01-The accident

Running through Vintage Seasons




It took some time for the boy to overcome his nausea, slumping against the wooden wall, he touched his face, his neck, his chest-at least he was still in one piece after the unpleasant experiment. The puppy has long recovered, staring at him with its large black eyes with tail wagging, turning around and pawing the door as if asking its master to open the door quickly. The brunette did so, gathering his balance and walked out from the booth and halted.


The time machine, after the experiment, wasn’t really in good condition. Choking fumes filled the inside, the nails and wheels falling onto the ground and Hyukjae shook his head. The room he was staying was oddly familiar, like the workshop he’s grandfather possessed. What made the differences were the wooden floor that didn’t seem to be polished, and the setting of the furniture, the style, the colour tone, much too vintage.


The dog sniffed along, running towards a curtain. Hyukjae tried stopping his pet, but ended up chasing after it, pulling the curtains and gasped-a boy was sleeping soundly on the bed behind the curtains.


“Choco. I think we did it.” Hyukjae stood beside his dog, kneeling slowly, both staring at the sleeping boy with glittering eyes. “We’re in the parallel universe.








After knowing that he’d done something worth glorifying, Hyukjae spent some time in the dark house, exploring every corner and found out that the current place he’s staying might be the unknown stage of his grandfather’s workshop. Frowning, he walks back to the bed, the sleeping young boy oblivious to the uninvited visitor who was now sitting beside him, their face just inches away-Studying the boy’s face, Hyukjae can see that he was around his age, but he didn’t look his grandfather. Not even close to it. He scratches his nape, trying to find a calendar or any sort to see what time he is in now, but the only thing he saw was the same clock beside the fireplace.


Giving up his hopes of searching the time, he proceeds back to the machine while Choco wandered around the house. He checked the machine, the wheels and the handle, before touching his pocket to find that he’s empty-handed during the whole journey. He couldn’t fix the machine right now, which means he couldn’t travel back to his own world. Looking at the puppy who just hopped up to the bed, Hyukjae pouted, eyeing his pet miserably and whispered, “I think we’re stuck.” But the puppy seemed happy, curling himself into a ball of fur and slept against the sleeping boy.


Heaving a sigh, Hyukjae gathers the loose gadgets that had fallen apart, piling them neatly in the booth and proceeds to the bed as well, drawing his ankles nearer to block out from the light chills that the floor shoots up from his back and rested, all the while wondering the explanation to be done to the boy when he woke up the next morning.






When Hyukjae was back to his consciousness, he feels like being hit by head, or worse, being beaten up after a long fight. Squinting his eyes, he tried rubbing away the sleepiness when he finally noticed the origin of his sourness- his arms were tied to the bed. Breathing in sharply with wide eyes, he struggled, hard, when he heard a light howling sound.




“Who are you?”


Hyukjae almost jolted up in shock when he saw a face so dangerously closed to his, hot breath brushing the tip of his nose. The boy turns around, blinking a few times to get his mind straight-never in his life had he been so close to a stranger that he’d seen only sleeping for a night. He strangled, kicking up his feet and left the boy above stumbling onto the ground. Aishhhh-Hyukjae heard a light hiss, something that sounded like steel hitting the ground before the boy rose up again and faced him.


“Look? My watch! You broke it!”


“I-I…can you please ehmm…untie me first?” The boy continued struggling, but a palm locked his wrist, and his breath hitched when cold fingers grabbed his chin and made him face the boy above him. “Not until you tell me who you are.”


He left no choice but to fix his vision on the boy above, brown hair, deep brown eyes, thin lips and fairly toned skin, a typical healthy teenager who likes soaking under the sun. Staring at the boy without even blinking an eye, Hyukjae curled his leg, try pushing the boy away and saw his dog jumping to his side. “It’s really a long story.”


“I have time.” The boy sat up, smiling coldly, hands brushing the dog on his bed and placed the watch near the nightstand, frowning a bit when he saw the watch stopped working.


“I’m a time traveler. I happened to come from another parallel universe and last night when I tried with the invention, you see, the thing over there,” Hyukjae tilted his chin to tell the boy to look over to the booth behind the curtain and watched the brunette dumb folded, “I succeeded and ended up here. By the way, is this your house?”


There was a long moment of silence, Hyukjae stopped, lifting himself a bit from the bed with his elbow and stared at the baffled boy who seems to have the shock of his life. It would be difficult to describe to someone who barely knows about the existence of parallel world, and Hyukjae is having the feeling that he couldn’t persuade the boy before him. A few more seconds, and Hyukjae was starting to lose hope in talking into the boy when the latter suddenly left the bed, walking slowly to the booth and tentatively opened the door, dust and grey ashes instantly filling the space.


“So…this is the time traveling machine…?” The boy pointed at the old booth, looking back at the unexpected guest as the latter nodded, and he turned back, taking up the wheels and inspects them.


“Never thought it would be this…bulky.” A smile slowly crafted on the boy’s thin lips.


“Excuse me?”


“Nothing. By the way, I’m Donghae.”


“So you believe me?” It was Hyukjae’s turn to turn puzzled when Donghae nodded. How innocent this boy could be? Donghae nodded and proceed to untie Hyukjae who had been numb ever since he has woken up. When Donghae was about to untie the last knot, he stopped abruptly, looking back at Hyukjae who was checking his wrist.


“I really can trust you right?”


“Well, it’s up to you if you don’t. Right now I just need some tools-” He quickly searched his pockets and took out a crumbled paper, sitting on the bare floor and flattens it and Donghae stood muted in amazement at the little graphs and pictures scattered on the drawing. Biting his lips, Hyukjae searched his mobile phone, and when he was about to unlock it, it was snatched away forcefully, making the boy stunned.


“What’s this?!” Hyukjae frowns, staring at Donghae as if he’s retarded or anything to as such a question, but Donghae looked back at him with such curiosity that made quires building up in his own mind. “You haven’t seen anything like this?” He watched Donghae shook his head slowly, before turning back to check the mobile.


“Woah, this thing-is this a torch? Oh my god, did the number just changed?”


“That’s the time dimwit. What time is it now?” Hyukjae smacked Donghae’s head lightly and took back his phone.


“This thing it reads 2:41. Oh it jumped again. 42.”


“Not the time-I mean what year is it.”


“1990…?” Hyukjae felt doomed all of a sudden, the machine needs to get fixed and now he’s stuck in the past. “Great.” He breathed deeply, running his finger through his hair and takes the paper on the floor before taking a seat at the end of the bed.

“Now I’m stuck in 1990 with a stupid boy.”


“I’m not stupid, Hyukjae, and I’m not a boy! I’m 18 already!”


“I’m heading 19 so shut up and give me a pencil.” Seeing no response from the other, the brunette tapped his feet impatiently, gaping at the younger boy his stare could eventually bore hole in his body. The puppy walked towards Donghae, nosing his legs as if pushing him, and after a long moment of tensed silence, the young boy gave in.


“Fine-”Donghae walked away, arms crossed before his chest and stomped towards some unknown corners, Hyukjae thought he could at least get rid of a boy who was acting like 5 though the fact that he actually was much older than that, when suddenly a head came popped out around the corner-




And Hyukjae wonder how long will he be stuck in this era.





The first day was pretty unpleasant. Hyukjae counted the times Donghae bickered him-you’re clothes, there’re ugly; you’re hair, it’s not even stylish; do people in your time like ordering others doing this and that?-but his grandfather has always taught him, never, never, mess up with the timeline, and if Hyukjae doesn’t hang on with this piece of advice, he would have pinned Donghae on the ground and beat him up. God knows whether Donghae would haunt him in the future.


The boy spent the whole afternoon studying the drawing he had taken along with him, occasionally entering the booth to slip the steel parts into places. He didn’t bring along the one with detailed measurement, only the rough work, so he isn’t sure whether he was doing the right thing or not, plus the fact that he had always had problem fixing the last few wheels, it was out of luck that he had adjusted it just right into the fitting place and make the machine function well the last time he time travelled.


Staring at the smudged drawings, Hyukjae placed the remaining parts on the rough work paper, listening to the jingling sound the collar on Choco’s neck made when it ran around him.


“You’re not sleeping?” Rubbing his temple, Hyukjae looked up with weary eyes, watching Donghae slightly crouching besides him, sticking his neck and nosed around with his things.


“I want to get this thing fixed, and when I get back, I’ll write a report about this trip.” Sighing, he flipped over the paper, when suddenly a cup of hot drink appeared in front of him as he was about to get up. It was as if he had never thought Donghae had this side of kindness, and since hot cocoa seems to be the one of those things that can make him feel better, he smiled, taking the offer and warmed his palm against it.


“Perhaps I’ll just sleep on the floor, you take the bed.” Donghae guided the other to his bed, taking a seat of the ground and pats the pillow laying behind him. Goodnight- a light mutter, and the next thing Hyukjae saw was Donghae covering himself with thin blankets, curling into something like a ball next to the bed.


“But it’s cold tonight.” Hyukjae peeked out the window, seeing white dots falling from the sky. He shivered a bit, climbing onto the bed and taking a better position to look down at the sleeping boy. “Are you sure this is okay?” He got a hum in response, and after pulling the blanket, Hyukjae placed the cup on the nightstand, careful not to break the watch again and rolled to the other side of the bed. He tried shooing himself into slumber, but something in his mind just keep making him wide awake, it’s not the coldness of the room, not the foreign texture that the blanket gives him, but the fact-


“You’re sure you’re really okay? The floor is cold you might just catch a-” He gasped when all of a sudden a shadow jumped onto the bed, hovering over him, his nose barely touching Donghae’s, making him gulped in surprise. Perhaps he’s overreacting a bit which made him get the stingy feeling creeping on his cheeks, but when Donghae pulled the comforter to cover them both, Hyukjae immediately turned away, gaining a scoff from the younger boy. You happy now? He heard the boy asked, amusement obvious in his words, and Hyukjae could just hold onto the hem of the cover and dig his head into the pillow.


That night Hyukjae didn’t complain about the soreness his back gave him, or the limited space of the bed when Donghae simply pressed him towards the very edge and just let the silent breathing of Donghae tug him to sleep before drawing one conclusion: The hot chocolate in the past was so much better.






He watched the coin turn, spinning a few more rounds before rolling off the table. “Yah. Don’t touch my money.” Raising his eyelids, he scanned the room and turned to the other side, resting his head on the table while scribbling lines with different length on the paper messily, trying to find an end to it, an end to his messy thoughts.


“You’re not coming along?” Donghae was wearing his coat when he asked; taking the coins that scattered on the floor which Hyukjae just finished fiddling. Slowly, as if ages, Hyukjae lifted up from his position, lips tightly pulled into a light pout as he blinked. “To where?” He was trying to sound annoyed, but the sudden dryness of his throat made his voice cracked, a deep chortle, and Hyukjae touched his cheeks trying to push back the blush that’s threatening to run up his face at that moment.


“It’s almost Christmas here; don’t you celebrate Christmas at your time?” Donghae slipped into his shoes, holding onto the door knob for support all the while and knelt down to tie the shoelace. Expecting an answer from the older male, he turned back, just to see a completely blank face with round eyes staring at him, Donghae frowned, tilting his head and half-knelt beside Hyukjae, cupping his face and patted the cheeks lightly. “What’s wrong with you today?


“I-I’m stuck…” Pouting, Hyukjae pries of the pair of hands on his face. Their fingers touched-


Cool and warm,

long and slender.


And when Hyukjae was feeling the magical feeling swirling inside his mind, his eyes just met Donghae’s, deep and clear, like sea, the deepest part where unspoken words left kept. Just when Hyukjae thought he was going to drown in that brown sea, his dog nudged his leg,thank god Choco, he silently muttered, breaking the gaze and went to pick up the puppy to his lap. There was a slight moment of embarrassment, Donghae awkwardly biting his lips and ran his hand on his nape.


“Then you should go out and have a walk, you know, to get your mind some rest-” He stuttered, both not willing to give each other a glance while Donghae used hand gestures to finish off his words. “You really should go out.” Stopping abruptly, Donghae pulled Hyukjae up, not even caring Choco was on his lap and forced him towards the closet, taking out a cotton shirt and a pair of jeans from it before throwing out a white scarf and blue jacket to Hyukjae.


“This is all I got.” Donghae shrugged, searching deeper into the closet but couldn’t quite find any appropriate clothing for such a thin frame. The brunette looked down on the pile of clothes laying right beside his feet, and the only thought that came into his mind was-Donghae trying to make him a snowman out of him.


“I think that’s enough, Donghae.” Randomly picking up a long-sleeved shirt, he didn’t even bother taking off his original clothing before wearing it, and for the jeans…since it shaped like a trumpet, which didn’t make Hyukjae like it even the least bit, he argued that he should just stick with his sport pants. It took 15 minutes of arguing, Donghae insisting Hyukjae to wear more, 5 more minutes of Donghae bickering how thin was Hyukjae before they finally set foot outside the streets. It was a few minutes’ walk from the house to the nearest market, Hyukjae fascinated with the unexploited forest in the neighbourhood, the low-rising little houses in the area and the bumpy roads that they were walking on now, in contrast to the area 13 years later.


Choco barked, running down the road as Donghae chased the pet, leaving Hyukjae walking slowly behind, stopping every few seconds or so to study the surrounding with twinkling eyes. “Like what you see?” Turning, he saw Donghae, standing in the middle of the road with a wide grin, so warm and sincere, like the morning sun of winter that melts away all the icy frost, and as if his smile was contagious, Hyukjae lets himself melts into the sunshine, smiling back and chased Donghae along the way.






When they arrived at the market, almost everyone was out of breath, except Choco, who was still hyperventilated about the new things it’s seeing around it. Never did Hyukjae know that the former shopping mall area near his house was actually a dry market. Mouth agape, he walked past the crowd, eyes fluttering to every fresh objects that came flashing across his eyes. The vegetable stores, newspaper stalls, grocery stand, all pull their trades into its echoing vastness. Children played ball games in the aisles until being chased away; some warm themselves with fire in circle; some drunkard slumped against the walls after a crazy night filled with alcohol. A woman from the fruit stall waved at Hyukjae, but what made him even more startled is when the lady gave him and Donghae an apple each, in which the latter took it swiftly, taking a bite and helped Hyukjae took his before stuffing it into his pocket.


“She’s Jane, nice old lady she is.” Donghae took another bite, waving to the said woman before leading Hyukjae to another way. Taking out the apple from his pocket, Hyukjae stared at it for so long, silently measuring the pros and cons of eating it, and Donghae wasn’t oblivious about the little act of this boy. “It’s not poisonous! Or...have you ever seen such things? Apples?”


“I know what is apple!” Hyukjae shot a glare to the laughing boy and rubs the fruit with his sleeves before taking a large bite, filling his mouth with the sweet taste of apple juice. God knows how hungry he was now, the last meal he had was the dinner he had back in 13 years later, theoretically. Donghae followed him, took another large bite from the apple-he wasn’t doing anything intimidating, to be exact, but somehow it triggered some kind of desire in Hyukjae as he looked at Donghae fiercely, taking another bite, large, large, bite, his cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk. After all, they were naïve boys, and so did the battle began-


“Try making two bites in one go.” Donghae laughed, and Hyukjae took it completely seriously, chomping his jaws fast to eat the apple before Donghae took three consecutive bites in one breath. The older frowned, eyeing Donghae in bewilderment and when he was about to challenge again, he failed to notice someone in front of him, accidentally bumping into him.


“Uh-oh.” The boy mumbled under his breath, the apple falling to the ground as he watched the man turned around irritated, and he swore he could have seen the scar stretched across his left cheeks and part of Hyukjae knew something bad was going to happen next- “A-yo young lad-” Holding up his fist, Hyukjae didn’t even want to see how he’s crunching his knuckle because just by the sound, it’s as if the bones were crushing within the fists, and he wondered will this happened to him later on in reality. Retrieving back, the boy pulled off an easy-going smile, eyes crinkling as he mumbled sorry for the nth time, but it seemed that the man didn’t want to comply, before he swung his fist across the thin boy, the latter, having good reflex, dodging it just on time.


Never in his entire life had he ever experienced a fight, Hyukjae’s a good boy, a fair student, not too bright but still an eager learner, society was much more complicated back in his era but why, he doubted, why on earth is he picking a fight back in 1990? He was too deep in thought when the man made another punch on his stomach, Donghae pulling him back to lessen the impact, but still, it hurt a bit.


“That was so close-” He stared at Donghae, the corner of this eyes catching a quick glimpse of the man and by reflex, he took the apple from the ground and threw it hard on him…which wasn’t a good idea.


Run!” That was the last thing Hyukjae heard before things were zooming past him, a firm force tugging his arm pulling him around corners and along narrow alleys. Hyukjae looked back, seeing the man chasing behind them in between the busy roads when goods and stuffs went scattered onto the brick streets. They ran past another fruit stall, Donghae accidentally knocking into the basket of lemon and lime before yellow and green started cluttering on the floor. Passing a little stall, an old man who was drawing a painting got shocked, throwing his tools towards the boys, the brushes hitting Hyukjae’s face on the way, but none of them cared for now. People were yelling at them, merchants and sellers standing out in the streets arm crossed, blocking the way of the tall man who then eventually gave up chasing them.


Donghae dragged him out the streets, both out of breath, half-crouching with hands on knees panting hard, the hyperactive dog circling around them. Their eyes met for a second, and they laughed, the carefree laughter of two mischievous boys after an adventure. Hyukjae’s giggles were jingles to Donghae’s ear, and the younger faded his laughter, returning a contented smile that couldn’t possibly show anymore satisfaction.


“Have you ever seen Han River?” Hyukjae’s laugh subsidized, fanning himself to let the high get down from him, feigning a surprised look at Donghae, “What do you see me? A foreigner?”, laughing a bit more when Donghae hit him by his shoulder lightly, the gold and yellow painting on Hyukjae’s cheeks highlighting his gummy smile.


“You got paint of your face.” Using his forefinger, he traced the stains on Hyukjae’s cheek before the brunette rubs his cheeks with his palm, both heading to the direction of their next destination.






“They say its most beautiful moment is during sunset.” Drawing a horizontal line with his hand, Donghae brought his palm into the horizon, until his hand was covering half of the sun, grasping the thin air like the way he’s trying to grasp the last bit of sun rays. Having to start a conversation so abruptly, Hyukjae looked lost, breaking his gaze from the wide river to face the side of Donghae.


“What it?” Kicking his foot lazily, he watched Donghae winced his eyes, grasping the air again and brought it to his lap. “Han River.” Releasing his palm, Donghae smiled lightly, slanting a fast glance at Hyukjae and all Hyukjae could see was the dark brown hair that seems to glitter under the sunset, and those dark eyes under the shadows of the sunrays. The smile deepens, the sun blocking the other side of Donghae’s face, and half of Hyukjae wonders whether the other half smile under the shadow was as bright as this.


The atmosphere turned unknowingly heavier, the aura around Donghae made Hyukjae a bit concerned, and so when Donghae was still staring at his palm, he knew it would startle him when he placed his left hand on top. “I’ve never been to Han River;” Hyukjae smiled, trying to lift up the mood of the sulky boy, watched the brows knitting into a light frown, “I mean during sunset, of course.” Chortling, he felt Donghae’s palm grasping lightly on his, thumb pressing onto his knuckles.


“Then what do you think now? The river during sunset?” He received a low hum, watching the thin frame tilting to one side as if he could get a better look of Han River at that particular angle. Donghae had an urge to knock him down when all of a sudden the boy sat back straight again, thick lips pulled into a thin line before all what could be seem was the pink gums.


Hyukjae seems to glow, Donghae didn’t know it’s the sun rays, or the yellow and gold streaks tainted on the other’s cheek, or the contagious gummy smile he’s wearing now. He placed his free hand on the cheek, gently thumbing the paints, letting the patches of colours smudged across the cheek, glitters of gold sprinkling under Hyukjae’s eyes when he smiled even wider, burning Donghae’s vision every time he blinked. The boy felt a thumb tracing down his cheekbone, down his cheek and to his jaw line, slowly, up his lips and brushed gently over it.


“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Donghae whispered, low and deep, like the sound of the water flowing slowly in the river.


The first thing Hyukjae relates was the river, but little did he know, the only thing Donghae was referring to, was him.






“So there really isn’t any dry market in your time?” Donghae asked, guiding them back to the house after a lazy afternoon. They went back to the market on their way, trying hard to look like they’re not the one who had just messed up with the place when almost everyone could recognize them. Donghae suggested eating in, buying ingredients from the market and this was the first time Hyukjae accompanied someone to buy fresh food ever since he was six.


“No! We had, but people just prefer going to supermarket.” Flinging the end of his scarf around the neck, Hyukjae stopped for a while, holding the paper bag in his arm a better position and jogged a few paces towards the other. “Supermarket? That’s a cute name. Maybe they’ll have ultramarket in the future.”


“That’s a lame joke Donghae!” Donghae hummed, turning to the left when they reached his house. He placed his bag on the ground, taking the keys out before opening the door, Hyukjae laughing all the while when suddenly the younger turned around with a dead-pan face.


“No, don’t laugh. I’m serious.” He pointed at Hyukjae, the latter pausing and watched Donghae carried the bags in it as he followed as while. Whatever-mumbling under his breath, Hyukjae put the paper bags on the kitchen table, counting the number of things that have bought, but never did he realize he was missing something.


It didn’t take long for Donghae to prepare their dinner, Hyukjae helping to set the table, which is to put aside his papers and take out the chopsticks, they sat down, digging into their food when Hyukjae remembered something.


“I wonder if Choco is hungry or not.” Looking around, there was no sign of the furry little creature, and so Hyukjae got up, checked under the table, into the kitchen, under the bed-still, the dog couldn’t be seen. “Donghae, have you seen Choco?”


Donghae, who was about to eat the piece of meat, shook his head slowly, and Hyukjae started panicking. Had Choco always followed them during the day? He was sure it followed them when they went to the market, it even ran with them when they were being chased down the streets. The younger boy got up from his seat, rubbing his nape and walked around as well, two lost boys wandering here and there. Donghae opened the drawers, flipping the blankets and pillows, checking everywhere, his face getting paler and paler when he learnt that he has searched every corner in the small house.


“I can’t find Choco.” Hyukjae stood in the middle of the room, shoulders drooped, eyes losing focus when what could be seen now were the little silver glitters that start to form in his vision. Then that means it’s not here-Donghae went into the kitchen, a thick scent of cocoa filling the room.


“Where is it?” He proceed to the kitchen, mind too busy to form any logical saying when he’s trying to date back in time, tracing back his routine of the day. The market, the roads and streets, Han River, back to the market and home… “Choco hasn’t eaten anything, it might starve to death!”


“No, it won’t. At least not that fast.” Turning a blind eye to the blabbering boy, Donghae took out a spoon from one of the drawers and stirred his drink slowly, hearing the other breaking into a sob.


“And Choco hasn’t drunk any water!” Frustrated, Hyukjae pulled his hair, but seeing little reaction from Donghae, he grew even devastated, sobs eventually turning into light cry as tears ran down his cheeks. Having a past experience of losing his dog once, he had sworn to himself that he never wanted to eat his rice soaked tears again.


“And it’s afraid of cold! It might be wandering somewhere out there!”




“Do you know how important Choco is to me? We must find Choco!” Dragging Donghae out of the kitchen while wiping his face clumsily, the latter almost choking in his drink with the abrupt pull. “Did we lost him during our way home? But I don’t think Choco’s there when we’re in Han River-maybe we should go back to where we’ve been to this afternoon?”


“It’s getting pretty late now Hyukjae.” Shrugging, the boy looked out of the window. It’s pitch black outside the house, adding to the fact that the house was near the woods, Donghae wasn’t sure about the risk of getting out. Still we have to go- Hyukjae cried, pulling Donghae in vain, he turned to take a brown coat from the racket, taking the snickers, Hyukjae dragged the younger away from the kitchen, the determination in his voice made Donghae shuddered a bit. Rubbing his temple, Donghae tried easing the momentary headache he got, the bubble of patience not bursting…yet.


“We have to find Choco-” There was a locking sound and the brunette stared at Donghae with red puffy eyes, watching him fiddling with the door lock. What are you doing?! He asked, raising his voice louder, pushing Donghae away hard and tried opening the door with full force but failed. He kicked the knob, the handle distorting but the door still locked.


“Why on earth are you so persistent?!”


“Choco’s a living creature! It breathes, Donghae, it feels cold and hungry and scared like we human do!”


“It’s just a dog, Hyukjae, for God’s sake!” Patience defeated, Donghae shouted before Hyukjae putting the porcelain mug on the table with a heavy thud, and this is when the whole room fell into silence.


“Choco isn’t just a pet to me.” Knocking down the cup purposely, “It’s my everything.” Hyukjae hissed, walking away leaving Donghae besides the table watching the hot cocoa flowing down from the table burn the floor, the way the tears of Hyukjae burnt his heart.





He woke up with skin against fur. Nose against something fluffy and warm. Something soft yet hard rubbing his cheeks. Hyukjae didn’t really want to wake up after crying for the whole long night, trapped inside the little house. He didn’t bother shaking off his sleepiness, but the moment he heard a familiar jingle sound, his eyes fluttered open, body springing up with a jerk and almost hit his head against the wall behind him when he saw one of the most unexpected things he’d ever seen in his life so far-


“Choco?!” Gasping, as well as partially confused, Hyukjae reached out to the creature that was running in circle on the bed, trying to bite its tail and poked the dog, gaining a bite from it. Ow-Hyukjae yelled, taking his hand back, eyes still pinned on the dog that look extremely identical to the dog he owned, and by the collar around its neck, it’s almost as if this dog was a flawless twin. But Choco wasn’t here last night-mumbling to himself, the dog suddenly leapt to Hyukjae’s lap, standing with two legs and paws the boy’s face, it like there’s no tomorrow, and Hyukjae was sure that this is Choco, no doubt.


It didn’t take long after the slippery attack, the dog jumped down from the bed, looking back at Hyukjae on the bed as if motioning him to come down as well. And so the boy did, following the dog towards the kitchen. At first, he thought Choco was hungry, but when the dog stopped beside the table, Hyukjae would have never thought he’d see a black figure lying across two chairs.


“Donghae?” He mouthed tentatively, not sure if it’s any stranger that crashed in suddenly. Taking a quick glance at the door, the knob was unlocked, though it was a bit out of place, and Hyukjae silently walked towards the unconscious male, kneeling before flipping him over. A low groan. A sharp inhale.


A scarred face.


Hyukjae covered his mouth, hand raising to Donghae’s face, casting shadows over the tired features and brushed aside the hairs that covered his eyes. Patches of blue and purple. More bruises and scars.


There was a moment of silent, Hyukjae trying to figure what had happened when he had fallen to sleep, but his worry was soon answered when Donghae flinched under his touch, sitting up slowly, eyes equally surprised as Hyukjae.


“What…happened?” He whispered, too afraid that if he said out loud, something bad might happen. The said boy looked down, on Hyukjae, then the dog beside him, a smile slowly curving up his lips as Donghae chuckled. Hearing a chuckle, Hyukjae wondered why Donghae could laugh in such a pitiful time. He didn’t care when Donghae rubbed his own scars, a lopsided smile, deep brown eyes that couldn’t hide the pain he was containing but still,he was smiling.


“Did you-you were the one who find Choco.” Watching the boy rubbing the dog’s head gently, Hyukjae gathered his breath, trying to suppress the urge of interrogation, the mixed feeling that crashed his mind every seconds or so.


“I never knew there were wolves in the woods.” Donghae laughed, looking back at Hyukjae, hands bring to his nape and gnawed his lips. “Never experienced fighting with them, aha-” Hyukjae knitted his brows, lips pursed into a thin line when Donghae chortles again, both unsure about what they really want to convey, eyes fixed either on each other’s chin or scarred cheeks, but never the eyes.


Donghae shut his eyes; blinds closed, but couldn’t quite shut the window to his soul, his feelings, his emotions; and they just kept building, trying to seep through the blinds, the way sun seeped through curtains behind him, filling the room with patches of yellow and orange, flooding it with something more than just warmth-


“Please don’t hate me.”


He couldn’t have contained himself more, eyes fluttering and looked into Hyukjae’s, searching for the same window; found that it was always opened.Just don’t hate me- thumb brushing over the sharp cheekbone, a smile slowly creeping up those plump lips.


There were no more yellow paint or golden glitters, and Donghae wonder why Hyukjae’s smile still shimmered brightly under the sun as he pressed his lips against those flushed cheeks that he is willing cup in his palms even if time doesn’t run in order in another universe.






It turned out that Donghae needed his wound cleaned up. After struggling with the cotton pads himself in front of the mirror, he couldn’t bear it, eventually giving up half way and just stuck the bandages right over his cheek. Hyukjae was feeding his dog when he came out; hands drawing circles in midair while Choco followed before placing the food on his palm and let the dog have its treat.


Hearing no more groaning or cursing, Hyukjae figured that Donghae had his wounds done, feeling a shadow behind him walking closer, before the young boy plopped down to the space next to him, both watching Choco jumping up and down trying to get the food from Hyukjae’s upheld arm. Donghae chuckled, Hyukjae taking a quick glance at him before those eyes turned in bug-eyes, a second of puzzlement written over his face, but looked back at his dog later on.


“I didn’t know you needed so many bandages.” Donghae touched his cheek, the feeling of the plastic rough against his fingers, as rough as Hyukjae’s words of sarcasm.


“I only used four…it’s that too many?” And as if he had just heard the most absurd speech in the century, Hyukjae led out an exaggerated sigh, rolling his eyes and tore away the bandage, gaining a yelp from the poor boy who was cupping his own cheeks, feigning a hurt expression. But when Donghae felt the annoyance he saw in the other’s eyes, his face dropped, slowly sitting straight, “Are you…mad?” He caught a glimpse at the flinch in Hyukjae’s eyes, clearly the boy is sulking, Donghae could even feel the cold aura around him when the sun is pouring in behind them.


“Do you know,” Hyukjae paused, patting the dog gently and poked its nose, “Why Choco is very important to me?” Halting again, and Donghae watched the dog stopped moving, staring at its master with bright eyes.


“Because you kept him for years?”


“I rely on Choco.” Fingers tracing the ear of the dog, the boy mumbled, eyes filled with love and tenderness that Donghae had never seen from him.


They say people tend to rely on things. Technology, people, object. Reliance means seeking support, solace, security. Donghae thought he never did rely on things, in the times of war, there’s no one to trust; technology, it goes outdated; but when he saw the lopsided smile on that pale face and pulled Hyukjae into a sudden hug, he learnt that, perhaps, he’s has found something to rely on.






The other day, Hyukjae fainted. It all happened as he was installing the time machine, his chest felt like imploding, the agony too unbearable that he collapsed to the ground and passed away. Donghae made sure he was in good condition, no broken wrist or ribs, just minor scratches and bumps. The last time he checked, Hyukjae was sure he was healthy, he didn’t carry any disease, nor did his family have any illness in particular, so he just assured Donghae that he was alright, assuming that he just caught a cold.


I’ll see if our neighbour got any medicine, go and get more clothes to wear.” -Donghae insisted him to take a rest before resuming his work, forcing him to lie down on the bed before running out. Sighing, the boy who was left behind proceeded to the closet, eyes almost bulging out when he saw how messy the closet was, randomly getting a thicker hoodie before staring at the pile of clothes-used or not, he didn’t really had an idea. He didn’t have the urge to go back to bed, instead, by seeing the untidiness of Donghae’s clothes, a feeling tingled inside him mind, and hands unconsciously grabbing one T-shirt and folds it neatly.


The last time he checked, he was sure he wasn’t even close to a neat freak. He just had the habit of keeping things tidy and in order. Yes, he tells himself, just a habit.


When he pulled out several boxers, he paused, measuring what action he should do with them, maybe it was the crumbliness of the fabric that made him feign a disgusted face, throwing to one corner and reminded himself to tell Donghae wash it himself. There was a jean stuffed into a deep corner, Hyukjae took that out, when he heard a foreign sound, hard yet subtle, from the floor.


Blinking, he stared at the jeans, made sure that the button and zippers are still in their own places, then to the floor-to his surprise, he saw something brown, something intricately shaped like a nut.


A walnut?


He questioned, kneeling closer to have a better look at the newly found nut that just rolled out from Donghae’s jeans. Why on earth would Donghae keep nuts in his pockets? Confused, he took the walnut into his palm when suddenly Choco barked, his instinct going down from his brain down his spine as he clenched his fist in reflex.


“Jeez!” Since he was caught off guard, Hyukjae shouted, clutching his chest and looked down at what he’s done in merely a second. The walnut was crushed completely. Luckily it’s not something valuable, or else he had to make up excuses and reasons later on when Donghae comes back. He went to the kitchen and threw away the crushed shell, sweeping the residue into the bin while carefully spying any nuts inside.


Cleaning his hand, Hyukjae was still wondering about the weird nut inside Donghae’s pants, but his thoughts soon trailed away, replacing with shock and disbelief-there he saw, while he was wiping his hand, two digits on his hands with light blue print.




It wasn’t not a tattoo. Hyukjae tried rinsing it under the water, still, the digits were clearly visible. He scratched a little bit harder, his pale complexion fading into lighter pink but in vain. What on earth is this?


“What are you doing?” Unaware, the sudden husky voice behind him made Hyukjae fell. The last thing he saw before whiteness overcame him was the tip of Donghae’s bangs and those chocolate brown orbs.






He couldn’t lay a finger on what’s going on. Air shooting past him, cold breeze hit his face until it sting. He tried relaxing, just to find his limbs getting numb, as if they were controlled, not by him, but some rather foreign force. The air wheezed besides his ears, and those eyes fluttered, in exchange to a loud cry.


Hyukjae was floating in the air, but he could feel pressure pulling him up or down, he didn’t quite understand, somehow it was gravity that was pulling him down in a dark tunnel. He thought he was by the evil force of darkness, engulfing him into ashes perhaps, but suddenly, blinding white surrounded him, green and blue flashing around him, a heavy ticking sound of metal, chains turning, black tires with many red numbers on it. Hyukjae turned, more numbers.


And there he went falling as if there’s no end, the black tires around him rotate, the red numbers changing every millisecond. Screaming with the top of his lung, he felt the force pulling him tensed as he free-fell deeper,




Then something hit him hard. 




A/N: Double updating together with my LJ today :3 I still feel so unfamiliar with AFF help me T_______T

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update soon pleaseeeee
Chapter 2: >A< its beautiful story
so sad that choco couldnt survive TnT hyukkie should go back too so he didnt die, even if he had to leave hae there but he almost lose the time he had to go back quickly >W<
Allinit #3
Chapter 2: I loved your story so much it's really amazing xD , and I am excited to read more of it :D
and I feel sad for choco and for Hyukkie and Hae too if Hyukkie got back to his time he will have to leave Donghae :'(
HYUKslave #4
Chapter 1: Welcome to AFF!!!!!
I haven't met you on LJ ... glad that i met you here.
i've not been on LJ for a couple of months -- i like aff better :))

so you're eunhae writer? I shall check out your other fic then ^^
supergirl94ily #5
Chapter 1: Ohh please get use to AFF soon. We need more good Eunhae writers!! >.<
fallforyou415 #6
OMGGG * I love ur story in LJ and now u write here too?!* ;AA; cant waittt!!!!!
update soonn!!!
haebeast #7
This sounds amazing! i reckon the boy is hyukjae right? :D is he somekind of scientist? hehehehehehehe....