One by One

One by One[One-Shot]


One By One

Written by:

Lee Soo Min Anne

A.K.A SuJu4minuteBeast03

I sighed as I rummaged through one of the boxes looking for my old sapphire blue glow stick here in the SJ closet. I’m going to be late for the reunion concert.

“Sweetie, have you found it yet? We’re going to be late” My husband yelled from the living room.

“Hold on!” I yelled trying to look for the item.

My hand grasped onto something that I couldn’t identify. I pulled it out to see my old Fanfic notebook. My first SJ fanfic notebook. I still write them even though I’m already 28.

I smiled as I opened it seeing my own handwriting.

I browsed the pages of my old fanfics-which were hits now- and saw my last entry. A one shot.


Do you guys remember when we would yell for our favorite couples when they were doing fan service?

I still remember it.

Remember when our boys would do crazy things?

I still remember it.

But do you remember their last Super Show..before they disbanded?

I remember it clearly.

Over a million-maybe billions- came to Korea just to see them perform one last time-as 15-it was one of the most treasured memories we held together. It was the biggest gift we ever gave them. Hotels were fully booked, the streets full with ELFs , the news all about the gathering.

Whenever I watch the old videos of them bonding, I remember.

I remember the greatest memories we had together.

From winning their first award to Han Geng leaving. From the happy ones to the sad ones.

Do you remember it?

I will be an ELF forever.

Because I promised to believe.


By the time I finished reading tears were b my eyes. I had never posted this onto the internet.

I wiped the stray tears before closing the notebook.

I really miss the boys.

But they were-and always will be- a family.

I sniffled and finally found the glow stick. I kept the notebook and went out of the closet.

“Found it!” I said.

“Come one” My husband said. He held my hand and together we went to the car.

When we arrived at the venue, ELFs were already there cheering.

“Are you sure you can come home by yourself?” My husband said.

“Sweetie, I’m already 29” I said giggling looking at him.

“Arasso” He said kissing my cheek. I smiled at him before going out. I remembered when I won a contest to meet Super Junior.

“Annyeong Haseyo we ar Super Juni-OR!” They greeted happily. I smiled and hugged them one by one.

“Annyeong Haseyo my name is Young Kaylin!” I said happily.

They beamed at me while I babbled about how much I loved them.

They promised that they would remember me. I remember sending them a song I composed myself but they never replied.

I sighed and squeezed through the crowd looking for my seat. Just as I reached it the lights went down and music was cued. I recognized it immediately as ‘Twins’ and I started cheering.


A few songs later Leeteuk took the microphone and said something unexpected.

“The next song is composed by a fan named Young Kaylin. You may remember her as a winner from one of our contests. Kaylin if you’re out there please come up on stage” After he said that the piano and violin started to play and Ryeowook sang the first lines to the song.

When you seem to lose hope,

Remember that I’m here,

Please don’t cry,

Remember the good times”

I had reached the stage and they all greeted me warmly. I smiled as Leeteuk handed me a microphone. I sang the chorus along with them ELFs swaying along the melody.

We will face the hardships,

One by one,

We won’t lose hope,

As long as we are here,

Don’t cry now,       

Just stay strong,

And when we faced them,

One by one,

We’ll be together”

I smiled through the tears as I looked around me. We are one big family.

We were able to face the hardships one by one.

But now,

One by one,

We have to say goodbye.




I cried while I was writing this. I’m in a bad mood because someone stole my cellphone.

So yeah :(

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MyLoveIs2ne1 #1
Chapter 1: I WISH U THE BEST!
we got a new one but it's not as good as my old one. It had a HanChul one shot that was unfinished. I'm trying to remember it though. Hope you check out my other stories!!!!!!!
xhikari #3
Aw! :( Cute but sad!
& Sorry about your phone. *hugs* <3