Evil One And What If?!?!

One Night Can Change It All






Great… now how are we suppose to brush this off?! We can’t say its not what it looks like?! Cause well… I'm not even sure what that was… “Hey! Move your hands I wanna see too!” said Riine and she ripped everyone’s hands off of her face to see Jinwoon still over me in a questionable position “OMO UNNIE!” she yelled. OH NO! Now my little sister with think I'm bad! I'm a who-“Does this mean I'm gonna be an auntie soon?! HOW EXCITING!” of course she’d say that! Wait auntie?! Gahhh “No no its not that” I yelled as I pushed Jinwoon off of me. I tried to get up and I couldn’t get my leg out of the entangled blankets and legs causing me to fall face first “Aishh unnie there is no denying your embarrassed you always do that when your embarrassed especially in front of someone you li-“ I flew ninja style covering up my blabbing sister! “Yah! Are you crazy?!” I whispered in her ear. “Wae? It’s true!” she said as I dragged her out of the room leaving a stunned One Day in the room. “Riine! I love you! You know that but if you tell or even think of telling Jinwoon my feeling. I’ll kill you! KILL. YOU. DEATH. TO YOU!” I threatened. She looked at me confused “Unnie… your husband doesn’t know you like him? Don’t you want him to know?” she asked, aish her innocence. “Yes, but he can’t. Cause he doesn’t like me that way. Understand?” I explained. She began to smirk “That’s not what it looked like in there~” she sang Aishh this little girl “YAH! Go back to sleep!” I told her “But unnie~ I wanna hear your love stor-“ I interrupted her “Riine.. Please. Well talk later. I'm sleepy” she nodded and went to her room. She tends to be a bit crazy, but shes good.


I walk into the room and get back into bed throwing the covers over me. Ahh pure bliss “A-auhm” I hear someone clear their throat. EHH too sleepy to care “COUGH COUGH” is Jinwoon getting a cold? COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH!!! it got louder “OKAY OKAY” I said as I sat up and see One Day still standing in front of our bed.. ehhh didn’t Jinwoon clear this up?! I look next to me and see a punished looking boy sitting at the edge of the bed. Aww “Whats wrong?” I asked like they didn’t just catch us in a very sticky.. messy and HOT no no bad situation.. “Are you guys crazy?!” said Jokwon. “No” said Jinwoon but one look from Jokwon he quickly shut up and looked away. “Umm sorry” I said looking down cause a mad Jokwon is a bit..no no REALLY scary “YAH! Leave the kids alone!” yelled Changmin; aww oppa I just could hug you right now! “Can’t you see they want to make us all uncles!” he yelled in excitement. Hug you and SQUEEZE YOU TO DEATH!!!


“Soo you guys are getting your freak on even with guest in the house! ” said Junho ahahah ?! Umm more like it was all a dream, cause this is far from reality. “ I'm all for you guys to express your feeling and making a love child. But please not while we’re in the house!” said Jokwon ahaha “Or at least lock the door before you get it on!” said Chansung aishh this guy. “It wasn’t like that! It was an accident” I defended. “Suree~ Like Jinwoon accidently slipped on top of you and your tongues decided to exchange mouths” said Khun Noo Thai prince! How can you say that! “Ahah its okay your hormones must be going crazy at your ages!” said Seulong. “We might be seeing a baby soon~ “ said Wooyoung.. no no are these guys crazy! They are embarrassing me! I'm gonna kill them all! ALL!! “Please leave” I said but they choose to ignore me and continue talking about baby name” Jinwoon! Who’d know you’d beat us all! Your gonna be a daddy soon~” said Taec. Jinwoon looked up then smirked towards me “Won’t we make cute babies~” he said. Okay now this is driving me crazy  “GET OUT! NOW!” I said they all stopped and looked at me “Don’t forget to lock to door” Wooyoung teasingly said. “Leave!” I said as I pointed towards the door, and saw them all run out.


Aisshh these guys, they know how I feel about him and yet they still do this. I can’t even look at him right now. I lay down and closed my eyes tight trying to forcefully go to dream world. “I didn’t know you wanted me that badly,” said Jinwoon with a smirk. WHAT?!  “You were the one on top of me when they saw us, so who wanted who?” I said. It was quiet for a while but then he began to laugh “Bwauhahah you attacked first. And I'm a guy, I just played along~” he said. Played along? Somehow I knew… but confirming it really hurts.. “You’re the one that wanted it remember!?” he looked at me suddenly remember that he was the one that asked me to do it “I hope it hurts less” I said with a smirk on my face and happily went to sleep leaving a shocked Jinwoon staring at me.



~~~The Next Morning~~~


THIS IS SO AWKWARD! We’re suppose to be having a normal breakfast but the other ‘MATURE’ adults keep staring and giggling at us =.= Gahh and its not just Changmin, Seulong and Jokwon but 2PM decided to sleep over! Gahh I feel so.. well . “So what did you guys do after we left you Alonee~” asked Junsu, well doesn’t he sound like a .. “Unnie~!” screamed out well more like sang my sister. “Soo are you gonna tell us” they all asked. “I can’t! I have a date!” I yelled out. They all stared at me dumfounded, Jinwoon looked like he could burn things with his eyes “With Riine!” I said as I held her hand, “Let's goooo~” I sang as I pulled her outside.  


Sighhhh! Finally I can breath! I felt so suffocated in there! “Unnie, where are we going?!” Riine asked. I looked around hmm there isn’t much since we have no car..” How about we get some ice cream!” I suggested. He eyes light up ahaha what a kid. We walked into the closest ice cream pallor, pfft why couldn’t it be this easy when I went on my date with Jinwoon!?! “Riine what flavor do you want?” she looked at be like it was the dumbest question even thought of “Aishh FINE!! Get us a table” I said as I walked away. “Two green tea ice creams please” I said and then turned around to go find her. “YAY! ICE CREAM!” she yelled. “Shhh! Don’t be so loud! I don’t want fans to see us!” I told her, I don’t really care about myself but I don’t want them to bother my sister. There are still a few fans that don’t like the idea of Jinwoon and I being married. “Well look who it is!” oh no! My body froze… did they find us? I turn my body slowly and my eyes widened “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Riine screamed while pointing, normally I’d tell her not to point or scream but she took the words right out of my mouth..

“You don’t mind if I sit here right?!” she said. “Yes we do, so leave” my sister once again stole my words. “Gabby, what are you doing here?” I finally spoke before Riine decided to steal my words again, “Didn’t you know? I was recruited to be a model here” she said with a proud face. “Your gonna be a model for ice cream? I feel bad for the company they’ll lose business” Riine said. I chuckled under my breath, “YAH! Doesn’t your sister know any manners?!” she said “I-“ I cut Riine off “She does. But you haven’t done anything that deserves the respect. We’ll be going. I’ve lost my appetite. Keep the table” I said as I stood up “Pfft I see getting a famous husband has suddenly given you some confidence” she said mockingly. I turned around but my sister stepped in “And I see someone still hasn’t dropped a house on this witch” she said as she shoved gabby out of the way. We walked out without turning back but I could feel the burning gaze on my back, why did I have to run into her…


“Unnie~ are you ok?” Riine asked I looked up at her and smiled “Of course! Why?” she looked at me with an ‘are you kidding me but sighhh fine I’ll let it slide’ face “Unnie.. I-I k-kinda wanted to tell you s-something…” she said with stutter in her voice. Ehhh stutter? Riine? That’s rare?! “What is it?” she looked at me but tried to avoid my eyes “Ehh ummm” well what is she waiting for? “Spit it out!” I said “I LIKE SOMEONE!” she yelled in my face… thats it? She only LIKES SOMEONE!??!~?! “WHAT!? WHO? WHEN? WHERE?! WHY?!?!” I began to interrogate. She looked resistant to tell me. “Well?” I insisted “Yo-yoo yoo” she said.. a yo-yo? Does she think I’ll be mad at her? Its not like she's 5.. “Riine I don’t care if you like someone we cant help these things. It just happens. Sure I tend to go protective sister on you but I just care. But I wouldn’t interfere and it’s not like he's someone famous” I laughed it off but she remained serious….”IT IS?!” She nodded. Ok  ____ calm down. The only famous people she's met have been through you… So think… OMG! NO DUHH! Her bias…”Riine, is it Yoseob?” she widened her eyes then nodded. Well that’s not so bad! He's sweet and nice and not too far from her age, but hmm what if he doesn’t feel the same and hurts her? “Riine, I'm okay with it. So don’t worry about me but what if he-“ she suddenly started giggling O.o creeper? “He just texted me unnie~” she said aww. So maybe he is interested.


**Ringgg~ Ringggg~***


“Yess~” I answered


“____ are you with your sister?” asked JYP


“Ehhh yes father in law, why?” I asked


“AWW A-ahum Can you please come to my office then” he said ahah he still so weird


“Sure, we’re near by. Be there soon~” I said and then hung up



~~~At JYP Building~~~

We walked in and Riine is bouncing off the walls, this is her first time here what a kid. Yet she wants to date~ “Oh hey ____! Its been a while!” I turn around and see Suzy from MissA “Heyy! How are you?” I asked. We talked for a while and then we went to see the rest of MissA “Heeyy” they all yelled ahah these girls are the best! “Unnie I have to use the bathroom I’ll be right back” said Riine I just nodded and continued talking


(Riine’s POV)


Aisshh where is the bathroom? I’ve never been here… “What do you mean they are still together?!” someone yelled. Ehhh? Who is screaming like they own these halls?! “Shh Unnie. You’re being a bit loud” someone whispered. “I don’t care! And don’t call me Unnie you know I hate that!” she continued screaming. Who is that? Her voice is irritating! Almost as much as the evil one.. “Yess sorry Gabby” she said. GABBY?! THE EVIL ONE?! I peeked my head through the corner and I see that thing talking to Miss A’s Min… why?! “I don’t want an apology I want her to- “ she suddenly looked towards my direction but I moved like a ninja and ran back to my unnie! “I knew I didn’t like that Min!” I said to myself. “UNNIE UNNIE!” I came screaming in! “What’s wrong?” she asked worried looking at my shocked face. WAIT! I can’t say it in front of Miss A what if they are evil too? But I don’t get that vibe from them? Hmm better safe than sorry “Unnie I have to tell you something” I said as I pulled her to a corner “Wae?” she asked “Unnie, I just saw the evil one!” her eyes widened “When?” she asked “Just now! I didn’t even get to use the potty! But that’s not important! I saw her talking to Min! From Miss A! Unnie be careful! I don’t get a good vibe from her!” She just nodded her head.. I think something is going to go down… I think I’ll need to call back up




I knew Gabby being her was too coincidental.. she's here for a reason.. She's up to something, like she always is… “Unnie! Don’t we have to go see JYP?” Riine asked OH THAT’S RIGHT! I grabbed her hand and ran to his office “I'm sorry we’re late~” I said once we opened the door. He took one look at us and started crying, oh nooo did he wait to long?! “Father in law, we’re sorry!” I told her “I'm SO HAPPY!” He yelled O.O mood swings? You know if JYP was a girl I’d think he's pregnant or something… “I HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS!” he yelled as he hugged my sister “Ehh? Really?” My sister yelled “Yess and your just so adorable! How old are you?” he asked her “Me adorable?! Aww thank you!!! I'm 17! 18 this year~” she said posing in a cute way “Aishhh I just wanna keep you in my pocket” he said “Hee hee “ she said aishh I feel like a third wheel ahaha “Do you have a boyfriend?!~ Shall I get you married to one of our cute trainees?!” he asked “MARRIED! Yah! Father in law!” I yelled in he crazy?! “Wae?” he asked innocently “She can’t get married now and plus she likes someone” I said confidently “REALLY?! WHO?” He asked eagerly “Y-Yoseob” Riine shyly said “Aww but I wanted to keep you in the family” JYP said with a frown “Aww don’t worry you have my sister! And we’ll always be connected that way!” Riine reassured the bipolar man. “Aww so have you gone on a date~ Heheh shall I help?!” he asked Ohh god here he goes~ That crazy romantic!


FINALLY!! We’re home! “Unnie will you be okay?” okay? I'm about to sleep on a giant cloud once I walk into my room~ “Okay with what?” I asked her “You know… with Jinwoon?” she said with Jinwoon? What about JINWOON! I suddenly remembered I don’t wanna see him… I don’t know how to react yet… Never mind I’ll sleep somewhere else “Unnie where are you going?” she said as she pulled my inside the apartment Nooo nooo! She continued pushing me and then threw me into my own room! Aishh she knows how to get her point across I slowly open one eye at a time.. to find NO Jinwoon? Ehh he’s not in the room? I walk around the house and NOTHING? Ehh I walk into the oppa’s room. Poor guys. They all share one room now :( “Where is Jinwoon?” I asked them, then they began to chuckle “Ohh how nice it is to be in love~!” they all sang. “What are you taking about?” I asked them “You love him, he loves you. It is so truee~” they sang. Uggh don’t say that! I don’t want my hopes to go up “He doesn’t love me, don’t tease me like that” I said with a sad expression “What if he did?” asked Jokwon, I stood there frozen. Ehh? Him loving me? That’s not possible?!?



Heyyy guys it’s been a while! :D

So what do you think?!

Muahaha who is this Gabby?

Will Riine finally go on a date with her bias?

Who is the back up?

And Does Jinwoon really love _____?!?!!?!




It will all be revealed soon~ or later!


Hehe this chapter is really long but I hope its worth it!

At least it looks pretty long on my word -.-

Soo yess just wanted to add BEAST NEW ALBUM! IS SO FAMAZING!!!! :D

And OMFG! Did you see Jinwoon in Men’s Health!! That is one healthy boyyy!!! :Q

Hehe but yess

Enough of my babbling!

Love you guys enjoy!

And don’t hesitate to SPAZ ON ME! ^.^

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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!