Another Surprise?



“Wha- How did you know I was coming back?” Jackie questioned as she pulled away from the hug and looked Changjo in the eyes. Not that she wasn’t happy… she just was curious of how.
“Well, Rei noona told me and I was out with Minhee, Minyoung, Chunji hyung and Niel hyung picking stuff out to get you.” Changjo rubbed the back of his neck lightly as his ears turned pink. Jackie smiled at him and held the bear in her arms tighter, her face turning pink. Reaching for his hand, Jackie went onto the tip of her toes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, causing him to freeze. 
It might not be obvious to her but Changjo has a major crush on her, he always had one but with Krystal’s flirting and picking on Jackie and their schedules he couldn’t really tell her how he felt. He also knew that if she squeezed the foot of that bear that it would play how he felt about her.
“Why don’t we go to the coach… I have a feeling that not every surprise is here yet.” Jackie giggled before leading him to the other room and leaving Hwang and Rei alone. Hwang looking surprised and Rei grinning.
‘Please don’t tell me they found out.” Hwang bit her lower lip in worry as Rei placed a hand on her shoulder.
“So Cindy… can I still call you that?” Hwang nodded and looked at Rei to see her grin.
“I heard from your brothers that you missed your prom back home because your rookie idol boyfriend was busy with his album?” Hwang turned red at the face and nodded, looking a bit down and fought the urge to cry. They had planned for it and had gotten everything set up to only have it ruined and it almost broke them both since she never got to spend time with him. 
“What would you do if I happened to know who he was and had him here to spend time with you?” Rei saw how much her maknae cared about her other half by how she reacted, she was almost in tears.
“I’d owe you a lot since it would mean you made a miracle happen.” Hwang sniffed and quickly patted under eyes.
Rei smiled and unknown to Hwang gave a signal for the person at the door to come out.
All the sudden a smell so familiar to Hwang filled the air and a voice she hadn’t heard in person in almost six months hit her ears, and was singing K.Will’s I Need You. 
“Well Cindy… I think I created your miracle.” Rei patted her shoulder and turned her around to see the one and only Jung Daehyun with two dozen roses in hand and  was wearing a tux. The sight of it all was too much for Hwang to handle.
She cried.
Just as she started crying, Jackie came in with Changjo with a camera, her smile getting bigger at the sight of her friend and her other half. Since she knew about the two of them before they had to leave she had a plan to have him visit them. Daehyun not making it to his girlfriend’s dance that he had a special privledge to go to was just the icing on the cake since that meant that it meant more to the two of them to see the other.
“You planned this.” Changjo leaned into Jackie’s ear and whispered in her ear, slightly spooking her but not too bad were she made noise. Jackie turned to him and nodded at him.
“I didn’t expect her to cry though… She never told him she missed him when she talked to him so I thought she’d just smile and go on like she did when we were fourteen.” Jackie said softly as she wiped a stray tear that fell out of her eye.
Changjo lightly chuckled before looking at the small girl he treated like his own sister. Hwang tried to hide her face as it was being pecked in every exposed place as two large hands wiped the tears off her cheeks. He couldn’t help but feel bad for the two at the realization of one of them being new into the industry and the other just returning with a new look.
Changjo felt like all the girls, if they get close to anyone now will suffer with the fans of whoever they are with and the people who hate them. It was something he himself went through and feared. All he could do was hope that the would excepts the girls more in the end whether they are with another idol or with a normal day person.
I made a longer chapter~! YAY~! X3 I feel Proud of Myself right now. and I will say I will make a picture for the chapter I just forgot to (^w ^' ) so I apologize for not making it. anywho~ I am a weirdo in thinking I should make another girl group story since I think I'm addicted to applying for them lately. But that is why My Question of the Day/ Night since it's almost 1AM is:
 If I made another girl group story what should the name be? how many girls should be in it and from what company??? 
Anyways~ This chapter is my sorrows of not going to prom :( I almost went but I got really sick so my friends stopped by and brought me soup and stuff on their way there. But yeah, I think any girl would feel sad for missing prom. But oh well! at least my friends wanted me to feel included. I got a prom souvenir from them ( A kiss on the cheek from the guy who is like my baby brother) Anyway hope you guys have a good DAY/NIGHT~!
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Please update this story soon!!!! I'm sooo looking forward to it!!!!
Awwww!!! That was soooo cute!!! OMG Changjo is soo sweet, Jackie finally realized that she misses Changjo, awwwwwq so adorable!!! :D
What is Rei planning to do to me?!?!?!? LOL. You're such a tease author, leaving us hanging like that. ahahaha x)