Dance till you can't anymore

Playboy + Unbelieving Girl = Awesome adventure

[Mi Young's POV]

I couldn't believe what was happening. Was this for real?

I read a flyer outside of my dance class:

"Due to financial difficulty and shortage of supplies, this dance class will be cancelled. We are so sorry for the inconvenience, Please bear with us, we may be back after a few weeks or months."

I felt like breaking down, I love dancing, it helps me express myself, much like art.

I started walking down the street, looking for a temporary dance class. I saw a few, but the facilities weren't that nice.

I finally saw one studio which was pretty nice. I saw many people in it, but not too many.

So I registered for it then, I walked to the studio and started stretching, a few people stared at me.

As I was stretching, I felt someone put my hood from my hoodie on me. I turned back, surprised.

"Donghae! What are you doing here? You come here too? I'm new here." I was feeling jittery.

"Er... I sort of go here or something like that." he said while slowly walking away.

"Where are you going?" I said while getting my leg off the elevated platform.

He signaled me a wait sign with his hand.

I could hear the loud clapping of a blonde guy echoing in the studio.

"Okay class, today we'll learn about popping." A familiar guy said. I don't know how I remember him, but I remember him.

"I see we have a new student, tell the class your name." he said while smiling, he probably knows me too.

"My name is Mi Young, Baek Mi Young." I said nervously as I sat down.

"I'm sure you know your teachers names, if you don't, I'm Eunhyuk and this is Donghae." he said while doing the whole, why should I do this voice.

And I was thinking, "Donghae's a teacher here? That's awesome! But not really at the same time, if I fail, he sees it as well."

"Okay, so this dance move is simple, let the body flow and instinct sink in." Donghae said while moving his hands explaining it well.

"Okay, let's start, so first it's this move, then this move and then this move." Eunhyuk said while demonstrating.

An hour and a half passed, my legs hurt from all that dancing, this is our last run on it.

"1..2...3...4...5...6...7...8.." I counted as I moved my aching body back and forth.

Finally, it ended.

I was panting heavily. I saw drops of sweat on the floor and I could hear screeching of shoes as the others got out of the studio.

I took my bottle of water and chugged it heartily.

"So, how is it?" Donghae said as he offered his hand to pull me up.

"It's really great, I love it actually." I said while smiling and seeing the other guys around Donghae.

"Should we leave you two lovebirds alone?" Kyuhyun said while slowly stepping to the back.

"Yah! Don't go anywhere, arasso?" Donghae said while going towards him with a fist.

"Okay, okay, you really are a violent hyung." Kyu said while letting Donghae get his arm off of him.

"So, are you going home now? It's 8:00" Donghae said while looking at his watch.

"Um.... I think so, why?" I said while seeing the other two guys backing up again and finally running through the door.

"Aish, those guys are so weird, so, would you like me to drive you home?" he said looking at me, waiting for an answer.

"Sure." I said while walking towards the door.

We rode the car and finally arrived home.

"A tiring day, huh?" he said while giggling.

"Yeah, really was." I said.

"Hey, about that thing that happened a two nights ago, should we forget about it?" he said unsure.

"I don't know, should we?" I said.

"I don't think so." he said, bringing his face close to mine.

"Yeah, I think I should go now." I said while getting out the car and walked to the door.

"Good night Mi Young." Donghae said.

As he walked away, I felt kind of sad, I thought he'd kiss me goodnight.

I slid my card through the identification thing.

"Wait! Mi Young!" he said as he went back to the doorstep.

"What is it?" I said smiling.

"Good Night." He said as he kissed my cheek.

"Good n-n-n-night to you too." I said as I slid into the door and curled against it banging my feet on the ground, blushing so much.

I could tell I was smiling so much.

I walked to the bathroom, took a longish shower, brushed my teeth and put my spongebob jammies on.

I walked slowly to the bed and I thought to myself, "I don't really care anymore, I think I love him." 


-_FireRocks_- Corner

So, you like the new update? Jinjja, I'm getting so lazy and writing short stories only!!! I hope you guys appreciate it and bear with me!


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@kprincess1995: Thank you so much for your kind words! Hope you keep reading and bear with my laziness! :D

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BABYgiraffe #1
New reader~
Update soon author-nim♡
mrsb2st #2
Dah! Please update soon! I really like this story! It's really good. But will DongHae forever be the playboy...? :O Ahh.... I don't want MiYoung to get hurt....
Ah and EunHae's walkie-talkie convo made me laugh so hard! So funny! x')
jaenonymoose #3
update soon~
Hmmmm. . .interesting~ kekeke
XD umma got hyper~! Love the update :)
Haha~ I screamed when I saw Eunhyuk's name XD~
new reader<br />
love this<br />
update soon<33
@FireFeatheredDove Do you want me to call you Daniella instead? Cus' I will~ Anyways I like the update :)
Awesome, chappie~! Update more~!!^^ <br />
@COOkIesrOCkkeke Uh-huh, so I'm someone else now. Yay. I thought I told you why I didn't update! >.<
Kyeopta~ Hahaha!<br />
@Rain Ya! =_= Im ALMOST done!