Its All My Fault

He's MINE!

I hear Young Jae talking over the communitcator to Jong Up once we are in Earth's communications distance, which is pretty short. I mean, even though MATO's adjusting made it further, it's no match for our intergalatic signals back home. Home, is that place really my home anymore? I ponder on the thought for a while, and outrule it, they abandoned us. All of the B.A.P. unit, and Zelo and me.

I twiddle with my fingers as I look out the window. Earth's solar system is pretty boring, I don't see life on any of the planets we pass by. Like a barren wasteland. Just then, someone pokes my sides, causing me to jump in surprise. I turn and see Commander, with a big smile.

"What are you looking at Meelo?" he asks curiously.

"Just at the solar system, it just seems so... plain," I answer bleakly.

"Like you and Zelo," I hear him mutter, 

Stupid Commander, thinks he can slip through my enhanced ears. Well my creator's no idiot, he made sure we could even hear fly footsteps if we wanted to. I simply ignore his remark though, acting as if I didn't hear a thing.

"So what's the first thing you want to do on Earth?" Commander asks, starting a new topic.

"I don't know," I answer truthfully, "charge in a less cramped charging pod I guess?"

He laughs, and scruffs my hair, "You have fun with that", and walks over to Zelo to start teasing him too I guess.

I decide to walk around the ship, and I run into Dae Hyun. I feel a pang of guilt, for not having been faster, actually, if I wasn't created at all, he wouldn't be like this! None of the B.A.P. unit would. Yong Guk wouldn't have had to escape, Dae Hyun wouldn't have been mute. I can't help but burst into tears, and run. Not able to even look at what I have caused.

I run and hide underneath the stairway, where nobody can see me, and I can't see anybody either. I sob and sob like there's no tomorrow. I don't care if anyone can hear me, but I just don't want them to see me and vice versa. I try my best to cover my mouth when I see Yong Guk coming down! I don't want him to see me like this! I try to scoot further into the stairs, but I suppose he's already seen me.

"Meelo?" he asks in his low, soothing voice,
"What's the matter? Him Chan told me he heard you wailing your guts out, what's wrong?"

I break down into tears again, and he hugs me close to his warm, Matoki body, unlike my artificial one. "I-i-it's all *hic* my *hic* f-f-fault!" I manage to say through my tear sodden voice.

Yong Guk runs his hands through my hair, "There there, it's not your fault Meelo."

I look up at him, and try to explain my "If I wasn't created________" theory, but he shushes me,

"I already knew the consequences for robots, and I built you anyways, I took all the risks, and knew it would eventually come down to something like this, now do you doubt my judgement Meelo?" 

I shake my head, and I start to feel better. I wipe my tears on my sleeve, and Yong Guk hands me a handkerchief for my nose. I thank him, and shyly blow into it, but it's so... awkward. Yong Guk sees my hesitation, and pinches the tissue at my nose, "Go ahead," he says in an assuring tone. I blow my nose into the given handkerchief. He laughs and folds the hanky away. He gets up, "See? All better, now lets go back up there and show the others you're all better, okay?" I nod shyly as I take his hand, and we head upstairs. I sit back down comfortably in my seat, and relax.

For a while that is, until I hear Commander's complaints, "He's crying TOO? Yong Guk, I thought they were supposed to be weapons, not crybabies."

I turn, and see Zelo crying into a pillow. I smirk in satisfaction, until I see Yong Guk coming over to comfort him. The same way he did for me. I feel a sharp pang of jealousy, and I immediately turn to the window, so no one sees my face. I let small streams of tears fall down. Silent ones, that no one but I will ever see.

"I didn't know robots could cry," I hear a familiar voice.

I turn and find Dae Hyun, sitting next to me, I quickly wipe my tears, "W-well thats because Yong Guk is a brilliant creator! He made us almost like real Matokis!" 

"Is that so?" Dae Hyun states doubtfully, then I realize, I'm barely anything like a Matoki, I don't have real feelings, or a real body, I'm just, a robot. I try to correct myself, but while I was contemplating, Dae Hyun already got up and left.

"Attention everyone, please report to your seats, and prepare for landing," Young Jae's voice says through the speakers. Everyone files into their seat, and my original assigned seat, was next to Zelo. I give him a glare, and he glares back at me. Obviously that idiot Commander told him about me as well.

All of a sudden, I feel my battery draining, That's weird, I was charging only an hour or so ago, I begin to panic and turn towards Zelo. It turns out he's panicking as well. What could be happening?

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Sorry, I've been on a mini hiatus ^^;


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cheonnahlove29 #1
Chapter 6: please update soon please jeballlll
Aww, she was sleeping on his shoulder!!
I'm shipping them SO MUCH rite now.
Just do it already, ur killing me.
Hellen #3
lol zelo in the kid's station XD
i'm shipping them already, so cute <3
hurry and ship meelo and zelo!
(they cant really have a couple name, can they?)

update please~
daejae shopping! :D
Hellen #6
meelo and zelo are soo cute :3
update soon
awhh meelo&zelo >w< hehe update soon okay? :)
Me too ^^
Already liking meelo and zelo :3
Please update~
I love the concept! <3 <3 And I'm kind of shipping Zelo/Meelo already hehe
Kyaaa~ Update soon pwease! ^^b
Your story is daebak. *O*