You're drunk

Chocolate Cream []
I said party?

Well... it isn't...

Okay, I lied.

We were just talking and drinking beer.

- And how do you met? - I asked them, taking another can of beer.

We were in Jonghyun's place.

- Our parents are really good friend - Started Minho - And we knew each other when we were little kids.

He finalized with a smile.

- But - Continued my boyfriend - When they've found out that I was going to be father they pulled us apart and my parents told me that I had to disappear of his lives - He finished.

- That's really sad - Said Taemin, finishing his 3rd can.

- Stop it kid - Minho glared at him.

- I'm an adult - Said my friend opening his 4th can.

- What ever - Minho rolled his eyes.

Jonghyun laughed - Hey you, Key, you need to stop too -

I looked around me.

5 cans.

Okay, now I'm officially an alcoholic.

I chuckled with the thought.

- Hey, why you don't have a motorcycle how we said that we were going to have? - Minho faced-joking.

- Because of Geun Seuk, you idiot - Jonghyun said.

- See? That's a real caring that! - Yelled my friend.

I smiled.

Jonghyun is just perfect.

- We should go out another day - Said my boyfriend's friend.

- Yeah, but you have to come here again and meet my little boy - the eldest took a coke.

- Yeah, he has to be absolutely cute -

- No doubt of it - I pointed.

I looked at Taemin and he was laying on the floor sleeping.

Before, he was seating on the puff in front of the main couch.

- Well, I think that we have to go - Minho said, standing up.

I took the final sip of my beer.

I was really dizzy and I felt really hot.

Jonghyun stood up with Minho and he kicked Taemin softly.

- Hey, wake up - And my friend just rolled over his body.

MInho sighed.

- I'll call you, man - He hugged my boyfriend and then I felt reaaaaally sleepy.

I saw how the tallest one lifted Taemin and he threw his body onto his shoulder.

I chuckled seeing that.

Taemin hands were just hanging there.

- Byeeeeee - I made longer the last vowel.

Minho entered the elevator and waved with his free hand.

Jonghyun looked at me.

- You're drunk -

- No I'm not - I smirked and I stood up, I move my feet and I almost fell on the ground but my boyfriend grabbed me.

- See? You're drunk -

I smiled at him and he gave me a serious look.

- Kiss me - I made a kiss shape with my mouth closing my eyes.

- No - He simply said.

- Pleaaase - I begged.

- No, because tomorrow you're not going to remember a thing - He pointed and he started walking with my weight too.

My feet wasn't responding.

- You're not going to drink again - Jonghyun seemed a little upset.

He placed his arm on my back and his arm under my legs, and he lifted me bridal style.

- Why you don't want me? - I asked him, placing my head on his shoulder.

- I want you, but I already told you that not drunk - He walked trough the hallway and entered his bedroom.

- I'm staying here tonight? - I asked him softly.

- Yes, you are. You're just too drunk to leave you alone - He left me there laying on his bed.

I grabbed his shirt.

- Kiss me - I demanded.

- Key, I'm not going to do it -

- Kiss me, now - I said again.

- I'm going to take your shoes off - He ignored my request.

He took them off and he went towards his closet.

He came back holding blue pajamas.

- You're wearing this tonight - He said and he turned the other way.

I tried to take off my shirt, and finally I did it and immediately I tried to take off my pants and I couldn't do it.

- Help me - I said to him.

He looked at me and he chuckled.

- Drunk and all you're still cute -

He took the top of the pajamas and he helped me wearing it and then he helped me with the pants.

When he looked at me our gazes found each other.

I crossed my arms behind his neck and I pulled him closer to me.

- Kiss me - I demanded again.

And he leaned closer to me, kissing me softly.

He was on top of me, holding his weight onto his elbows.

He broke the kiss - No Key, not now, tomorrow you're not going to remember what happened -

He tried to stood up but I didn't let him.

- I'm going to remember everything - I said.

Of course that I'm going to do it!

- No, you're not! - He raised his voice a little bit.

I loosened my grasp and I felt stupid.

He looked at me and he sighed.

- I'm sorry, but I'm telling you the truth - He stood up at the side of the bed and he took off his shirt and all his clothes, he just was wearing his boxers now.

He came under the blankets with me and he hugged me.

- I want you to remember all the special moments with me - He kissed my forehead.

- Okay - I mumbled, I was falling asleep.

- Sweet dreams - He whispered onto my ear.


Okay, I know it's really short, but, I couldn't continue it! Hope you enjoyed this short update. My school is killing me.

Comment Replies:

Sirion: This update was really short! Hope you liked it!
I'm going to do a longer chapter next time! :D
Thanks for reading * *

YS_LoV3: Thanks for reading :B Hope you liked this one.

mathilde-jongkeylover: Long stories are the best! :D

dubustar: There, they jjust said it! :D
It's really sad... xD

sungyo: I hate Jjong parents .___.

HolyShisus: Taemin completely drunk xD LOL
Yeah, I have always made my own posters :B
You like them? * *

DeviLaugh: I'm thinking on hire an old caring woman... xD
And now you know how did they met! :D

nene: You're back! * * I've missed you!
I thought that you forgot about me! D:
I'm glad you came back * *
Thanks for reading nene! I really love you! :D

DFGee_LaLa: It took me a while to update again @.@, thanks for reading!

I want to start a new fanfic! But maybe I start it in December, that's when I'm really happy and I'm finishing the school and bla bla bla. If this fanfic is still alive in december you're going to have tons of updates! :D

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aye~plz update
WooJun #2
OMGGGGG. It's youuuu! Remember me fron winglin? The story...It Started with A Bet? :D Well, I'm here now too! With a new Jongkey fic ;) Yay! Chocolate Cream! This is my favorite fic from you XD