Cootie Catcher



A lone traveler wanders, carefree and curious, without so much of a destination. With nothing but a small pack over the shoulder, the Fool sets out for a journey that even he doesn’t know. He stumbles too closely to the cliff and is likely to fall over the edge. At his heel follows a canine companion, his loyal guidance, but there is only so much that the dog can do to warn his master. Only the Fool can steer his own fate, however will his fate be plunging into the dark abyss?

The Fool: Unlimited possibilities, a new beginning, renewal.







Hustler, fraud, hoax; these were the words that labeled her as an outcast. Slowly, she closed herself off, shunned by society. She bites her tongue and keeps shut at her glimpses of the future. Good or bad; it’s not like people will believe her anyways.  No matter how catastrophic the future, she swore to never interfere. It wasn’t her place to meddle in the lives of others anyways.

Even if the happiness of a hopeless romantic was in her mercy, she must not tamper with his destiny.

Caught up on the fantasy of a lover in his past life, Dongwoo creates his own heroic quest to find his true soulmate, dragging along his own personal psychic in his endless treasure hunt. Whichever path he chooses will ultimately lead to happiness, even if it means that she will not be in his future.

Guys, I changed my username to MyungPit. That is all.


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Chapter 1: this is a lovely fic! wonder what author had in mind for when they met. love at first sight? 0-0
woah~~ you have such great descriptions! hehe. it sounds so gloomy... (was that the right word? aish, bad vocabulary >.< ) anyways... sounds interesting so far, hehe xDD
"Adela smacked away the hamsters using potatoes and cleverly hid Sunggyu's boxers in the potatoe box. Unfortunately for her, Sunggyu could sniff out his boxers. God then granted Sunggyu his boxers back."
Hai. :)
Awesome! It seems darker than sugar -coated haha! ^^
Chanbear #5
Dongwoo is my favorite, so I hope you keep him to his character. Plus you is funay.