Chapter 59

Memories of A Diary

Weeks passed and you had forgotten all about the stalking incident. Though you still sometimes felt like there was something, or someone, following you, you always shrugged it off, telling yourself that you were just paranoid.

In a blink of an eye, it was already graduation. The night before the graduation, you were sitting in bed thinking about your senior year. Time really did fly fast, you remembered the first time you met Kikwang, all the hate you had for him could still be pictured. You chuckled as you wrote things in your diary, the book that holds every single one of your secrets. Smiling, you flipped back a few pages, the words on that page made you blush madly:

‘Dear diary, today I officially fell in love with the cold and arrogant, Lee Kikwang.’

Embarrassed at what you wrote, you hurriedly shut your diary and hid yourself underneath your blankets like a little kid. The image of Kikwang smiling popped into your head, the smile that used to be so arrogant and nasty had now suddenly become so lovable. Thinking about your future with Kikwang, your eyes slowly drooped and you soon drifted off to dreamland.


“Min Ji-ah~ Come over here!” Soo Mi waved you over as you stepped into the celebration hall.

Waving at her, you said goodbye to your mum and went over to where all the other seniors were sitting while she went to the back to join the other parents. “I can’t believe we’re graduating already!” Soo Mi squealed as you sat down next to her.

You nodded but didn’t answer her, your eyes were roaming around looking for a certain someone. Soo Mi got the hint and grinned, “Stop searching, he’s sitting over the male’s side.”

You stared at her, “Who said I was looking for him?”

“It’s too obvious,” she mehronged you.

You chuckled, “It’s not like you’re not looking for Hyunseung.”

She rolled her eyes, “I’m not.”

You laughed as the principal stepped onto the stage, “It’s starting.”

The principal fixed his tie and coughed before talking into the microphone, “Good evening dear seniors and family members. It has been a busy year for everyone and you must be glad that it’s all over now. You seniors have worked very hard this year and I am delighted to inform you that every single one of you has made it through high school. We shall now call out the students so they may come up and receive their diploma.”

He started calling out names and you watched as students walked up and received their scroll.

“Yang Yoseob.”

Girls squealed as the blonde guy walked up and received his certificate, he looked into the crowd and spotted you and Soo Mi. Smiling, he shot you two a wink and walked down.

“Lee Kikwang.”

You clapped loudly as he casually walked up and shook hands with the principal.

“Lee Soo Mi.”

You and Beast clapped the loudest as she slowly walked up.

“Woot woot go baby!” Hyunseung hollered.

Soo Mi blushed and quickly walked off the stage, you laughed as she almost tripped while sitting down.

“Choi Min Ji.”

You fixed your uniform and walked up, you could hear Soo Mi and Beast’s loud claps as you shook hand with the principal and he handed you your diploma.

“Go Min Ji!”

“Grab that scroll and then shake what ya mumma gave you!”

You bit you lip in embarrassment as Beast continued shouting things. Ducking your head, you hurried off the stage.

After everyone had gone on stage, the principal made one last announcement wishing everyone the best in the future. When he finished everyone clapped, Soo Mi went over to her parents while you walked over to yours.

“Umma!” You yelled and ran over to her.

She patted your head with a big smile, “My daughter is no longer a high school student, she’s grown up so fast.”

You grinned and looked around, “Is appa here yet?”

Suddenly someone tapped your shoulder, you turned around to be face to face with a big bouquet of flowers, “Woah…”

“Congratulations!” You dad smiled and gave you the beautiful red tulips.

“Appa!” You beamed.

“Sorry I missed the ceremony, the meeting ended later than expected,” he sighed.

 You shook your head with a smile small, “Don’t worry about it, at least you came!”

“Min Ji…” A voice interrupted.

You turned around and smiled when you saw Kikwang standing there, “Oppa!” You waved him over.

Your parents stood there watching as Kikwang walked up and stood next to you. He blinked at them before bowing, “Anneyonghaseyo…”

You parents nodded their heads warily. Your father has only met him once, when he came over to your house to work on the assignment. Whereas the second time your mother met him was when he took you home all drunk. Neither of them had a good feeling about Kikwang.

You noticed the awkward atmosphere and let out a nervous laugh, “Umma, Appa, this is Kikwang… my- my boyfriend…”

Your mum’s eyes widened while your dad froze, “N-Namja chingu?!”

You swallowed and nodded, “Y-Yes…”

You mother coughed and nodded, “Then do you want us to take you home? Or are you staying here?”

“If its fine with you, I’ll go home with Soo Mi later…”

Your mum nodded with a meek smile, “That’s fine… we’ll get going now then…”

Your dad stood there, befuddled. He kept looking at Kikwang and then turning to you, “Are you guys really…?”

You nodded slowly, Kikwang forced a smile and took your hand, “Yes we are, sir.”

Your mother bit her lip and grabbed her husband’s hand, “Let’s go!” She hissed.

Your dad was still blank as she pulled him away. You watched as they disappeared into the car park, Kikwang grinned and grabbed your hand, “Let’s go.”

 You stared at him curiously, “Did you call my dad sir?”

He shrugged, “I didn’t know what to call him.”

You rolled your eyes, “Sureeeee… Mr Choi, Min Ji’s dad, ajusshi, any of those would’ve worked.

Kikwang grinned, “One day it’s going to be appa!”

You blinked at him, “Do dien.”


“Do dien.”

“What are you saying?!” Kikwang furrowed his eyebrows.

“Crazy person.”

“What kind of language is that?”

“Vietnamese,” you grinned.

Kikwang laughed, “Since when did you learn it?”

“I’m secretly half Vietnamese,” you winked.

Kikwang rolled his eyes, “And I’m secretly a spy.”

You were about to reply when suddenly he grabbed your hands, when he let go you found a small white button in your palms, “Huh?”

“Be proud,” Kikwang informed.


“You got Lee Kikwang’s button.”

You stared at him weirdly, “What?”

Kikwang frowned, “Just be proud!”

You laughed, “You weirdo, where are we going?”

“B-E-A-S-T!” Kikwang spelt it out.

“Yo Min Ji! Kikwang!” Hyunseung hollered when he saw you guys.

You smiled and ran over to them, “Hi guys!” You noticed all of Yoseob’s shirt buttons were missing, “Oppa… Where did all your buttons go?”

He scratched the back of his head cluelessly, “I honestly don’t know… I walked through a crowd of girls and wah bam, they disappeared.”

You blinked at him for a few minutes before tilting your head, “Buttons? Again?”

Soo Mi turned to you, “Again?”

“Why would they want your button?” You asked.

All the boys shook their heads cluelessly. Soo Mi bit her lip and pulled you closer, “If you get a button of the guy you like or if they give it to you then there’s a chance they like you! It’s a cultural thing woman, have you been living under a rock?

You nodded, “Ooh…” Your eyes drifted to the button in your hand and then to Kikwang’s school shirt. Kikwang looked away, embarrassed. A smile came onto your lips as you squeezed his hand. Your eyes once again wondered back to his shirt, but this time you noticed something else, two of his buttons were missing. A frown came onto your face and you couldn’t help but show the disappointment.

Kikwang looked at where you were looking and chuckled, “Before you get jealous, Dongwoon has the other button.”

You stared at him, “W-What?”

Kikwang grinned, “Maknae wanted everyone’s buttons.”

All eyes went to the maknae, who was busy counting the buttons in his hands, he looked up at them with round eyes, “What? I want to keep something that will help me remember you guys. America is a faraway place alright?”

(A/N: Alright guys being the stupid person I am I decided to make up all the university names… hehe forgive me if they sound weird…)

Everyone laughed at his words. Graduating also meant separating; Dongwoon’s parents have decided to let him go to a university in America.  Junhyung and Doojoon have chosen to go to Kangnam University, Yoseob had gotten accepted into Seoul University while Hyunseung had been forced by his parents to start working for their company. Soo Mi will be going to Mansen University while you had gotten a full scholarship to Seoul University with Yoseob. Everyone knew what they were doing and where they were going, everyone except for one person… Yep, you got it, Lee Kikwang. You had tried asking him, but the only thing he would say was that he didn’t want to choose yet.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5…” Dongwoon counted the buttons again, “Hey I’m missing 2!”

Everyone looked at each other, Doojoon patted the maknae’s shoulder, “Dongwoon-ah, if we exclude you, there are only 5 other people in Beast…”

Dongwoon still persistently shook his head, “There’s still two missing!”

“Whose?” Junhyung asked.

Dongwoon grinned and stared at you and Soo Mi. You gulped and looked away while Soo Mi let out a small chuckle, without thinking twice she pulled off the button on her collar and gave it to him, “Here.”

Hyunseung stared at them with his mouth open, “How come I don’t get one?!”

Soo Mi gave him a blank stare, “Are you the one going overseas?” Hyunseung opened his mouth to reply but she cut him off, “Exactly.” He blew a raspberry and sulked.

Dongwoon clapped and turned to you, “Min Ji-ah~”

You stared at him, “Hmm?”

 “There’s one missing~” He grinned.

You stared at him and chuckled, “Why are you so cute for?” You pulled out the top button and gave it to him.

Kikwang frowned, “Lucky maknae.” Hyunseung nodded sadly.

Dongwoon stuck out his tongue to tease his hyungs, they shot the maknae a look.

“Yah maknae,” Hyunseung called.

“Yes hyung?”

“When are you leaving?”

“Next week.”

Hyunseung nodded with a smile, “Good, I’ve got a party in 3 days, you’re all invited.”

“Really? Another one?!”

“Will there be nice food?”

“Can I bring my friend?”

You watched as everyone started planning what to wear. A soft smile came onto your lips as Yoseob doubled over after Junhyung playfully punched his stomach. Things had changed so much in just a few months. All these boys standing in front of you now was once just a group of good looking up boys, now each and every one of them meant something to you. You felt someone squeeze your hand and looked up at Kikwang who was smiling at you.

He bent down and kissed your forehead.

You smiled at him and continued listening to Beast and Soo Mi ramble on and on.

Graduating also meant a new beginning. Every single one of you was now going to start a whole new journey, though you no longer see each other every day, the friendship will never be fade.

Kikwang was by your side now, and your journey with him will be restarting as well. Though he wasn’t going to the same university as you, it was still a promise that the two of you would see each other every week. Nothing was going to get in between yous and nothing was going to go wrong.

Or so, that was what you thought it would be.  


A/N: HAPPY BELATED HALOWEEN! HEHEHE i know i know, i've been dead the past few days, it was because i moved houses and there wasn't internet ): but now im back~ woot woot with faster internet too *grins*

Hope you like this chapter~ New school, new life, new trouble~ <3

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iluvEXOforever #1
Chapter 74: you know, you should make a sequel somehow... i have this feeling that it would turn out quite nicely...
iluvEXOforever #2
iluvEXOforever #3
Chapter 74: interesting... Junhyung and Doojoon own a ramen shop...
iluvEXOforever #4
Chapter 37: IT SO GOOD
exoexogossipgirl123 #5
Chapter 74: Awww this story made me cry so much! hehe and I love the ending! And it makes me laugh knowing about junhyung and doojoon lol XD but I loved the story!!
Chapter 74: lol the ending XD i love this ! ~
LeeEmii #8
Chapter 74: Daebakkk! This was awesome author-nim!!! :)