Let's Head to JYP! 「Girl」

☆═━┈ 『 ιηтєʀαᴄтιᴠє 』 The Making of a Star

"Keep your head up. Take deep breaths. It’s fine, you’ll be able to make it.”

You keep reciting this mantra in your head and out loud as you head closer to the JYP Entertainment building in Cheongdam-dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, South Korea. The building stands out from the others, the JYP Logo immediately catches the eye. The many posters of their company’s idols are plastered onto the round windows.

You cross the streets, almost losing yourself in the crowd of pedestrians. Keeping pace, you finally end up on the other side of the road. But then, you see that the line to get inside the building stretches up the street and around the corner. It was a snake that went on forever and ever.

Scanning the faces of the auditionees momentarily, you see many people looking down at the ipods and mouthing the words to their audition songs, or re-applying their makeup. Many others are chatting with each other and getting to know strangers. Only a few people look extremely serious.

“Keep your head up. Take deep breaths. It’s fine, you’ll be able to make it.”

Throngs of people are standing outside, waiting to get in, just like you are. It almost seems impossible to get inside until you spot a shortcut to get in. You knew it would kind of be unfair to the others who had waited outside for hours, but you were determined enough.

“Excuse me, coming through~” You shove yourself to the front of the line, ignoring the disgusted looks you receive from some of the other idol hopefuls.

“Yah, you can’t do that! You can’t cut in line, you !” A young man who has flawless, glowing skin and perfect hair steps out of the line for a few seconds to glare and scowl at you. “There are others who have been waiting here for hours, you know!”


Had this complete stranger just called you a ? Enraged, you want to go up to him and punch him so hard in the face that he’ll end up looking like a homeless nutjob. But you have to keep your calm composure in order not to cause a commotion and end up in the tabloids, so you purse your lips together and ignore him. Hopefully, you’d be able to keep him away for long enough that you’d be able to enter the building and finish your auditions.

“Keep your head up. Take deep breaths. It’s fine, you’ll be able to make it.”

The line eventually moves after what seems like five hours when in reality, it was only five minutes. Just as you step foot in the well-furnished lobby and grab an audition application form from the front desk, you feel a strong hand grab your wrist and pull you back to prevent you from entering the audition rooms.

“Didn’t you hear me before?” A familiar voice growls in your ear. Your application form is snatched out of your hand, then crumpled into a ball. “You’re a scumbag for cutting all those people.” A moment of silence followed. He was waiting for your reaction, but you kept calm even though you were completely annoyed and pissed off.

"Are you deaf or something? Are you mute?" His nails, which were sharper than you expected, dug into your wrist. He drove them deeper and deeper until you swore that he had pierced your skin. You struggled to get away from him, but he was stronger and was two times your size.

"Damn it! I did not come here to be harassed by some random stranger."

You whip your head around to see the guy who had berated you before. He looked like he had a pretty good chance at getting into JYP Entertainment -- after all, he fit the idol image perfectly. Skinny, full of charisma, and pretty. The only thing about him that need a makeover was probably his attitude.

Walk away from him | Coming Soon
Start a fight with him | Coming Soon

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09302012 | updated the choices for "Questions, Questions" (SM AUDITION) for girls+guys, which are chapters 11+12. Next update tomorrow.


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Chapter 13: Please update soon~!
i love this interactive. ^^
can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 15: Ohh can't wait for you to upadte :)
Chapter 1: :'D aww i wanted woolim but ish ok :3
nice story btw :D
Chapter 15: Oh oh!!!! The training part is good! Ur uncle is in sm?? Lucky!!! I might audition when I get a little older and more fluent in Korean and better with dancing and singing :3 update soon Plz!!!
Wow! It's so good already!~ Can't wait to have more chapter for the SM audition ;)
YhenCay #7
I really like this interactive. I hope you update soon but take your time and no pressure :)
AAA THIS STORY IS ALREADY SO GOOD ♥v♥ and I've not even begun my audition ;'d! i look forward ^^
I'm anticipating what's coming next ^_^
Cube~!! lol~!