Too Late....

Too Late....

She was lying on the floor, lifeless. Surrounded with broken glasses, torn pillows, shuttered pillow feathers and her own blood. Her room was a total mess so as her life after he left. It was so sudden , no early argument arises before he decided to end their relationship and leave her alone making her life miserable.

                “I love you Hyuk!” Yoonhae waved goodbye to her boyfriend before he left for work.

                “I love you too!” Hyukjae waved back and left.

                Yoonhae entered their apartment again when Hyukjae was already out of sight. She started cleaning their house happily. They’ve been leaving for 3 years now; she happily accepted the consequences of falling in love with an idol star. She perfectly understands why she was kept from the public’s eye, because Hyukjae wanted to protect her from the fans that might hurt her. She knows her place in Hyukjae’s career and in Hyukjae’s heart. All the while she thought their life together were perfect.

                “How’s work, love?” Yoonhae asked as she gives her boyfriend a soft massage on the back.

                “Kibum decided to temporarily stop his activities with us to pursue his acting career. Hankyung hyung was going to terminate his with SM and Kangin hyung got involve in some troubles last night, the management decided to stop his activities for a while.” Hyukjae groaned and buries his face on his hands. “Is this the end of us? What will happen next?”

                Seeing her boyfriend in this state makes her feel the burden doubled. It hurts her so much to see him hurting. Yoonhae hugged him while caressing his back. “Shhh… Love, everything’s going to be okay.” Louder sobs were heard when Hyukjae hugged her back. He was crying again, she knew how hard it was for him seeing the people closest to his heart in trouble, knowing that he already treated these people as his family in the past years.

                They were both lying on their bed. Yoonhae was already sleeping on his arms but somewhat Hyukjae can’t make himself to fall asleep. He kept on thinking about what his manager told him earlier. “They’ve already found about your relationship about her. They were trying to stop the issue from spreading; Hyuk, but you know them. They just let it that way; they wanted you to do your part with it.” His manager told him during their short breaks from rehearsals.

                “What do you mean Hyung?” Hyukjae asked quietly.

                “You exactly know what I mean. They wanted you to break up with her.”

                “How did they find out?”

                “The management were not dumb so as the fans. They were wondering why your not staying at the dorm more frequently. The management sent investigators to follow you and they’ve found out the reasons. Three years is long enough Hyuk. They were actually wondering how you were able to keep it to them for that long.”

                “I don’t want to hurt her Hyung.”

                “She’ll get hurt more if you still keep it this way. You know they’re capabilities of hurting her in so many ways.”

                Hyukjae sighed deeply. A single tear escape his eye as he look at his sleeping angel beside him.


                “Let’s end this Yoonhae-ah.” Hyukjae said while looking at her back that was busy arranging their bed.

                “What??” Yoonhae looked at him confusedly.

                “I don’t want you anymore. Let’s end this.”

                Yoonhae faked a chuckle as she walks near him. “Hyuk, you’re joking again? It’s not funny you know, stop it.”

                “I’m not joking.” He replied seriously.

                “Why? I thought you love me?” Yoonhae said in a whisper but audible enough for Hyukjae to hear.

                “Not anymore.”

                “No Hyuk. Please don’t say that. I need you, Hyuk. I cannot let you go.” Tears started falling from her eyes as soon as the reality hits her. Her Hyuk is not joking and he’s leaving her anytime soon.

                “I’m sorry.”

                Yoonhae got more furious upon hearing it. “Sorry?! That’s all you can say?! That’s it?! You’re just sorry for me?!” But Hyukjae just kept silent.

                She don’t know what to do, she just can’t let him leave her like that. She sacrificed everything for him, she even left her family for him because they were against their relationship and now here he is just leaving her like she was just nothing to him? She tugged on his shirt, holding it tight as if it will prevent her from leaving her.

                “What’s wrong Hyuk? Tell me. What’s wrong with us? Did I do something? Hyuk, tell me. I love you so much. I can’t live without you.”

                Hyukjae is still keeping his silence as he tries to remove her hands on him. He can’t say a single word to her anymore because he knows that if he tries to say anything, he will definitely change his mind of leaving her. He mustered all his strength to push her away from and runaway without looking back at her no matter how ear piercing and heart clenching her cries were.

                Yoonhae was so miserable that day. She kept throwing everything her hand could reach. She broke everything inside their house. Broken glasses and vases were on the floor. She tore their bed sheets while screaming her heart out. She felt so stupid for being so clueless at the moment. She doesn’t understand why her love left her. She stared blankly at the space while sitting beside their bed.

                A sharp object caught her eyes. She suddenly felt tempted at the sharp knife that was settled at the kitchen counter. Yoonhae didn’t think twice of grabbing and cut her wrist. She looks at her wrist as blood keeps dripping from it. After a while she fell on the floor; she silently cries while looking at a broken picture frame across her. It contains their picture on the beach, they were smiling widely. She suddenly remembered his promise to her. “I will never leave you Yoonhae-ah.”

                “Liar.” She whispered then suddenly everything turned dark.

Hyukjae ran to Sungmin’s house after he left Yoonhae. He wanted to talk to his best friend that time. Sadly, Sungmin is not yet home because he still has schedules. Hyukjae decided to have a small talk with Sungmin’s father for a while.

“I regret it a lot Uncle.” Hyukjae said as he cried. They were talking at the Lee’s basement were Sungmin’s father’s work station was located.

“I understand you Hyukjae-ah. I know what you’re going through.” Mr. Lee said as he continues his work. “If only this stuff was already working, I could have helped you already.”

“What was that Uncle?”

“Shoes that can help you go back to the past.” Mr. Lee said while scratching his nape and chuckled. “But it’s not yet working and tested. I’m not even sure if it will work though. There’s no guarantee that it will turn to the time you wanted.”

“Go back in time? I can correct what I did earlier? It means I will not be hurting her anymore? I can go back to her again?” Those questions kept on repeating on his mind that time so he decided to help Mr. Lee in making it. He turned off his phone to avoid distractions while working. They started working on it with high hopes on Hyukjae’s heart to go back to Yoonhae again and avoided that scene that hurts her so much.

After completing the project, Hyukjae wore the shoes and step on the treadmill where they will be testing it. On Mr. Lee’s signal, Hyukjae started to run back on time.

“His phone is cannot be reached!!!!” Leeteuk screamed in panic, he had been calling Hyukjae these past few hours but the same response was what he got from the latter’s phone. All the boys of Super Junior were at the hospital that time, thy rushed Yoonhae there as soon as Kyuhyun called them after seeing her lifeless on the floor of her house. He was about to check on her, as how Hyukjae instructed him earlier but was so shock with what he saw. Only the group knew about Yoonhae and Hyukjae’s relationship and they were very close to her.

“AISH!!!! WHERE COULD HE BE RIGHT NOW!!!” Heechul asked in frustration. He was slowly losing his temper.

Hyukjae continue running until he reaches back the time where he broke up with Yoonhae. He opened the door and saw Yoonhae holding unto his shirt. He pushed away the past him ang hugged Yoonhae tightly.

He was about to talk to her but was surprised when he looked at Yoonhae. She was pulled by an unknown force and the next thing he saw, Yoonhae was laying on the floor with a knife on her hand and a wounded wrist. He kneeled beside her and pulled her up to his arms. He touched her face and wipe the tears there.


Hyukjae shouted as he hugged her Yoonhae’s lifeless body tightly. He knew he was late. Everything was too late. It was done and will never be corrected anymore. He already lost her, forever.

“I’m sorry. She’s gone.” The doctor said as he walks out of the emergency room. Kyuhyun’ who was standing in front of the doctor with his blood stained clothes fall on his knees not believing the doctor’s announcement. Leeteuk falls on Kangin’s arms as he cried. Heechul looked up the ceiling to prevent himself from crying but his tears betrayed him when crying Hankyung back hugged him. Kibum stared blankly at the white walls as his tears started rolling from his eyes. Yesung and Ryeowook who were both leaning on the wall silently cried as they heard that their sweet dongsaeng was forever gone. Siwon hugged his bible tightly as his tears started falling. Donghae, Sungmin and Shindong were all crying on their seats beside Siwon. Zhoumi and Henry who just came straight from China, were both panting but Zhoumi falls on the floor when they saw everyone’s tears, they easily got the message, the latter started crying on Henry’s shoulder.


It was a sunny morning, 15 guys in their al black attire were standing in a newly built tomb. They were all wearing their signature sunglasses but that didn’t help in hiding their tears. Hyukjae kneel in the front of the epitaph and put a bouquet of pink roses on it and touch it.

“I’m sorry love. I’m so sorry. I hope you’ll still forgive me.” Hyukjae said as more tears started falling from his eyes.

Much to the group’s amazement, it started raining. The sky is shining brightly it was raining as if the sky was happily washing away their tears. All of them smiled as they catches some raindrops, it reminded them of Yoonhae.

“I love the rain so much. Why don’t you guys like it? It washes away our tears that symbolize pain and sorrow. When it’s raining the tears disappear it only means that the pain and sorrow disappears.”

They all remembered her saying that and they at thoughts of her.

“I love you Yoonhae-ah.” Hyukjae whispered.

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pinkgamer137 #1
aigoo.,i cant open this account anym0re.,i'll be posting my stories again here at my new account.

Thanks for your lovely c0mments., :))
even though the story is short. you made me cry :') teehee. your story was awesome! =)
wow... this is just so sad but still so beautiful. good job! :)