Don't leave me

Chocolate Cream []
Let's just ignore what happened yesterday. I decided to ignore what my mom said because my that is going to support me. My mom said that she's going to stop paying my university and bla bla bla, but my dad stopped her.

"So hyung, you're really borrowing me your apartment?" Taemin asked me when we were finishing packing my things. In fact there were just my clothes.

"Yeah, I already told and you're not going to pay me anything" I said zipping my third luggage.

"And when is going to be here?"

"Huh? What?" I looked at him weirdly.


"Ahhh, in any minute" the ring bell sounded "Here he is" I smiled.

I walked towards my door and I opened it, but it wasn't Jonghyun it was my neighbor.

"Annyong" He smiled sweetly at me "I haven't see you in a while so I came to visit you" He was standing in front of my door.

Taemin walked towards me and saw him.

"Oh, I see you often in Exodus" Taemin pointed him.

"You're the dancing machine!" Onew hyung exclaimed, I just looked at them confused.

"Come in" My best friend said, taking a seat with the older.

"Okay" I closed the door and I went towards the kitchen"

"Hey, why so many luggage? The dancing machine is moving in with you?" He asked and I gave him a glass of juice.

"No, I'm moving to another place" I answered sitting in front of them.

"Oh, I see" He seemed less excited "You're moving because you don't like the building?"

"I'm..." Taemin cut me.

"He's moving with his boyfriend" He grinned widely.

"You have a boyfriend" He said looking directly at me "That explains why I don't see you and you came home late in the night" What? He knows when I come home?

Taemin started to laugh "What? You like Key hyung?" The younger asked while joking.

"In fact yes" He said serious.

Awkward silence.

The bell ring again. That has to be Jjong.

I stood up and I walked towards the door, Taemin was giving a "this is ed up" look.

I opened the door and I looked at my boyfriend.

"Ready to be my wife?" He asked and then he kissed me. I looked behind him and there was Geun Seuk.

"Hi" He greeted and he entered my apartment.

"My first time here" Jonghyun mumbled and looked everywhere. He posed his gaze on Onew "Hello, I'm Kim Jonghyun" My boyfriend smiled and bowed.

Onew looked at him in amusement "Yeah, I know who you are" He stood up and bowed too "And this is your son?"

"Yes" I was at Jonghyun's side now and he was smiling proudly.

"My sister loves you" Onew said scratching the back of his head.

"Really? Good" Jonghyun walked towards the kitchen and took a bottle of water.

Geun Seuk was looking my luggages.

"We should go to my house right now?" Asked my boyfriend.

"Yeah" I looked at Onew and then Taemin "He's your new neighbor" I told Onew.

"Interesting. I'm going to see you in Exodus any time soon?" He asked me.

I felt the way Jonghyun looked at me "You go to that gay club?" He inquired.

"No. Well... I went once" I said shrugging.

"Hum, too many ert there" He finalized his hand under his chin.

"I'm not going to go again" I said.

"But hyuuung" Taemin whined.

"You took him there?" Jonghyun asked.

"Yeah" Taemin answered proudly.

Onew kept staring at me.

"Minho knows that?" My boyfriend raised an eyebrow.

"Wha- No" My friend admitted.

"You should tell him" Jonghyun called Geun Seuk and he took one of my luggage and the box with my sewing machine.

"Min, help me please" I told him.

He and Onew quickly stood up and they helped me with my things. I took my bag and Geun Seuk's hand.

We went to the parking lot carrying my things.

"We should go to Exodus together sometime" Onew said to Minnie, when we were on the elevator.

"Yeah, of course"

"And again, you need to tell Minho about you, going to that gay club" I looked at them confused.

Geun Seuk was 'singing' a song.

"Alright, I'm gonna tell him!" My friend sighed "But way so you keep saying that?"

Onew seemed really awkward with this.

"Because when we were 16 I started to go frequently to a karaoke, and I didn't told him. When he found out he said that I didn't trusted him and he didn't talked to me in a moth" Jonghyun said when we were getting out of the elevator and going towards his car.

Taemin didn't say a thing and just nodded.

"Okay, 'till here then" I said, smiling at Taemin and Onew.

Jonghyun opened his... Hyundai Veracruz?

He has a SUV too?! Damn this man.

"Let's put your things here" He said arranging my luggage inside the car.

"Thanks Minnie, Onew" I bowed to him "I'll see you another day Minnie, you already know were do I live now" I smiled at him. I did all this when Jonghyun was putting Geun Seuk's his seat bell on.

"Let's go Jjong" I smiled one more time and he bowed to the other two, and got inside the car with me.

"Hey Geun Seuk, this is amazing, now Key is going to live with us" Started my boyfriend when he started the car.

"Eung, I having two daddy now" He grinned.

I chuckled at this amazing little boy.


"Well, we are going to bring your clothes to my room and the sewing machine to the room I showed you before" He said carrying the box and one luggage.

I nodded and I did how he said.

"Hey, we need to get a babysitter" I said "You have to work tomorrow?"

"No" We started to arrange the clothe into his big walking closet while Geun Seuk watched TV laying on his dad's bed.

"Then we have another day" I caressed one of my favorites shirts and I hanged it "I'm going to college tomorrow, I've been skipping it too much. I can't low my scores, I'm too awesome to do that" I smirked.

"That makes me think... you told your parents about living with me?" He chuckled when he found a pink short pants.

"Uhm, yeah. I told them" I tried to avoid the subject.

"What did they said?" He looked at me in interest.

I gave him a twisted smile "Well... my mom didn't took it really well" I took a deep breathe "She said that she doesn't has a son" I remembered all the awful things that she said to me.

"What?" He walked towards me widening his eyes "That's why your eyes are so puffy today?" He asked me, concern in his voice.

"Yeah" He surrounded my body with his arms and I started to cry.

"Hey honey, don't cry" He caressed my hair and kissed my head repeatedly "Don't be sad" He cupped my face with his hands.

"I can't help it, she hates me now" I spoke as clearly as my body allowed me to.

"She doesn't hates you, she's just scared" He whispered onto my ear kissing it after that.

"I'm scared" I trembled, hiding my face in his chest.

"Why is Key-umma cried?" Asked Geun Seuk entering the closet.

"He's just sad" Jonghyun answered to his son "His mom said hurting things"

Geun Seuk pouted and came closer to me.

"We never gonna say bad things to umma" The little said, hugging my leg "I love you, Umma" And he smiled at me.

All I could do it was smile.

"You know?" Jonghyun caught my attention again "I love you too" And he kissed me softly "I love you much"

I blushed and he wiped my tears "You know? Even crying you look amazingly beautiful" I bite my lower lip "Come, let's finish this later" And he leaded me towards the bed.

Geun Seuk sat on the bed with us. I was huddling to Jonghyun and his son was curled onto my lap.

"What are you going to do about your mom?" He was my hair softly, making me feel really relaxed.

"I don't know" I said. Being completely sincere.

"Are you going to leave us?" He asked me in a whisper.

God, this man has something with whispering. Does he knows that I love the way he whispers?

"If course not" I hugged him tighter "She has to understand" I finished my sentence.

"You are like a... I don't know" He chuckled softly "You're just amazing"

I know that I'm never going to regret this.


You know people? There's more drama to come! I want just to warn you.
I'm planning on finishing this this month, or maybe in early december, I want to start a new one and focus in that one.
Well, hope you liked this chap!

DeviLaugh: Yeah, Geun Seuk just interrupted them!
I want to do this a little different from all stories (:
I don't know if it's working but I'm trying lol

Mizzkiki: She's a stupid person (: Just like my dad =___=
Thanks for reading! :D

Terta: bla bla bla! Ojalña te gustae! :D

HolyShisus: Well... Key decided to ignore temporarily his mother ( who wouldn't? )
I'm glad you liked it! :D Hope you liked this one to (:

Sirion: He's not going to break up with Jjong (:
He's his new reason to live along with Geun Seuk (:

sungyo: Everyone hates Key's mother! XDDDD LOL
Thanks for reading Sungyo! :D

DFGee_LaLa: You know? xD I should be sleeping now, I have to test tomorrow (I mean... later... in 8 more hours I'm having a test LOL)
But I needed to update ): I didn't update in more than a week ):
Hope you liked it!

dubustar: I'm sorry ): I updated because I feel bad for not updating in such a long time ):
It's just that my stupid school kills me!
I'm having so much test x___x
And I'm a retard and I'm having like... too many 5 (and the maximum is 7)
I'm such a stupid girl x___x
Hope you liked this anyways! :D

BoBoBoooo: I already made an account (:
Maybe in two weeks or so I'm going to update (:
Thanks for reading! :D

unknown: :C I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! D:
My stupid school!
Hope you liked this one (:

nene: yay nene! Thanks for still support me! :D
You know? xD I was writing this while watching south park xD LOL
I hate Key's mother xD, I love his father <3
Yeah, the baby came in! XD
I just needed to do that! XD LOL
I'm teasing all you guys *eyebrows up and down*
Hope you liked this chapter too! :D :D :D

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aye~plz update
WooJun #2
OMGGGGG. It's youuuu! Remember me fron winglin? The story...It Started with A Bet? :D Well, I'm here now too! With a new Jongkey fic ;) Yay! Chocolate Cream! This is my favorite fic from you XD