Best Friends

ㄨ Nobody Wanted to Date Him


Was Yoseob really talking to me?

“Oh. Ji Min,” He said. He was just as shocked to see me here as I was to see him talking to me.

“H-hi,” I stammered. I really didn’t understand how he could talk to me. I’d admit I did slap him in the face pretty hard the other night.

His surprised expression quickly subsided and went back to normal. “Can you help me choose what shoes to wear today? You’re usually good at this.”

I stared at him. Wait, what? I didn’t expect him to even acknowledge me, and now he’s talking to me as if nothing happened. Was this all an act or did he just genuinely not care?

He held up two different pairs of shoes in front of me. Both were his favorite and had always caused a great debate for him at the end of his early morning preparations.

“Ji Min?” He questioned, closing in on me. I backed away as I snapped back to earth.

“Oh?” I gaped at him.

“Which one?” He asked me, still holding up his shoes.

“Oh… um… I…” I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but I couldn’t seem to break away from my perplexity. He was talking to me. Maybe I didn’t slap him in the face hard enough.

“I think this pair is good, right?” Yoseob suggested, gesturing to the pair of bright yellow sneakers he was clutching.

“Uhh… Y-yeah, that’s good,” I stuttered, regaining a bit of my voice back.

Yoseob eyed the pair for a moment then nodded. “Sounds good.” He reached over and patted my head. “Gomawo!”

He trotted back to their room to finish getting ready. He was his cheery self again. I was happy to see that what went down last night hadn’t affected him, but a little part of me hurt because I knew he had no intentions of apologizing anytime soon.

Pushing my self-pity aside, I proceeded to find the boys’ manager to find out my task for the day. I was briefed the day before that we were going to have to bring these kids over to the SBS studio building for an ‘impromptu’ performance (which, I assure you, is not at all impromptu, especially since they’ve been practicing all week). The boys’ schedule was filled to the brim with performances and fan meetings this week. I couldn’t wait to see these boys have an actual holiday soon.

“Jiyong-sshi,” I said reaching their manager, who was in the living room looking through a clipboard.

“Ah, Ji Min,” He grinned. He then unclipped a piece of paper from his clipboard and handed it over to me. “Your job for today.”

I took the note and quickly scanned through it. It was a list of things that I was going to have to do for or with the boys during this whole day.

“Just out of curiosity,” Manager Jiyong said all of a sudden as I was still skimming down the schedule for today. “What was Junhyung really doing at your place at 5 in the morning?”

Kikwang, who was in the room with us, looked up from his backpack that  he was packing. A delighted smirk appeared on his face.

“He just brought breakfast over,” I lied. “It was nothing.” Gosh, I don’t know how many times I had to repeat that today.

Manager Jiyong had the same ridiculing look as Kikwang’s. “Really?”

“Yes! Really!” I nearly yelled, almost fed up with everyone’s accusations of Junhyung and me “being involved”.

Kikwang chuckled. “Your words say no, but your eyes say yes.”

I slapped my forehead and groaned. This whole made up rumor was not going to go away easily. Frustrated, I stormed out of the living room before I would be heckled even more by Kikwang and Manager Jiyong. Junhyung was my friend, yes, but I honestly have no intentions of forming some sort of relationship with him. Why? Well, simply because

  1. He was an idol. Rumor has it that an idol’s girlfriend usually has it rough with several hate comments and threats from the vicious fans. I have such a sensitive heart, so I’d certainly breakdown after only one biting insult from a fan.
  2. He wasn’t my type. I know people say that opposites attract, but I’m the classical type of girl. I’d rather take long walks with my boyfriend (if I ever had one) or go on sweet dates with him, and I know for sure that stuff like that didn’t interest Junhyung. He liked bad girls. And finally,
  3. I was actually in love with Yoseob. And, I have nothing more to add to this.


I walked back to the kitchen where all the boys, who had finished getting ready, were waiting with the other coordinators. Doojoon, Hyunseung, and Dongwoon were standing idly awaiting Manager Jiyong’s next instructions, and Junhyung and Yoseob were both having a quick breakfast. I walked over to where Dongwoon was, trying to stay away from Junhyung to avoid any further accusations of an “involvement”.

“Are you okay?” Dongwoon asked me.


“I asked, are you okay?”

“Oh, uh, yeah, of course,” I replied, looking up at him.

Another one of Dongwoon’s concerned looks persisted on his face. I faked a smile, trying to assure him that everything was fine on my turf.

“Is everyone here?” Manager Jiyong’s loud voice rang across the dorm.

“Yes,” Doojoon droned. “Let’s go, let’s go!”

“Go, quickly,” Manager Jiyong commanded everyone. “We all have to be packed and ready in the vans in about five minutes. Don’t delay!”

And with that, every Beast member and staff shuffled out of the apartment before Manager Jiyong could nag another command.

I followed close behind Dongwoon as we went out, staying a good ten feet away from Junhyung and Yoseob, who were both listening to and sharing an iPod.

Junseob. That’s what those fangirls called moments like these. I remembered coming across this term when Yoseob and I were absentmindedly lurking around the net. Yoseob had one of the earbuds placed inside his ear while Junhyung had the other one as he leaned in incredibly close to Yoseob. For a minute, I was a bit jealous, wishing that I was in Junhyung’s place. But then again, our ‘couple name’ would have been totally different. Yomin? Or maybe Jiseob?

“What - ? Ow!” I groaned, rubbing my nose. Apparently, I had just slammed into Dongwoon’s back.

“Daydreaming again, I see.” Dongwoon observed with a hint of amusement in his tone. “You’re always getting hurt.”

“Why are we stopping?”

“We’re waiting for the elevator, pabo.” Junhyung said behind me.

Recognizing that it was him, I dared not to turn around and face him, nor reply back. I remained quiet as we waited for the first set of elevators to open up. I know he was my friend, but my goal that day was to severe any ties with him, temporarily. Once this whole “Junmin/Jihyung” (yes, I was naïve enough to even come up with couple names for Junhyung and me; I guess I was obsessed with coming up with couple names) drama has toned down, then I’ll probably go back to normal.

The elevator doors slid open, fortunately revealing an empty carriage, so that all the boys could fit inside and be the first to leave. It was a usual custom for the staff to always let the boys go first, because they obviously were higher priority. I stepped away, letting Yoseob and Junhyung pass me and load the elevator.

“There’s still space here, Ji Min,” Junhyung commented, once he was settled inside.

“Neh, come on,” Kikwang added.

I shook my head. “Erm… No, go ahead. I’ll go on the next one.”

“Why not just get on here? There’s no difference,” Junhyung insisted.

“It’s fine. I’ll just – ”

“What is this??” Manager Jiyong’s irritated voice boomed, causing me to jump. “Just get on, Ji Min. You’re making us late.”

Hastily, I got on the elevator just as Doojoon pressed the ‘Door Close’ button.

“Thanks.” I mumbled crossly. I wasn’t looking at him, but Junhyung knew that I was pertaining to him. The rest of the boys remained quiet; intensifying the awkward setting burdened us on that elevator. Once the elevator landed on the lobby, I scrambled out of there as if it were on fire. Awkwardness had always been a chokehold for me.

The boys and I then proceeded towards the awaiting vans outside their apartment building that were to take them to the SBS studio building. As the only coordinator currently with them, I ushered the members towards the right van. Manager Jiyong, and the rest of the staff, appeared out of the second elevator and scurried out of the building after us.

“Ji Min, you’re staying with the boys and me today,” he told me as he got in the front seat of the van.

“What?” I quickly looked over my schedule for the day. He was right. My jobs for that day all had to with staying with the boys and closely assisting Manager Jiyong. Before he could scold me for being too slow to grasp things, I hopped inside the van with the members. Unknowingly - until I shut the door behind me - I sat next to Yoseob.

Yoseob pulled my schedule away from me to read it.

“Hmm… You’re going to be taking care of us today,” he said, reading through my schedule. “Oh! You’re going to have to buy our breakfast for us. I want beef soup.”

He then the piece of paper back into my hands and turned back to his iPod. I sat back into my seat, keeping my gaze away from him.

In TV shows, Yoseob was adorable, but when he was with me, I was treated like a servant. “Ji Min, choose my outfit for the day.” “Ji Min, fix my shoes.” “Ji Min, wash my clothes.” “Get me this; get me that.” If this weren’t my job, I’d have yelled at him. Alright, running errands for him and doing his chores obviously wasn’t my job, but if I weren’t in love with him, I’d have yelled at him. Sort of. Who would want to yell at someone with a cute face like that?

“We don’t have to eat breakfast today.”

Everyone in the van excluding Manager Jiyong and the driver, both of whom were engrossed in getting to the destination on time, averted their attention towards Junhyung.

“Are you crazy?” Doojoon scorned, lightly tapping him on the back of the head.

“No, but what do we need to get breakfast for? We already ate back at the house,” Junhyung answered.

“I didn’t. And besides, we need the energy. Someone might collapse onstage.” Kikwang spoke up from the back of the van.

“Neh, listen to Trainer Kikwang,” Hyunseung joked.

I remained silent, slowly sinking even lower down my seat. Next to me, Yoseob seemed to ignore the argument between the boys as he looked through his phone. Suddenly, he let out an excited squeal. This time, everyone in the van, including Manager Jiyong, turned to look at him with confused expressions.

“Mianhae, mianhae,” he apologized quickly. He turned excitedly to his bestfriend, Junhyung. “Bro, she finally texted back!”

Junhyung gave him an approving slap in the back. “Seriously? Wow, finally!”

“Omo! Another girl?”

“Is she pretty?”

“Hyung, who is she?”

The other Beast members joined in their conversation enthusiastically with questions that I would’ve asked if I had the chance. I desperately wanted the answers. Yes, Yoseob, who is she?

“Remember when we were lacking coordi noonas for our Music Bank performance a few weeks ago?” Yoseob began. All four other boys nodded. “Well, I asked one of the other temporary coordis for their number.”

“Who?” Doojoon pressed.

“The tall one with the brown hair, Choi Hyo Ri .”

A sudden shock went through my spine. “M-my best friend??”

Yoseob nodded. “She’s so pretty.”


My heart was torn.



A/N: Erm...! Sorry for the late update. >< Anyway, like the new poster..? Haha. Oh, and just so you know, Manager Jiyong isn't G-Dragon (yes, they have the same names!). I was watching B2ST Almighty, and in ep. 1, they had to grant a wish for their manager, and their manager's name was Jiyong. LOL. I was like :O

While writing this chapter, I couldn't stop listening to Shinee's Lucifer album. It's kinda weird. I should be listening to BEAST right?

P.S. This chapter isn't proofread. So if there are grammar/spelling mistakes, then sorry!

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foreversucks #1
i want to date him!! LOL
Chapter 5: Please update~
Yoseob getting all that hate :P
kyujongiee #3
update soon please
YourEmoAsianGurl #5
------ #6
I've been feeling kinda sensitive lately and i swear i will cry just becouse i want to read more of this!!!... I dont mean to be pushy but its just sooooo goood!!!! Please update soon *usess aegyo*
Oh my gosh, you must be joking. o___o the ONE Beast story that I had bookmarked all this time (compared to the other 50 stories about Beast that I bookmarked) that I actually checked regulary for some time...was YOURS? o____o talk about coincidences. But honestly, heh. I really liked this story (or, how far it went) because of it's uniqueness (and writing style !) Definitely different from all those stories I followed before I had an account, and it was captivating :) I hope you will pick up on this story again. ^_^ I guess you were a Yoseob bias at one point? I know he's in my top 5 of ultimate biases :) Anticipating your updates on either stories~