To The One Far Away

Letters for Punk






Every time I look at the skies I wonder why you forgot everything about me. Is it because the times we spent together are too short? Or is it because you do not love me – that I am not important to you? Whatever it is, I want to know why. It is unfair Punk! It is too not fair for me. No matter how rational I want to be about this, I… I can’t. I just can’t. I’m sorry for being so weak. But I guess it’s about time for me to be strong – for you, for us.


Sometimes I think that what happened between us before is nothing but just a dream. Tell me, is it? I wanted to believe that those that happened to us in the past are real and that what is happening now is just a dream. Don’t worry; I’m not mad at you for forgetting about me. I’ll wait. I’ll wait for you even if it takes a long time before you come back to me. Just… just please come back? I missed you so much already. Every day, whenever I woke up, I would wish that it would be the day when you will finally come back. However, it is not time I guess. I won’t stop waiting Punk. You’re all worth the wait.


I’m sorry this letter is getting so dramatic. Did you even read it? I know you did. Before this letter ends, I just want to say, I love you Punk. I’m sorry that I always deprive you of those words. When you come back, I promise that I’ll always tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I love you my punk.


                                                                                                                                             Your one and only,



P.S. Come back soon before I find you a replacement! XD Just joking. Just come back fast. I’ll be waiting, always.



It’s not like I am a prying person and I do not like poking my nose in someone else’s business. Curiosity kills the cat. I know. But, I just can’t help myself from not taking a look at the letter that doesn’t even belong to me. It’s very rude especially when I don’t even read the letters that were sent to me. I don’t even accept letters in the first place so why did I even read what’s not mine? Psh! Since when have you become like this Kim Jong In?


I ruffled my hair in frustration. I should return the letter to her soon. Perhaps, I should also apologize for reading her love letter to her boyfriend. I just hope she won’t get mad enough at me for being so inquisitive. She won’t, right? She’s too nice. But I wonder what kind of guy would forget someone like her? What kind of guy would leave her alone and make her worry. Does he not even know how much she loves him? Whoever that guy is, I don’t think I want to meet him in person.

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Chapter 15: Nice storyyy
Rasmee #2
Chapter 15: Oh my gosh too much sweetness. I could just die gosh!!!
Naviky #3
Chapter 15: Aw T.T so sweet!
Byul-Ah #4
Chapter 15: awwww Im crying T_T <3
MinJu- #5
Chapter 15: I just finished this.. I CRIED SO MUCH! Author-nim your awesome.. They totally must get married!!
awwwwww the ending was soo sweeet~~
Chapter 14: Okay okay I CRIED A WATERFALL BECAUSE THIS!!! And I can not stop that everytime I read this story (from the accident chapter) my eyes will go red! Ah please I just can't stop. Why is it so painful and beautiful at the same time? I dont know if its good to have a sequel... But I seem like want more. I want to cry over your beautiful story more...
Oh my God I need packs of tissues now :( hauuuuu so touching <3

Dear Miss. Pepper,
Could you please write a story like this for the second time and make my heart cry a river?


"Let's get married." OMO SOOOOO CUTE