I Love You

When the Door Closes



Dongwoon's eyes widened.

"That's impossible!!! He can't be dying!! He has three months!!!" Dongwoon yelled.

Your eyes started to tear, you had no idea what was going on.

"He lied to you." Yoseob's voice appeared.

"He lied to both you and ________.  He only has not even one month to live." Yoseob sobbed.

Dongwoon fell to the ground.

"Once he falls into the coma, the doctors are going to put him on life support.  They are getting ready for it right now. It's best... if you bring _______ now."

"No.." Doojoon spoke.

"Doojoon hyung!" Yoseob yelled over the phone.

Dongwoon's eyes widened.

"Doojoon hyung, hyung are you okay?" Hyunseung asked.

"Yoseob..give..me..the..phone.." Doojoon whispered weakly.

Yoseob obeyed, giving him the phone.  Doojoon's face was pale, an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth.  IV's were placed in both of his arms.  Doctors and nurses filled the room, bring in the life support machine.

"Dongwoon..ah.." Doojoon spoke.

"Hyung." Dongwoon cried.

You stared at Dongwoon.


"H-Hyung, just wait a bit okay, I'll be there, we will be there okay!" Dongwoon hanged up as he dragged you out of the apartment.

"Dongwoon what's going on!" You asked.

Dongwoon looked at you.

"Doojoon still loves you." Dongwoon said.

"No, that's impossible, he left me, he told me he didn't love me anymore-"

"HE LIED!" Dongwoon stepped on the breaks as he arrived at the hospital parking lot.

You stared at Dongwoon.

"What are you talking about.. he lied." You asked.

Dongwoon's eyes started to water, as a stream ran down his cheek.

"Doojoon hyung..after he found out, he called me.  He told me to take care of you, and to live a happy life with you, with no worries.  But filled with happiness." Dongwoon said.

"After he found out what, WHAT DONGWOON!" You screamed.

"It's best if you see for yourself." Dongwoon whispered, getting out of the car.

Dongwoon slammed the drivers door shut.  You quickly unbuckled your seat belt running towards the entrance of the hospital, following Dongwoon.

"Dongwoon! This way!" A doctor said.

'Why are we at a hospital?' You thought.

Many things were unclear to you, but everything started to make sense when you arrived in front of a door.  You covered your mouth in shock, tears running down your face as you saw a name you once loved, and cared for and still do, written on the white board stuck to the white door.

Yoon Doojoon

"Dongwoon oppa, no-this isn't possible! He can't be!" You cried.

Dongwoon got a hold of you, his arms wrapped around each of your shoulders.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.  But right now, he needs to see you.  He needs to see your face.  For you tell him that you love him.  And for him...to go as a happy man.  To make him feel that, he left with no regrets, and knowing he will forever be remembered by the one he loved." Dongwoon said.

You wiped your tears and nodded.

Dongwoon opened the door as Yoseob jumped surprised to see you run in.

"________!" Gikwang said shocked.

Junhyung stared at Dongwoon.

"You brought her?" Junhyung asked.

"She will find out sooner or later.  It's best for Doojoon hyung to see her, at least once before he goes." Dongwoon said.

Yoseob moved for you, as you sat down on the stool.  You examined Doojoon's face, his pale skin, and lips.  His swollen eyes opened slightly.  The first thing he saw, to him was an angel.  He lifted his right hand, placing it on your cheek.  You grabbed his hand immediately.

"Am I in heaven?  What a beautiful angel you are." Doojoon smiled as he softly spoke.

Tears ran down your face.

"Why didn't you tell me!  It would have been a lot better if you never had left me!  You thought you could handle this by yourself?!" You cried, yelling at him.

Doojoon's eyes widened.  He wasn't in heaven.  The angel he is seeing right now, was his one and forever true love ________. 

"_________..." He whispered.

"Doojoon oppa." You cried.

You lightly touched his cheek, tips of your skin touching his oxygen mask.  Doojoon grabbed your hand, giving it a light squeeze.  You stared into his eyes, tears falling onto his face.  Doojoon wiped your tears away.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you.  I couldn't bring myself to bring you so much pain, but you are in pain.  Because of me." Doojoon said.

"Doojoon oppa."

"I lied to you.  I love you so much.  It hurt so much, leaving you.  Saying those awful words to you.  Being apart from you, it made everything blind in my eyes.  Without you, I can't see.  Without you, I couldn't live a happy life.  And now, that your here, I'll tell you this." Doojoon smiled.

"I love you.  I love you so much, that I would give my own life right now, for you.  No matter how many obstacles you go through in life, know this.  I'll always be next to you, protecting you.  Staying by your side until you are in my arms again.  And in our next life, we will definitely meet.  I promise you that." Doojoon said.

You stared at him, nodding.

"I love you too.  I love you so much, so please..DON'T LEAVE ME!" Your cried in his arms.

"I will never leave you.  I'll..always...be..by....your..."

You looked up, your eyes widened as his eyes started to close.

"Doojoon oppa! Stay with me! OPPA!" You cried.


Beast's eyes widened too as they ran towards Doojoon's bed.

"Hyung! HYUNG!" Yoseob yelled.

Doojoon lifted his hand towards Dongwoon.  Dongwoon walked over to him, grasping his hand.

"Keep her safe..for me." Doojoon said.

Dongwoon tears fell as he nodded.

"I promise, till I die, I'll protect her and love her."

"Hy-hyung." Junhyung whispered.

"HYUNG!" Gikwang screamed.

Hyunseung turned away, his tears couldn't stop falling.

"I love each and one of you.  Live happy, with a smile on your faces." Doojoon whispered.

You looked up, time slowed down, as everyone stared at their once leader.  Beast's leader who once gave them hope, the one who smiled when they were down.  Who helped them in life.  To you, he was everything.  And everyone else, he was their light, their hyung, father, and friend.

"I love you." You whispered.


Doojoon's eyelids closed, with a single tear, streaming down his face.


With that.  Doojoon will never open those eyelids no more.  No more, will you see those chocolate brown eyes of his.  You will no more see his beautiful smile that lit your sadden days.  He was now...gone.

"Doojoon oppa." You whispered.

You shook his body.  No response.

"Doojoon oppa." You said louder.

No response.

Beast silently cried, as your eyes widened.

He was really gone.  Forever.

"DOOJOON OPPA!!!!" You screamed.

Your voice echoing in the room.

The one you loved, was now gone in a single second.

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Hello everyone! I'm not sure who still remembers me. But I'm the author of the story here b2st4ever! I've come to say that I'm back after such a long time. I have missed everyone and I'm so shocked at the love my stories have been getting still till this day. Thank you everyone for supporting my stories and I feel so happy seeing you enjoy the stories I wrote. I'm proud to say that I will be coming back to the fanfic world with a new story on my new account which is this very one. Please make sure to come and say hi to me. I'll be sure to have the story up hopefully soon. It's still in the brainstorming era. Thank you again for all the support and for reading my stories after already ten years later. And for that I will forever be in your debt. Thank you everyone.
Chapter 13: So I read this fic while listening to the new Beast song '12:30'. My feels are currently pouring out in water falls. I love this so much and i just want to say thank you for writing such an amazing story that made me cry so much. I am so touched by the way you made this. You have officially made my day and thanks for writing this. I think it deserves an award for the best sad romance ever!
Chapter 13: gosh a wave of mixed emotion was felt..
I was sad, I cried, I felt happy, I laughed
it's just... so touching ; ;
Chapter 13: Shouldve found out about this fic sooner T_T This is so sad and great at the same time. Great job author-nim! ^^
i remember reading this a year back, still my favorite ever!!!
Chapter 13: 헐.. i cried a lot ㅠㅠ)b
_queenchristine #7
Chapter 13: Aww! Authornim!! I cried in this story!! I love this story!! Update soon!! :)
me_ameii #8
Chapter 13: What the sad story!! This ff make me cried in every part.good job author. U're succes make me crying (╥﹏╥)
Update soon