Following her Footsteps.

My shadow

A/N Rori here~! Sorry this story is late TT_TT with finals coming up I probably won't be able to post stories as often :c but never fear~! I will get them done! Ah ye~ and in case you didn't know, I'm now accepting requests so feel free to PM me a story you want. (I've already been asked a few times about a continuation of 'The Little Mermaid', so that will be my next story :DDD Any-who, please enjoy~!
"Sweetie, finally you're up!" Top flutters his eyes open slowly to see Dara sitting on his bed. Happiness fills him, as if it were ages since he last saw her. Perhaps it was because he was always so scared of losing her."I was worried you'd sleep all day!" She gives him a quick peck on the lips  before jolting up."Seunghyun, let's do something today!"
Top smiles at the girl he adores. "Sure thing Santoki...wanna call Bom and CL to tag along?"
She furiously shakes her head. "Just us, okay? A date~" Seunghyun sits himself up to snake his arms around Dara's waist. "Arisso, Dar." He agrees, happy just to be around her. Perhaps it was just him being selfish, needy. He feared that Jiyong would appear and snatch her away from him, as he did a year prior. He remembers when Ji and Dara first started going out, how for 8 months, they were inseperable. 'But Jiyong's moved on, right?' He tries to reassure himself, though he knows the reason that Jiyong hasn't had a stable relationship since she left had something to do with her. Top knows he'd be heartbroken too if his Sandara left him, running to who-knows-where for two months before coming home.
Sunghyun remembered when she came back, how he found her sobbing on his couch.
"Dara? What's wrong?" He didn't dare ask anything more, about where she'd been or what she'd done. He knew she couldn't handle it.
"I'm unwanted," She sobs. "I went to Ji's and he didn't answer...then I ran into CL and Minzy at the store and they didn't even say hi!"
After that the two talked for hours, conforting each other and just being happy to be in the presence of the other. Soon Top realized how much he needed the girl, and the rest was history.
"Hyunnie~" Dara brings him back to reality by running her hands through his minty-blue hair. "What do you want to do today?"
He thinks for a moment, soon grinning from ear to ear. "I think I have an idea..."
After they had both gotten ready, they headed out the door with their fingers intertwined. They walk for what seems like forever until Seunghyun finally stops in a nearby diner. "Can't have a good date without some breakfast," He explains.
Dara giggles as she looks over at the waitress a few feet away. "Excuse me miss, could we get a table for two please?" The woman doesn't even look in her direction and she pouts. "Excuse me...." She tries again, A little louder but still soft.
The same thing is repeated and finally Top steps in. "Hey miss, is there any way to actually get a table for two around here?"  
This time, the woman looks up and smiles. "Of course, sir," She says as she grabs two menus  and scurries off to a table. "Are you waiting for your friend or something?" She happily questions. At this Top turns in search for the girl beside him, only to see her far behind him.
"My girlfriend. And she's right there," He points to her in the wave of people and Dara smiles at them.
The waitress squints for a moment before finally giving up. "Well then, I'm going to seat the other few people and I'll be with you right quick!" Top can't help but to be irritated by her smiley nature, but he feels better when Dara sits across from him.
"Sorry sweetie...there were so many people, I got confused." She admits, laughing nervously.
"It's okay," He gives one of those award-winning smiles that touches his eyes as a different waitress comes.
"Hello, I'm Amber and I'll be your server for today. So what can I get for you?" He points to an unfamiliar menu item.
"Umm....I think I'll sound too much like an idiot saying this." Both girls laugh as the waitress jots it down. As she turns to leave Top stops her. "Ah, and blueberry pancakes for my sweetheart..."
Amber follows his eyes to the other side of the table. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" She frowns.
Dara smiles at her, too kind to be upset.
"I'll get that right away!" She says as she wanders off, mumbling to herself about being stupid.
Top furrows his brows, causing Dara to worry. "Guess I'm not very easy to remember," She laughs to ease the tension.  It seems to infuriate him more.
"It's not okay." He frowns. "Someone as important as you getting overlooked by some idot waitresses."
"They were probably just flirting with you so much they didn't see me~" Dara smiles slightly, but it soon faded into a frown. "They aren't the first people to forget about me...Jiyong did the same thing.." Top can tell she's on the brink of tears. "Nobody cared when I came back except for you..." A tear runs down Dara's face, and she successfully blinks the others away.
"Dara, saranghae." Top reassures. "You're the most precious person to me."
"J-jinja?" She sniffs, wiping away her tears with her sleeve.
"Jinja." He says. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
After breakfast the two wander aimlessly through the park. "Gomawo, Seunghyun." Dara says, breaking the calming silence. "For everything, thank you."
"No problem," He smiles, kissing her forehead. "I love you."
Dara blushes a bright crimson and soon hears Top's friends calling him.
"Seunghyun!" His friend Taeyang calls out. "Yo, Top!"
Top happily turns to look at his friend. "Ey, Youngbae!"
"Top, come hang out with us!" Seungri smiles. At this top's eyes search for Dara, and he sees her giggling, hiding behind a tree like a child.
"Can't, I'm with my girlfriend!" Top hollers back. "She's over there!" He points to her hiding spot, causing Dara to run off.
"Aish...I gotta go!" He calls to his friends and runs after her. "Santoki, wait!" He runs as fast as he possibly can until he catches up to her, grabbing her from behind. "Hey sweetie." He turns her around and plants a sweet kiss on her lips. "Caught you."
Dara giggles and wraps her arms around his neck.
She's about to speak as "HighHigh" cuts her off. The source of the noise? Top's phone.
"Ji.." He mutters to himself, glancing appologetically  at Dara before answering.
"Ji, what's up?"
"Ey," The voice on the phone says back. "Teddy and I were gonna go hang out. You wanna come?"
"Can't today, I'm with Dara right now but maybe lat-"
"You're with Dara?" Jiyong says, cutting him off.
Crap. He forgot Ji hadn't realized she had returned. "Yeah Ji...I hope you don't mind, but I really do care about her..."
"Dara..." Top can hear Jiyong's smile over the phone. "Wow, It's been a while since I've heard that name, hyung...Aish....I miss her...."
Top frowns. "Mianhae, I really thought you knew that she came back. I think she was in New york or som-"
Once again, Jiyong cuts him off. "Top, is this some sort of joke?...Seunghyun, I'm serious!"
"I am too. I missed her a lot, and when she came to see me, I was so happy..." Top feels a tear drop, and Dara pats his back.
"Hang up on him if he's upsetting you," Dara says. "He doesn't know anything about us, hyunnie..."
"Seunghyun, Dara killed herself last year!" Tops ears are ringing so loud he can't hear Dara's cries. 'It can't be true. It isn't true.'
"Top, Top don't listen...Ji doesn't know anything!" She reaches for the phone, and Top is shocked when she can't grab it. "Top, let's go home, okay? I wanna go home."
"Hyung, you there?" Ji asks, soon hearing the familiar 'click' of the phone as Seunghyun hangs up on him.
"There you go, Tabi," Dara sings, resting her head on his shoulder. But there's no pressure  on his shoulder, just the cold wind. And now that he thinks about it, he's the only person she's talked to...
Top soundlessly screams as he makes his way to his nearby home. He rummages through the drawers around his house before falling a letting out a scream.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Dara says in an attempt to comfort him.
"Where are your clothes." His voice cracks. "Damnit Dar, I said WHERE ARE THEY!?" His hands reach up to his ears and press tightly, dulling his hearing. "Dara, I need you. I need you." Seunghyun stumbles his way to the bathroom, where he could have sworn there were two toothbrushes. Yet his toothbrush lays alone, it's only company is that of a comb and his old anxiety pills. God bless those pills, they're by far the best way to calm him. And now, they'd be the best way to dull his pain.
Top's nimble fingers shakily open the bottle, placing the rim to his lips. "Dara, I-If you're real, then stop me." His eyes lock on hers as he tips the bottle back, causing a shrill scream from the girl.
"SEUNGHYUN!!" She cries, running towards him. But It's too late for that, and she knows she couldn't do anything anyway. "W-w-why...."
Top gives a small smirk. "This is how you died, isn't it?" He recalls. "Maybe If I follow in your footsteps i can see you again. Let me be your shadow?" Seunghyun desperately tries to silence the girl as he makes his way out of the bathroom and collapses on the bad. "Calm down, it's okay. I'm doing this for you, It's all for you, so I can see you.."
"You can already see me." Dara sighs as she curls up beside him.
"You aren't real."
"You were still happy."
"Because you tricked me." Seunghyun feels the extra pressure on his body s he closes his eyes, yet he doesn't feel pain, he doesn't fear the unknown. "Dara....Saranghae..."
"Saranghae...!" She cries as his eyes shut. "Saranghae...."
A/N What a twist! xD I'm an awful writer, y'all could prolly tell it was coming xD oh well~ please comment, subscribe, and leave some requests for me if you want me to write either another pairing, another group, or more of these!

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 1: Interesting plot. It definitely deserves a read. Thank you, authornim ^_^ Will upvote.
makibugna4875 #2
msdeathstalker #3
Chapter 1: .・゜゜・(/。\)・゜゜・. sobs.. she's a ghost...

thank made me almost cry..yeah i knew it,Dara must be a ghost..
ItssCheska #5
I somehow got a hint that dara was dead drom the beginning.
This story is creepy.. in a good way, of course! it's my first time reading this kind of fic and i like it coz it's not like other cliché stories. two thumbs up :D
kwonarra #6
silent~ i want to cry.. Really ><
I'll go wherever you will go~

aubreyLazy #8
T_T aiyoo. this would have been a great ending for i'm sorry video!!
pinkandblue #9
Mysterious!!! TOP kills himself to be with Dara. Different story. Thanks and its something new and refreshing to read. Applause for you!!! :)