinion,” he muttered.  “Key doesn’t even deserve an apology.  But, alright.  It’s a noble thing to do, and…I say go for it.”

Go for it.  Minho says go for it.

I chewed anxiously on my thumbnail as I leaned back against him.

Should I do it?  It feels like the right thing to do, but then again...

I glanced up over my shoulder at the handsome man behind me, who met my gaze with a tiny smile.

I’m not even sure what the right thing is anymore.


Oh, no! :( Key has admitted he's in love with her....and now Seungmi is confused about how she feels!!! :(

I would be confused, too. lol

I'm just cooking this drama. ;) hehehe but things are going to roll....very soon. hehe Stay tuned! :D

Love you guys!!! Thank you for everything!!! More updates soon! <333

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ellenoble92 #1
Chapter 1: hey Ellen, you know who it is commenting right??? hehe, i read the first chapter before tomorrow mwahahahaha! So good already!
Chapter 45: OMG the song that Minho sung! i used to love that song!!!~
Chapter 15: I never heard Key saying that him and Seungmi are dating so why is she afraid of him finding out everything??LOL
This story is sooooo good!i cant stop reading it!♥
nishadoll94 #4
Chapter 45: This story is excellent, but I am really starting to get annoyed with Seungmi. She keeps hurting Minho after all he has done for her. Hopefully SHINee's silent treatment will help her to rethink some things.
Chapter 45: SHINee are breaking my heart treating her like that, she's just stupid for love :(
Chapter 43: What the ____ girl? You dumb ____, how could you do that to Minho? My feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels!!!!
Chapter 69: i feel like killing Yukari.. grrr.. she's such a ................ -.-''
i can't stop reading your story xD totally loving it...
LeeKar #8
Chapter 69: Waah, i've been crying from chapter 50 or something, lol.. Love your story so much!!! Read to almost 2am every night, even though it was school the next day
Angelika5378 #9
Chapter 52: i knew something is wrong with this yukari girl...and sungmi is soo naive ans stupid! why doesn't she get it??