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“It’s so cold Bommie!!!” I ranted to the red head girl beside me.


Seriously I’m so close in cursing this weather.


Bom sent me a deadly glare.


“Why do I have to come with you for their morning practice anyway?” Bommie said to me icily.


Well she is the ice princess anyway so I’m used to it.


“I thought you like soccer?” I asked her


She frowned. “I am a fan of real soccer teams not the high school ones.” She said boringly.


Well if I am known for my crazy personality, Bommie is known for her cold personality.


I think that’s the reason why we stick to each other, it’s because we understand one another.


I look at the entrance of the gym and noticed that there are a huge crowd of girls blocking it.


“What’s with the noise?” Bommie remarks in a cold tone.


A bunch of girls squealing and chanting Jiyong is what we heard early in the morning.


I hissed.


We pass the crowd and went on towards the boys changing room.


I held the thermos containing the tea that I requested from my grandma. She said that it helps energizing the body and it’s very good for athletes.


A smile tug on my lips.


“Yah! Stop smiling and give it to him! Make it faster! I want to leave immediately.” Bommie told me in her usual tone.


“Neh!.” I replied.


I walk towards the door and hesitated if I should knock.


“Jiyong! How was your date yesterday?” A voice asked.


I stiffened.


My heart started to thump in an unusual pace.


I can’t help but to eavesdrop on the conversation.


I lean closer to the door.


“It was fun.” Jiyong replied.


I smiled.


I had fun too.


“I heard some rumors.”


“What?” Jiyong asked.


“Yesterday, someone said your girlfriend harshly dumped a guy who tried to flirt with her. Your girlfriend is cute… but actually she’s a beast inside… or something like that.” His friend commented.


 “Well that isn’t just a rumor. It’s true.” Jiyong replied


The smile on my face suddenly vanishes.


“She’s whimsical. Does everything her way, acts insolently  and gets angry easily.” Jiyong continued.


My hold to the thermo got tighter.


“EH? Then why are you still going out with her? If I were you I would’ve broken up with her already.” His bastard of a friend remarked.


I’m seriously on my killing mode right now.


Before I break the door Jiyong talked “Why break up.”


I stop breathing.


My heart is thumping vigorously.


“I met her and I asked her out because I like her. So, I should tolerate everything about her and build a good relationship… right?” He said with his gentle voice.


I rest my forehead to the door.




Do I really deserve you?


“Ahhhh… That’s right hyung.” The bastard replied Jiyong.


“Is that all you wanted to say RAT?” Jiyong snorted at him.


I can’t help but to feel happy.


Jiyong is different. He’s the sincerest guy I’ve ever met.


I smiled and pushed the door.


Jiyong immediately stood up from his seat and walk towards me with a smile.


I can’t help but to smile back at him.


“Dara! You came.” He told me giddily.


I gave him the thermo.


“That’s a special tea. It’s good for the body.” I told him.


I can’t deny that I feel happy when he took it with so much giddiness.


“This is for me? Wow! Thank you Dara! I appreciate it.” He told me while staring at the thermo.


I haven’t done this before with any guy but I guess Jiyong is not just any guy, he’s the ideal guy.


I smirk.


I cupped his face.


He was startled but he looks to my eyes anyway.


I gave him alight peck on the lips.


“Thank you.” I mumbled.


He blushed extremely.


He scratches the back of his head and smiled at me shyly.


I chuckled.


Suddenly the door opened and hit my back.


It seriously hurts.


A guy with a ridiculous blue hair entered.


“Jiyonggie!! Good morning! It’s too early for flirting boy!” He said while laughing his off.


I can’t help but to frown.


I snorted.


The guy suddenly gave his gaze at me and stared.


He dropped his bag while gaping at me.


“Hyung! You dropped your bag!” Jiyong told him.


I think he didn’t hear Jiyong.


He started to walk towards me.


I look at Jiyong, He also doesn’t have a clue on what’s happening.


The weird blue haired guy put both his hands on my shoulders.


My eyes widened.


He dared to touch me?


“This girl… looks like an angel.” He muttered with he’s mesmerized look.


Is he insane?


“You’re so cute… I’ve been looking for a girl like you for a very long time.” He said to me while looking to my orbs.


I look at Jiyong. He looks at the guy.


“T-TOP Hyung!” He muttered.


I sighed.


Does he want to die?



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Chapter 1: Lmao pfft hahahaha
Chapter 8: Awww..cuties.. <3
carolinebestever #3
Chapter 9: sweet and fluffy! love it! ^^
Chapter 8: haaaaaaaa , its short but sweet ... where's my lollipop ?? >_<
Lyca_Myx #5
daramaegon #6
Chapter 8: so cute and sweet daragon couple!!!..kyahhhhhhh! thanks for this fic::)
Chapter 8: uh oh.. how cute our jiyongie... kekekeke
xxxjiyongiexxxdalong #8
Chapter 9: What a cute story..loved it..continue making daragon stories...thank you!
Chapter 9: Aw! Cute story!
Onepenny #10
Chapter 8: Aw that was such a cute story! And I'm glad noone was left heart broken or alone at the end :)