Between one heart


Yoseob (",)

Kyu Hae Ra woke up as her table clock rang. She rubs her eyes as she sat up and yawns. She looks at the time, ‘still got time…’ she thought. She stood up from her bed, then grabs her towel and went to her washroom and get ready to work.

As she finishes her breakfast, she finally got out from her place, locking her main door and front gate, she is now ready to set and go. Hae Ra took her helmet, and starts her bike engine and then she already took off.

She then finally had arrived at her work place, and then she got in and changes her usual clothes to her uniform, she then came out towards the reception desk, to start her daily work. As she got there, her workmate was already busy with they own work. She smiled upon seeing, that none of them was noticing she was presence. She clears .

“Did I miss anything?” she asked, all her friends shock to see Hae Ra was already there with them, as they didn’t saw her coming from anywhere.

“When did you come?”

“Just now… didn’t you realize…” her friends giggle and wiggle their head. Hae Ra responds in laughter.

“Oh this is the document for the night shift I had last night Hae Ra, boss want you to check it…” Melonie said.

“Oh okay…” Hae Ra simply answered. She took the fail from Melonie hands and put it aside, before opening her computer. When suddenly a customer had come, a young man, who was handsome and have a cute smile, he looks exactly like a model. “Oh… yes sir can I help you?”

“Hmm yes… can you please help me search for someone room… he is my friend… he just got back from the airport last night and he said he stayed here, he check in last night…” he told. Hae Ra nodded; she opens the check-in list from last night in her computer.

“His name sir…?”

“Yoseob, Yang Yoseob…”

“Ah…” ‘Wait Yoseob… the cute guy… omo, this guy in front of me is hot, and that Yoseob is cute… what are they a model? Aish Jinjja…’ Hae Ra start nagging in her thought. ‘I know where he is…’ she thought again. “Sir, I know him… he is the last person that came last night before my shift is change… he is in room 173” Hae Ra politely speaking.

“Gamsahabnida…” the man said, he gave Hae Ra a glimpse and a sweet smile then left the reception desk. ‘So Yoseob, who are you?’ she thought deeply as she memorize the night she had first meet him.


Hae Ra was left on duty, while waiting for the next night shift who was Melonie turns she packs a little of her things because the time was almost over for her and she got to be going home then.

“Excuse me…” when suddenly came, tapping the bell many times, it’s like the person was playing with it. Hae Ra irritated by those sound, she look at the person with a mad face, but change as she saw the stunning look of the person. He has dark brown hair, a chubby cheeks face, and a small dimple on his left cheeks and he smile. Hae Ra was stiffening looking at the face for long when the person waves his hand in front of her. “Miss…” he said. Hae Ra wiggles her head, waking up from day dreaming and clears .

“Ah ne… can I help you sir?” she asked professionally.

“Ne… I want to check-in… room for one okay…” he said. Hae Ra nodded, she quickly thus her jobs, giving customer a fill in the blank paper was the usual and so she did, she also asked for his ID.

“ID sir…”

“There you go…” The guy said, Hae Ra smile at him. She took it from his hand and writes it detail in the check-in fill in on her computer. ‘Yang Yoseob… January 5th… cool I know him already… lucky me…’ she happily thought. As Yoseob finally done filling in the form, he gave it back to Hae Ra and left as soon as he receives his keys before that he look at Hae Ra's name tag and look at her with a really friendly smile.

"Till we meet again Hae Ra..." he said, winking then left, Hae Ra was melting. 'wow...'



"Hae Ra? are you okay?" asked someone familiar, trying to shook Hae Ra's body that was stiffen, her eyes wasn't blinking. her friends were worried. they all look at each other. "Hae Ra..." called Bae Hun again. Hae Ra then began to woke up from her daydreaming and realize she was in her real world. she blushes as all her friends look at her folding their arms across, smirking at her.

"What just happen?" asked Melonie. Hae Ra began to shook her head, denying towards her friends. then they all went back to their works.

Time passes by really fast, and it's finally lunch time. All four girls hurriedly packing their things before leaving for lunch time, and close the reception desk before heading for lunch. When a customer came, exactly on time.

"Are you girls leaving already?" asked someone, Bae Hun, Jae Din and Melonie turn to look at Yoseob, they all look at him with blank look. 

Hae Ra slowly move forward towards the reception desk, Yoseob was looking at her with a friendly smile.

“Hae Ra…” he greets her, with a hyper wave. Hae Ra smile as a reply.

“Okay… hmm, your room key sir Yoseob…”

“Yoseob… please call me Yoseob…” he said. Hae Ra looks at him blankly, but then just gave him a smile as he gave back his room key back. Hae Ra took it and reserves his name in the check-out list. “Kerae, hope we will meet again…” said Yoseob, Hae Ra nodded. As she look at him, disappearing, exiting the hotel, Hae Ra wondered ‘When will we meet then?’ she thought. 



Hae Ra walks inside a coffee bean store, as she strolled towards the counter, she seems to capture a glimpse of someone she been thinking after a weeks ago. Yoseob sat on a desk alone, not far from the glassy window of the coffee bean store.  Hae Ra look back to the counter, he thought was wondering again ‘Do he still remember me? Will he greets me if he does remember me? Oh eotteoke…?’

“Ma’am, your order ma’am…” the cashier asked. Hae Ra smile at her, and gave what she want. When suddenly somebody taps her shoulder repeatedly, Hae Ra turn around, her eyes widen, shock to see Yoseob was a centimeter ahead from her face.

“Omo… Hae Ra?” he asked, Hae Ra silent. “Yah, have you forgotten about me?” he asked again, but again Hae Ra was being quiet. “I’m Yang Yoseob… I stayed…”

“Ma’am your latte…” the cashier said cutting off Yoseob, Hae Ra turn to look at the cashier, and quickly took her latte.

“Gomawo…” she said, nod her head a little. She then turn back again towards Yoseob “Miane… yes I still remember you sir Yoseob…”

“Yah just Yoseob…” he raises his voice a little, just to make it clearly load to Hae Ra ear drum.

“But that’s my job…”

“Are you working?” he asked, making sense. Hae Ra shook her head. Yoseob giggles.

“Mianhe… Yoseob, glad to see you again…” Hae Ra said, smile at Yoseob, and shove her hand in front.

“Ah glad to see you again…” he took Hae Ra’s hand and both of them take a quick handshake. “Oh Hae Ra… are you going now?”

“Ani-yo wae…?”

“Hmm wondered if you can sit with me… just a couple hours, have a drink, talks a little bit about each other… how does that sound…?” Yoseob asked.

“Sure that’s sound nice…” Hae Ra politely said.

“Kaja…” Yoseob said, and then start to walks towards back on his desk, Hae Ra just followed him.

“Well, tell me, are you single?”

“Ani… wae…?”

“Just because that I’m afraid, that if you have a boyfriend… he might came bursting in here and punch on the face… you know… a girl who is pretty like you is precious to lose…”

“Oh… Gamsahabnida…” Hae Ra said, she was indeed blushing. Yoseob saw it and pinch her cheeks.

“Yah you’re blushing…” Hae Ra laughs.

“Ah Ne… that’s your fault… okay stop talking about me… how about you? Girlfriend…?” ‘A man that is cute and friendly like you would never had no girlfriend’ Hae Ra suggested.

“I just broke up… so I’m single…”

“Ah Jongmal…? Mianhe…” Hae Ra said, apologetic face was on her face. Yoseob giggle.

“That’s okay… I already had forgotten about her…”

“Wow, you just broke up… and now you already forgotten about her… that’s harsh…”

“Yah that’s good then never forgot… its hurt even more than break up…” Yoseob said, cheerful and was laughing all the entire he speaks about it. Hae Ra was getting more uncomfortable; realize Yoseob began to comfort her. “Mianhe… should we talk other thing…?” Hae Ra without hesitation she nodded. It might be good talking about other thing than those that was really private.    

“Okay, your job?”

“I’m a business man… I sales clothes that my sister design… we both cooperate for the business we’re doing…”

“Oh that’s good…” Hae Ra said smiling to Yoseob.

“Hae Ra… you’re really a great friend to talk with… it’s nice that I have met you…” Yoseob confessed. Hae Ra was amaze by what he just expresses. They both continue talking for hours, and the time passes by really pass, and finally separated the new building friendship.



A couple months have passed, Yoseob and Hae Ra became real bested friend, and they both now like to spend time with each other, tell secrets and do whatever best friend does. To Hae Ra surprise, her heart began to insert a strong feeling; she began to like Yoseob threats, the way he makes her laughs, calm her down. She was happy while he was there, one thing that’s make her sad that Yoseob was just assuming her as just a very best friend. Hae Ra disappointed, every time he called her nick name that he had made up for her, buddy. She had to do something, so she decided to confess.

One day, when both of them was watching movie together at Hae Ra’s place, Hae Ra felt that, that was a great time to confessed.

“Yoseob… can I asked you something…?”

“Sure Hae Ra… what is that?”

“Hmm… what if your friend, your bested friend… love you, will you accept her?” she asked nervously, Yoseob in the other hand, busy his eyes on the TV screen while munching some popcorn.

“I don’t know… depend… wae…?” he asked. Hae Ra puffs her cheeks ‘get ready Hae Ra…’

“What if that girl was me?” Hae Ra said closing her eyes, Yoseob slowly turns his head; he was shock that he just got a confession from a girl who was his bested friend. Yoseob bit his bottom lips, ‘should I accept her?’ he thought.

“Hae Ra…” Yoseob called her name nervously. He never thought that thing got complicated. “Mianhe…” he only can say that. Hae Ra opens her eyes, it began to red, and she stood up.

“Yoseob… is this means… you don’t have the same feeling as me…?”

“Mianhe Hae Ra… I just assume you as my friend… if you want more… maybe a sister… that’s all…” Hae Ra shook her head, her tears start to fall. Yoseob was about to comfort her by wiping her tears but she slap away his hand from touching her skin.

“Ka…” she asked him to leave. Yoseob was shock.

“Hae Ra… wae?” he asked.

“Because I’m sorry that I had fallen for you… Ka…” she said, began to pull Yoseob up and shove him out from her house, as the door was close, Hae Ra lean her back on the door, while Yoseob knock the door many times. Hae Ra tears kept on crying and crying.

“Hae Ra…” Yoseob called again.

“Yoseob…” Hae Ra called back. “Listen…” she asked.

Yoseob began to lean his ear on the door.

“Please forgive me… but you have to leave me… I’m not a good girl; I’m not the best friend… so please go… if you really cared about me, please just go… please understand me that you leave just because I want to forget you… I promise that…” Hae Ra said, standing up and leave the door and went in her room.

“Hae Ra, please don’t forget about me…” Yoseob said in a low tone.



Couple of months have passed, When suddenly a pair of man feet walking, on and on going out the airport. As he stops in front the airport exit door, he waves his hand, calling for a cab.

“Hae Ra, I’m home…” he said, as he got inside the cab. “To this address please…” he said, giving the driver a paper that wrote Hae Ra’s home address.


As he arrives, he happily bring his luggage and strolled into Hae Ra’s house, it never change after he left. he knock Hae Ra’s door, as she finally answered it, she was shock to see the person who had come.

“Hyu… hyu… Hyunseung…” she said nervously.

“Hae Ra…” Hyunseung exclaimed, he was about to hug Hae Ra when she rejected it by pushing him away. She looks at him with an angry expression. She walks out the door, and locks it. She then walks away from her house and was about to leave towards her scoter.  When Hyunseung caught her wrist and hug her from behind. She was struggling to get out from his grip.

“Hae Ra…it’s been two years…I really miss you…” Hyunseung said.

“Let me go oppa…”

“You see you still called me oppa… you really love me right?”

“Ani… let me go…” Hae Ra shouted, wiggling her body, wanted to get loosen.

“Hae Ra…” somebody else just shout Hae Ra’s name. Hae Ra and Hyunseung turn their head and saw Yoseob looking at them with a shock face and holding a bouquet of roses, Hae Ra’s favorite flower. Yoseob never ever let go of Hae Ra, he had realize he also loved her.

“Who are you?” Hyunseung asked Yoseob angrily.


“No one…” Hae Ra cut him off quickly.

“Well, let me introduce myself… I’m Hyunseung, Hae Ra’s ex-husband, and I came to hand her marriage again… I miss her…” Hyunseung said. Hae Ra began to scream.

“I DON’T WANT TO BE WITH YOU…NOT EVER…. WHO DO YOU THINK I AM… I’M NOT A , OR YOUR T-SHIRT… I’M A HUMAN WHO HAS A HEART… YOU STUPID PLAYBOY… I HATE YOU… FOR ONCE YES I LOVED YOU BEFORE BUT NOW… YOU… USE ME, YOU USE HYUNA… MY BEST FRIEND… YOU MAKE ME AND HER SPLIT UP, YOU STUPID, STUPID… GO AWAY…” Hae Ra finally succeeds to run away from Hyunseung hands, she ran while saying “YOU BOTH GO AWAY… JUST GO…” she shouted again, then came inside her house, she cried, Hyunseung and Yoseob was left outside, they both were worried about Hae Ra.

Hae Ra ran towards her room, she then took out the biggest luggage she had and pack everything that she needed to, she then called the airport, booking for a flight ticket, the next ticket to Japan, she needed to see her parents, she knew she was abandon but that’s it, she have to face them and apologize, she needed to make her mind and forget about the both man that she ever love…



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sorry can't update now... i have a problem with internet service so hard... aish


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i am... don't worry... i'm kinda busy right now... i have queit a lot of on-going fanfics... anyway thanks for commenting... sooner i will update... mianhe for making you dissapoint...i just hide the chaps.. because i was out of time... and need to continue it, when i got that whole lot time... mianhe again...
Pastel_ #2
aww...I wish you would continue to write this one, I love the idea.