B: Break Time

My Alphabetical Reasons I love you

Break time

“Taeminnie…” Key whined, “Can’t we take a break now?? We‘re about to die and I think Onew and Jonghyun already have,” he finished motioning to the 2 lifeless bodies laying on the dance floor, exhausted.

“Ah, ne Key-hyung. Sorry I didn’t notice Onew-hyung and Jonghyun-hyung passed out on the floor. Mianhamnida.”

Taemin and Key walked over to where the hyungs were passed out but Minho was absent.

“Key-umma where is Minho-hyung?”

“He went to get some water Taebaby.”

Just then Minho walked in with numerous bottles of water and proceeded to toss one to Key and Taemin.

“Ah, Kamsahamnida Minho-ah.” And the three started to drink it but the 2 lying still on the floor were noticed once again for them still being passed out.

“Hmmm….” Key said suddenly getting a great idea.

“Minho-ah, you wanna help me wake them up?”

Minho stared at Key wondering what crazy plan he had this time but in the end he sighed, “Fine.”

Key smiled and grabbed 2 bottles of water and opened them handing one over to Minho.

“Minho-hyung…Key-hyung…are you going to…” But Taemin was to late because Key had started to pour the water onto Onew’s face and Minho hesitantly poured it onto Jonghyun’s face.

Both shot up so fast they looked like a fire alarm had gone off in their heads

“What the heck?!”

Jonghyun was about to go after Minho until Taemin suddenly and quickly said, “It was Key-hyung‘s idea!” and he covered his mouth with his hands as Key glared at the Mankae.

“Sorry umma!” he called out as Onew and Jonghyun chased after Key.

Minho and Taemin looked at each other, worried, but they couldn’t kill or hurt each other to badly, right?


“Yeah Taemin-ah?”

“I‘m hungry, are you hyung?”

Minho nodded both pausing as they heard Key run by the door, still screaming, but Onew came back into the practice room. He was just tired of chasing Key.

“Onew-hyung are you hungry, too?”


“Eh but hyung, I don’t feel like moving to go out and going to get food,” Taemin glanced over and Minho. “Minho-hyung…” he whined.

“No. I think all of our legs are jelly, especially Onew-ah‘s.”

“How about we send Key-ah and Jonghyun-ah then? They are running around like they still have energy.”

Minho and Taemin exchanged a look causing Onew to ask, “What?”

“Do you want them to kill each other right now Onew-hyung?”

Onew fell back onto the floor, hearing Jonghyun and Key run by again in the hall.

‘I wonder if all of SM knows they are chasing each other yet. Eh, probably,’ Onew thought.

They talked for a few minutes until they heard the door open but none of them moved to look to see who it was, assuming it was just Key and Jonghyun.

“What is this? We come to see you and your just laying around?”

“And we bring food and we don’t even get a hello?”

Minho, Taemin and Onew finally looked up to see Nicole and JaeHun standing there, playful smiles on their faces holding bags of food, but the food was temporarily forgotten.



Taemin and Onew ran to their girlfriends enveloping them in hugs and Onew giving Nicole a quick kiss. Taemin was still to embarrassed to JaeHun in front of the hyungs but he did give her a kiss on the cheek

“How did you know it would be our break time?”

Nicole gave Onew a looke that said, ‘Are you kidding me?’

“How else? You told me that you had practice from 11 till 4 and its simple math that you would need a break for lunch.”

“Ah. Smart. Haha now I can figure out why your in dance clothes JaeHun but why are you in the too Nicole-noona?”

“Cause JaeHun came from the dance class were in, then picked up the food and came here.”

“But I thought…”

“Haha yeah I don’t like to dance Onew but I have to take it and are we gonna stand here and talk or do you guys wanna eat?”

“Eat!” Taemin and Onew shouted while Minho said it normally.

Ther 4 walked back over to where Minho remained sitting, Nicole giving him a hug and saying, “Annyeong Minho-ah.”

“Annyeong Nicole.”

“Hey before we eat shouldn’t we get Key and Jonghyun? And why on earth is Jonghyun chasing Key anyway? What did he do now?”

The boys all looked at each other before Minho, surprisingly answered.

“Onew and Jonghyun were passed out on the floor and when I got back with some water bottles and we needed to wake them. Key got the idea to pour water on them and he roped me into doing it to. So when they woke up Jonghyun was about to get me but Taemin-ah suddenly blurted out it was Key‘s idea.”

“Ahhh,” the girls sighed and shook their heads. Granted Key was the umma but he was the diva of the group.

“I know!” Onew shouted scaring everyone in the room, “Oops sorry. But JaeHun, Nicole, why don’t you 2 go get Key and Jonghyun? Key will listen to you Nicole and JaeHun you can scary Jonghyun in since you did so well when you acted like a drill sergeant on Yunhanam.”

“Ok.” “Sure.”

The 2 girls slowly got up and went to retrieve the boys, who fortunately or unfortunately as soon as they opened the door, Key and Jonghyun ran by.

“Kim Kibum!”


Both boys stopped dead on their tracks, frightened by the 2 voices they heard especially when they heard JaeHun’s voice. Ahh the scary memories…

“Y-yes??” Both were shaky.

“Come one into the practice room and eat, we brought food for you guys and your acting like children.”

“But Nicole, Key…”

“We know but get in there and enjoy. Your even more tired now than before I bet.”

Jonghyun shut up immediately, scared of JaeHun. Why did she have to be Taemin’s girlfriend? couldn’t he have picked a nice and sweet noona?

Nicole slightly softened her tone with them, but still staying strong, “We brought some Sundaeguk and Raemyon for you guys so go in there and eat something before your break time is over with.”

“Ah…ok. True.”

Nicole and JaeHun smiled at the boys and as soon as Key and Jonghyun walked into the practice studio they smiled at the sight and smell of food and Onew, Taemin and Minho smiling at them, glad they were finished with their arguing. All were gathered around in a circle, Key, Onew, Nicole, Jonghyun, Minho, Taemin and JaeHun. Taemin was sitting right next to JaeHun, hardly any space between the 2 and Onew was next to Nicole, Chin resting on her right shoulder, and some how managing to eat like that too.

“Hey Nicole-ah?“

“Hmm? What is it Key?”

“It was nice of you and JaeHun to bring food for us. Even if we weren’t on our break time we still would have eventually ate it. We’ll have to repay you, huh?”

JaeHun and Nicole just shook their heads, confusing SHINee.

“You guys have already done so much for us that this was the absolute least we could do. We felt like it was something we could help you with since you had a busy schedule today.”

Onew wrapped his arms around Nicole after he put his food down, “Hey do you two even realize how much you help us out? You give us support, you understand our schedules and do so many more things for us.”

“Especially with at the dorm Nicole,” Kay added on. Nicole slightly blushed at his comment but didn’t say anything back, to embarrassed to.

“Now I think this was the best Break time we ever had! And longest.”

And the whole room erupted with laughter at Jonghyun’s comment.



A.N. ok a bit better but still bad. idk why i cant seem to do one shots very well lol. comments? :)

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ill have letter F up today keep out for it and possibly a poll? lol XD well se


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theslymaknae #1
i hate when shinee paired with girls. lmao
so i was surprised that i found myself reading this over and over again keke :D

i really love KeyRang though, :)
fighting and good luck in updates :)
theslymaknae #2
this is good! LIKE! >.<
theslymaknae #3
what about xenohobhia for x? xD
just for additional information, xenophobia is a strong and unreasonable dislike or fear of people from other countries :D

and i'm agree with saranghaeshineekey. Queenka for Q!

and z for zombies! loljk ;)
This is good!
I luvd the first chapter!
Sounds cool!
Q could be queenka??
X could be .. Xmas? Keke or xylophone?
And Z....zabaglione..some italian food...or....zealot...means fanatic... Or...zeal..zombie...keke...zest..
Not sure these words r wat ur looking for!