Notice: Very Important

Birthday Gift

Sooo something horribly unlucky for me, but great for you subscribers, happened today.

Because of Hurricane Sandy, we got a few leaks in our roof. Now, I have a box that I keep all of my art supplies and writing books. So, guess which roof tile sprung a major leak and fell? The one EXACTLY above the box. So today I went in the box to clean it, only to find that three, yes THREE, of my writing books got soaked. They're still legible but now it's forced me to have to type all of those stories out before the books develop mold.


So, the good news for you guys, I just got forced out of my haitus by Mother Nature! WHOOOOOOOO!!!

Bad news for me? I have a whole heck of a lot of typing to do, but luckily my Christmas break just started ^.^

I've also decided that i'll fix the spelling and grammatical in my stories while I'm at it.

Just thought I'd let you all know ^.^
Im excited to start this up again, I hope you all are too :3

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Little_M #1
Waahh! Nice chapter! I want Taemin too :"> But I wont have him :(<br />
Update soon >:D<
ShyMin #2
intresting intresting!<br />
Update soon<br />
When I first read the description I was like...<br />
I asked for Taemin as a birthday present too!<br />
My friends said okaay~! XD<br />
But seriously they're going to Korea in 3 years time and they're taking me with them, they will also try to find Taemin for me! O.O<br />
Update soon!! <3
OMG LIghtening birthmarks ^^ (I thoiugh Harry Potter >_< I'm sorry.) Most of the time the character descpitions are in the foreword. But guyess your special.<br />
Oh btw. Your sn is the same one of the main characters in my story ^0^. LOL had to point that out :D. No pressure to update soon xD.
D:< WHOA KEY'S PROFILE LOOKS WEIRD O_O! Oh btw. You have some spelling and grammar mistake in the foreword ^^
Little_M #5
Uh.. I want you to update!!<br />
I'm dying here!! It is gonna be interesting :))