Final Decision

I fall for you(Short Story)

(TaeYeon's POV)

It was late but I couldn't sleep I'm confuse but it doesn't matter I don't have schedules tomorrow anyway. But why must KangIn oppa show up again when I thought I had finally got over him? Why? What should I do now? Many question was running though my head like it going to exploded anytime now. Why do I feel different when I'm with LeeTeuk than when I'm with KangIn? It was already 2 in the morning but I couldn't take it anymore I need someone to talk to..... Ah Seobaby I walk to he room and surprisely she was still awake texting someone.

TaeYeon: Seo Who are you texting?
SeoHyun: Unnie You scare me. And the answer to your quesion is no one
TaeYeon: Fine Don't tell me then. Seo I need to talk to you
SeoHyun: Ok but we should go to your room
TaeYeon: Ok

(In TaeYeon's room)
SeoHyun; So what do you want to talk about "Still texting on her phone"
TaeYeon: If you were in my place who would you pick LeeTeuk or KangIn Oppa?
SeoHyun; LeeTeuk Oppa
TaeYeon: And why is that?
SeoHyun:He is nice and caring he can take care of my clumsy unnie. But Unnie remember this is a hard decision please think about what is best for you, you might reget this later on
TaeYeon: Now may I know who your prince is? "Pointing at the phone" KyuHyun Oppa? DongHae Oppa?
SeoHyun: Here a hint he sings well
TaeYeon: So it is KyuHyun Oppa
SeoHyun: Don't tell anyone about this alright?
TaeYeon; Ok
SeoHyun: Unnie Can I sleep here?
TaeYeon: Sure

SeoHyun was right if I made a decision to fast I'll reget it later on. But all my members tell me to pick LeeTeuk I don't know what to do. After what seem like hour of thinking I finally know what I'm going to do,

[In the morning]

I call LeeTeuk and ask him if we could meet at the park. And luckily he was free so he said yes.
I dress nicely and went to the park. To my surprise he was already there.

TaeYeon; Oppa!!!!!
LeeTeuk: Oh TaeYeon you're here. So do you have the answer to my question?
TaeYeon: Yes
LeeTeuk: So?
TaeYeon: Yes That my answer
LeeTeuk: Really? TaeYeon nodded
TaeYeon: But you do know that KangIn confessed to me after you right?
LeeTeuk: So What are you going to do?
TaeYeon; I'm going to talk to hom later. Another thing do you know who Kyu like?
LeeTeuk: Yes But why are you asking me that?
TaeYeon; My Seobaby and your Devil are dating right?
LeeTeuk: WOW How did you know that?
TaeYeon: SeoHyun told me. So it is true?
LeeTeuk: Yeah they are dating
TaeYeon; Well I got to go talk to KangIn now see you later
LeeTeuk; Wait, I'll drive you there where are you going?
TaeYeon: To your practice room
LeeTeuk: Ok

[At Super Junior practice room]

TaeYeon and KangIn went outside to talk while LeeTeuk wait for them inside the practice room.

KangIn: So what is it TaeYeon?
TaeYeon: KangIn Oppa I think is the best if we stay away from each other and find a better life
KangIn: Ok I understand
They walk back inside

TaeYeon: LeeTeuk Oppa can you drive me home now?
LeeTeuk: Sure

Inside LeeTeuk's car
TaeYeon: Oppa When did you started to like me?
LeeTeuk: When we were trainees
TaeYeon: Then why didn't you do anything when I went out with KangIn Oppa?
LeeTeuk: I was to scared to I guess
TaeYeon: So my angel Teukie is a chicken huh?
LeeTeuk: Yah

Few Years later

Leeteuk and TaeYeon was arranged and about KangIn let just say he found his lover and got marry even before Taeteuk.
This is just the beginning of their story

So I know is was lame but I wanted to end this story early hope u like it anyway

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SonElf_4ever #1
New reader here!! <br />
AWWW, he confess. That's so cuuuteee!<br />
Update soon!
taeyeon say "YES!!"<br />
awwww he confess!!!TaeYeon answer yes please!!!!Update soon
Happy birthday to Kyu and I won't delete my story don't worry
happy birthday to my bias kyuhyun!! btw don't delete your story :D
jasmine_fantasy #8
No! Don't delete! I like your story! Update soon! I wonder how will Taeyeon react!
Should I delete this story?
I won't update for a while I'm working on my other fanfic Super Generation love <br />
But I promise I'm going to update