Not again

her name is JAIDEE

Kanita and I had already graduated from highschool and Xuwicha had already graduated from college and now lives in an apartment. He majored in engineering--suprisingly it wasn't something related to games or some kind of acting. But yeah it was a hot summer. Kanita and I decided to go out today to celebrate our graduation--even though Kanita was a year ahead of me. We decided to catch a movie. After the movie we bought some snacks and ice cream and shopped while still snacking it away. We came back home with new clothes and shoes. And I bought auntie a pink outfit. I didn't see her today, so I planned to give it to her the next day.

The next day Kanita and I went out for a swim on a beautiful day. It was really fun. But when we came back home auntie and uncle was on the couch looking not too happy. "What's wrong Ma? Pa?" asked Kanita. I gave a curious stare. "Your dad lost his job." and she gave me a stare. I flinched and looked away. 'I'm sorry, auntie' I said without making a sound. Oh yeah! I had forgotten about her pink outfit...sigh...should I still give to her?...Kanita ran to uncle and hugged him. "You'll find a new job, dad. Don't worry." Uncle hugged her back. I glanced at auntie and she was looking at Kanita and uncle. "It's OK uncle. I'm sure you'll find a better job." I said walking towards him smiling. I knew from the corner of my eye that auntie was giving me a look. I know that she knows that I know that she begins to think of me...differently--one who brings bad luck. "Thanks, Jaidee" said uncle looking up at me. For a moment I began to think also that I was bad luck. Ma and pa died because of me. If I wasn't born, then they wouldn't have died. Auntie's vase wouldn't have been broken, she wouldn't have lost her money, and uncle wouldn't have lost his job. Sigh.

The next morning auntie and I was the only one up. I saw her and remembered her outfit. I went and got it and gave it to her smiling. "This is for you, auntie. Hope you like it." She gave me a stare. She then snatched it and said, "don't think that by giving me this will make up everything, Jaidee." We both had an eye contact until Kanita came in. "Good morning ma. Good morning, Jaidee."   she yawned. Uncle also came in. "Good morning everyone. ...what's that in your hand, honey?" "Jaidee bought it for me" she said with a little Mmph and touch of attitude. "How sweet of you, Jaidee." Uncle said looking at me in the eye. I just gave a small smile. "Well, let's hurry up and eat guys. The food's getting cold." Kanita said, ready to eat.

The rest of the day auntie made me feel like a slave! I know she's trying to get me back, but luckily Kanita was helping me out on some of them. Auntie told me to cut the grass, wash every dish in the sink--and there were a lot!...I know she did it on purpose--and she also told me to massage felt like hours!! My hands began to hurt and become numb--in addition she also told me to vacuum and broom the house after massaging her...but yay!...I was half saved by Kanita. She came in time and asked for me to rest and she'll finish auntie off. "No, it's fine, Kanita. I got it." I said in pain. "No, I'll help, Jaidee." she smiled and took over. I heard auntie give me a little 'hmph'. "Hey! Start vacuuming and brooming the floor, Jaidee!" yelled auntie. Few minutes past and I was half way done vacuuming. "Hey ma, Imma go help Jaidee." said Kanita. "Kha...pbai, pbai..." said auntie, angry that Kanita's helping me.


Aunt Hansa's POV

Jaidee, I can't stand you anymore! I just want you out of my life! Out of my house!..especially when I can't afford the house on my own...and you're making it worse by living here, Jaidee! I don't want you to give me and my family bad luck like you had given to your parents. ...sigh...I will not stop until you leave! Why did I even offer you to stay at my house in the first place?...If I hadn't, then I would've just kicked you out earlier.

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