
Go Back In Time
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October 28, 2009

Blood. Pool of blood. And a lifeless body.

That was all Woohyun could see. Everything around him just out, and all he could see was his girlfriend lying lifelessly on her own pool of blood.

People started to crowd around her, blocking his view.

He then ran towards SooRi's body, pushing people roughly just to get through.

"SooRi! SooRi! SooRi!!!" he kept calling her name.

Once he got to her body, he immediately kneeled beside her, resting her head on his lap. He didn't care that his white pants were now stained.

"SooRi!" he lightly tapped her cheek, hoping that she would respond. But he just got disappointed.

He then tried to search for her pulse, but he suddenly screamed in agony as he didn't find any.

His girlfriend died in front of him, and he didn't do anything to save her.

"SooRi! Please, please don't do this to me!" he cried out. "Please, please don't leave me..."

He was weeping over her dead body, and everyone did nothing to stop him. They just watched him in pity as he bawled his eyes out, mourning over his loss.

Soon, the sirens of the ambulance were heard.

By the sound of the sirens, Woohyun stopped weeping and stood up.

"You!" he pointed at the paramedics. "Why did you come just now?! You could've done something to save her if you came earlier! Now she's gone! My world is gone!"

"Sir, please calm down..." they tried to calm him down.

"No! How could I calm down when my own girlfriend just died in front of me?! AHHHH!" he screamed out.

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I have a bad headache right now. I need to rest now. I'll double update tomorrow, I promise. I just hope we don't have homework! Thanks for being patient!


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untitledtae #1
asdfghjkl; <3
new reader here~! :D
Haha, true xD
Lol, true. But I thought there would be a catch to having it. Like he would have to exchange something, but *shrugs*
Oh...I was wrong xD
Hm...I wonder what happens from here. My best bet is that Woohyun would have to die in order for SooRi to be alive or there is something that makes him go back in time with some plot twist. Update soon~
xoxotiffanyxo #7
Update soon!
Great !
Interesting ;) Update soon ^^