Normal Day...



You stare at the sky where you’re sitting on your desk by the window. You're in the classroom while the teacher talking about myth. You have no interested about myth and you almost fall asleep that is until you heard about vampire. You snap and look at your teacher with bit interested. You have no idea why but somehow you just feel that vampires is somehow relate to you.

"Tomorrow we'll be learning about vampires myth." the student grew interested in this while you rest your chin on your palm.

'Vampires huh?' you glance up at the sky once again, 'If I'm relate to vampire...I would have great friends and maybe find my soul mate?' you thought then you scoff softly and shake your head.

'I'm just being too silly. There's no such thing as vampires exist.' you thought.


You walk under the sun gazing at you. You turn and walk in the bookstore. "Ajumma, I'm here!" you shouted and walk behind the counter. You are working part time in small bookstore and you only get along with ajumma. Ajumma walks in with a book on her hand, she looks at you with a kind smile on her face. "Hello, how's school?" you made a mental face but the outside you smile at her.

"It was good." you lied through your teeth as ajumma nod her head and walk back to her office.

You sigh softly after you heard the door shut; you lean over the counter and let your chin rest your palm. You heard a bell ring as you glance up then you quickly stood up and smile wide.

'He's here! He must have finish read the book again!' you thought with excited. He walks toward you with a charming smile on his face, "Hello. I just came here to take this book back." he said as he set the book on the counter. You grabbed the book and smile at him, "Thank you for checking out the book." you bow and put the book near the box.

You look at him, " there any book would you like to check out?" You said as he smiles wide.

"You already knew answer." you blush but smile wide and nod your head.

"Of course. The non-fiction." you quickly turn to the computer and type the book search. "Well..." you pause and look at him with curious. "Do you have a vampire myth...history about vampire?" you blink and nod your head.

"Yes. Um...let me check." you type it and saw lots of vampires history and myth.

You look at him, "It's in non-fiction V-2b." you said while pointed where you can go get. He smiles and nods his head.

"Thank you." he walk where the non-fiction V-2b. You frown and look at the all the list of bunch vampire histories and myth.

'I didn't knew we have so many vampires books.' you thought and you scroll down to see if they’re anything that catches your attention. You keep going until the end of page and it didn't catch your attention at all.

You heard a cough; you turn and smile at him. "Hi. Did you find it?" he nod his head.

You take the book where he set down and read the title, 'Histories of Vampire.' you thought and you check out the book for him. After you done you give it back to him, "Here you go." He gently grabbed it and he take out a black book to you.

You blink, "I found it under the bookshelves in the corner by non-fiction X-3b." he explained and you grabbed the black book from him.

"Thank you." he just smiles and walk away. You watch him leave until he's out of your sight. You sigh softly and look down at the black book with confusion on your face.

"What this?" you mumble and you open the black book and saw blood-like color title.

My Life as Human to Vampire

Journal written by Aonani Eliora Dawn

You blink again and you tilted your head, "Whose Aonani Eliroa Dawn?" your tongue rolled. 'The names is obviously not from here. Probably from another country.' you thought then you notice the date as your eyes wide.



Um...Hope you like it....sorry I'm not a writer and it's my first time so...XP

I'll do my best to become a good writer in the future! :D

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blockbangel #1
Please update soon!!
Emcee06 #2
Please update soon .
blockbangel #3
I love this story! Please update this story soon!
blockbangel #4
This story is amazing