My strawberry guy

"Dad seriously! Choco is just there!" Hyukjae, like the usual morning threw some tantrums on his dad.

"Yah! Lee Hyukjae! Don't forget that I'm paying for you!" His dad argued.


Well, it is a fine sunday morning alright, and like the usual, Hyukjae is tasked to fetch the news paper for his dad and then go to the market and buy groceries, he knew he couldn't argue anymore the fact that he already ran out of his supply of Strawberry Milk and strawberries, other than those, he really has a heavy heart for shopping.


Hyukjae's POV

Stupid dad and his "responsibilities! AAARRGGHHH! Where are the strawberries??


"Uuhmm... Excuse me mister?" I approach a helper. Oh a new one I haven't seen him here before. And definately cute. "Where are your strawberry products?" He smiled and get close to me before answering. Is it me or there's something about this guy. Something is beastly with those stares but the smile, heck! if he's a vampire I'm willing to get bitten!

"That depends on the kind of product sir" He answered. Oh GOD that voice~

Hyukjae keep your cool. Restrain yourself from acting like a fangirl.

"What kind of product are you looking for exactly?"

"Strawberry milk, cake, and some fresh ones." I answered with smile. If I say that I wasn't intending on flirting would be lying. Damn I even pout at him. Let's see your stamina.

"Really? What are you a five year old little girl?" WHAT THE WAS THAT?! HELLO! I'M SERIOUSLY FLIRTING HERE AND YOU CALL ME A LITTLR GIRL?!

"Excuse me? That's an insult you know?! I can get you fired and even sued!" I can't help it. Sorry.  Your cute, hot, handsome and all but that's just absurd.

"Trust me sir, it will take more effort to get me fired thatn making the sun rise on the west." He answered then take a turn leavinf me.

"Ohe yeah?! I wanna see your manager then!" I demand and then motioned for me to come. I followed suit until we reach fourth floor.

 He went to the manager's office and when he went out after about 10 or 15 minuets he came out. Bet he begged for the manager to punish him lightly.

"Manager is waiting for you princess" He spoke. Really now?!

I immediately made my way in so he won't notice my blush. Damn that'd be embarassing~

End of POV

Hyukjae opened the door of the manager's office to be greeted by what seems a middle aged man with a smile. "Uhm excuse me?" Hyukjae started. "That guy that was just here?"

"Yes?" The man respond urging him to continue. "Donghae?"

"Eh?" Hyukjae asked.

"The guy" The man stated as a matter of fact and chuckled that leave Hyukjae confuse.

"Yeah right, Donghae. Uhm, I would like to report him. He kinda insulted me" Hyukjae pouted.

"Well, what do you know, you really are cute!" The middle aged man exclaimed.

'OH MY GOD! Does everyone gone crazy? or is everyone in this market is ert. OMO! I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!' Hyukjae thought to himself.

Hyukjae stood up watching his every step and when he thoght he's far enough  he made a run to the door only to stumble and fall on someone on the floor.

"Damn it!" Hyukjae exclaimed and lightly hit the person's chest.

"Please get a room son"The middle aged man said laughing at the two boy on the floor. "I like him. I'm granting your wish. Axcuse me while I make a call." The middle aged man the pass them leaving them both alone in the office.

Hyukjae stood up and flopped himself on the couch with a pout and cross his arms.

"Hey" The Donghae guy called him. squatting in front of him with a smile. "Can I ask you a favor?"

Hyukjae just humm in reply, not really intending to talk to the guy.

"Whatever happens or my dad tell you, can you just go with it?" The Donghae guy said and Hyukjae gave him a questioning look.

"Dad?" Hyukjae tilt his head to the side. "The manager is your dad?"

Donghae nodded and Hyukjae's eyes widened comically in surprise. "OH MY GOD!" Hyukjae then covered his face with both hands.

Cute. Was all Donghae can think and slowly pryed Hyukjae's hands meeting each other's eyes. "What shall I call you my angel?" Donghae asked so dreamily that anybody can just melt right there, right now.

"Hyu... Hyukjae" Hyukjae let it slip.

"The most beautiful name I've heard."Donghae said taking the other's hand then kiss his knuckles lightly. "I'm Donghae"

"I...I know" Hyukjae said stuttering not really know what to do in this situation. "Your dad told me."

Donghae smiled and cares Hyukjae's face. Who ever Donghae is, Hyukjae doesn't or more like can't care anymore, all he knows is he's damn smooth!

"So? Can I rely on you to promise?" Donghae asked again. Hyukjae nodded and just in time Donghae's dad entered again.

"So I called your mom and she was really hapy about the news." Donghae's dad said.

"So she accept?" Donghae asked still holding Hyukjae's hand. His dad nodded.

"Ohw I nearly forgot! Son, what's your name?" Donghae's dad asked.

Hyukjae gave Donghae a confused look and Donghae smiled and nodded making him feel safe. "Hyukjae sir. Lee Hyukjae"

"Right! Donghae, kindly take your fiance on lunch now and take him home safely."

"Yes dad." Donghae stood up and drag the stunned Hyukjae out of the office.


"WAIT DONGHAE! What does he mean fiance?!" Hyukjae asked when Donghae just continue to drag him smiling smuggly.

"Fiance. You know the proper term for the one you're engaged with" Donghae stated as a matter of fact. Opening the door of his black lamborghini and let Hyukjae come inside.

"I know what that is stupid!" Hyukjae hit Donghae's arm lightly. "I mean what was or who was he talking about rather?"

"Figure it out later. Let's go to lunch and I'll take you home"


Hyukjae was just simply looking out through the window until he made a flashback and the reality dawned to him.


"Yah! Idiot! Your dad was talking about me was he?!" Hyukjae then repeadly hitting Donghae's arm.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm driving!"

"You! I can't believe you trick me with your dashing smile! cute expression---" Hyukjae is now mumbling everything he likes about Donghae now and didn't even notice Donghae already parked the car. "I can't believe you tricked me~" Hyukjae said on the verge of crying. "I hate you"

"Hey~"Donghae cares Hyukjae's face" Do'nt cry. Everything I told you back there was real. Your cute and look so angelic"

"Really?" Hyukjae asked looking like a really adorable puppy.

"Yes" Donghae nodded lightly. "And just to make it up to you, I'll supply you with every strawberry product you wish, bringing it to you every day by myself and if it will make you more better and to get to know each other more, We'll go to the countryside strawberry farm and pick you some fresh ones"

"Really?!" Hyukjae beamed completely forgetting everything about the whole "you trick me thing"

"But you know, we better find a way to tell my parents" Hyukjae said.

"We'll find a way somehow" Donghae said and they both stroll inside the mall.


Part 1 done! kekekekekeke~ I just couldn't sleep so I got my self some pop corn and a red wine and start writing~ ^^


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 2: Hyuk is so cute and adorable...
How come he agree to marry hae just becaouse straberry...LOL
Hope you update soon :)
Chapter 2: oh gosh! Luv dis fic! Its really cute n sweet... R u gonna update dis story rite? Please please continued writting dis ff nehh?
KandyLand #3
Chapter 2: Update soon please?
Please update soon!!!!! ♥
Update pleasseeeee
strawberrypanties #6
Hey!:) I really like the story,so cute and fluffy. Although,is Hyuk studit or something?:D Marry a stranger?:D haha, i look forward to rest!:)
Opera MV distract you? Me too!! Eunhyuk is hot in the MV with the sleeveless shirt he wear.. *q*
This story really tend to be fluff. Trust me.
kyukyuruyuk #9
Donghae so cool and hyuki so cute..
i love this story ^^