Game addict = us

It all started from a PS3..........

At Amber's house

"Can it be my turn to play now?" Amber tugged her brother's shirt, urging him to let her play.

"Just because you're a girl, that doesn't mean you get everything you know. Furthermore, you're a girl, go do something useful in the kitchen." Kyuhyun pushed his sister away. 

"Yah yah, you're losing, move away. Let me show you how it's done." Amber stole the console from her brother, and started to play a new game.

"Fine, I shall sit here and see how you work that boots." 

Amber was in the middle of playing a match, when she suddenly received a request to play with another challenger. Judging from what she's seeing, the challenger seemed to be a newbie, so she decided to just go ahead, because she's going to thrash him, anyway.

"Okay, lets see what you've got beastdw. What kind of username is that?!" Amber started playing intensely.

"Assa~~~~" Amber scored over and over again, without even letting her opponent have a chance of possessing the ball. 

At B2ST's Dorm

"YAH, this guy is really getting on my nerves. How is it that he's able to possess the ball for the entire ten minutes? Crazy~" Dongwoon was getting rather agitated, because he is not able to flaunt his skills, to the hyungs, whom were crowding around him, watching him play.

"Dongwoon-ah, move aside. Let me play, and I can show ya'll my skills." Hyunseung pushed his dongsaeng away, because he was too exasperated to watch. 

At Amber's house

"Oh, why did he end the game? Maybe he's too weak to resist my strong skills kekeke~" Amber gave her brother this "i-told-you-so" look.

"Urgh, you disgust me." Kyuhyun went into his room, because he didn't want to admit the fact that Amber is really good.

"Let me sharpen my skills by practicing first." Amber was in the midst of enhancing her skills, when suddenly, she received another request, from b2stdancingmachine.

"What's up with all the usernames today? What's with B2ST or beast?!  Why can't they name their avatar, Ronaldo or something." Amber clicked accept and started playing.

At B2ST's dorm

"He's not going to come out of his room, after I beat him, trust me. I played these games without sleep for two days. This must be pretty easy." Hyunseung boasts. 

Doojoon and Junhyung gave Hyunseung the -.- face, because they all know that how much Hyunseung exaggerates.


At Amber's house

"This is slightly tougher than the previous game, I guess, but still too easy for me." Amber boasts. ^_^

The score right now's 1-1. For the final 5 minutes, whoever is able to score, 

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