#2 - Spelling a feeling.


“Umma, how do you spell love?” 

“You don’t spell it Minnie, you feel it.”


Ten years later, I finally understood what she meant, and through rather unsuspecting circumstances. I was truly bewildered.

I had just started my freshman year in a pretentious college, the only good thing about it being the generous scholarship.

There I was, sitting all alone at a table, no friend to talk with, no acquaintance to smile at. It was then that I made the mistake of looking up.

Long brown hair, eyes that one could spot from a mile away. A tall, lean body. Muscular arms holding a basketball.

But most of all, a determined look on his face while he jumped up, literally to the skies.

A stirring I felt, from the deepest corners of my heart.

I knew it would last eternally, for it took over my entire being. 


Ending left to the readers, from whom I'd love to hear opinions =) 


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He giggled! :D
Aww they're all cute. And wow they're short. It seems even my drabbles are long lol
Continue! I'm looking forward to it~!