

            I tripped.

            Why does this always happen to me?

            From behind, I heard muffled laughter. What is that my ears are hearing? Someone was laughing at me? At ME?! At the great Lee Donghae? Scoff.

            The laughter immediately stopped when I turned around to accuse the source of being rude. I saw no one.

            Holy . Was that a ghost laughing at me? I’m getting out of here.

            I fast-walked (didn’t want to alert the “ghost”, ya know?) down the cobble-stoned street. As I did, another trip was performed (FML) and muffled laughter was heard again.

            Okay, ghost. Understand my situation here, will ya? It’s late. It’s dark. You shouldn’t be out here scaring innocent passerbies like me. Why don’t you go home and watch Paranormal Activity on your ghost TV? Shoo, shoo.

            Finally, I reach my neighborhood. Not sure if the ghost is still following me…. Holy Siwon, the ghost is a stalker.

            Okay, ghost. Understand my situation here, will ya? I know I’m smart. I know I’m popular. I know I’m y. I know I’m alone (gulp…). No need to follow me home and me in my sleep, okay? Shoo, shoo.

            I unlocked my front door slowly. My ears strained to try to hear the ghost. Wait. Ghosts can’t make noise. Nevermind.

          As I stepped into my huge, marble mansion (actually, it’s one-storied and midget-sized, but let me dream, k? K.), I heard coughing. Oh dear Shisus, please don’t tell me it’s a sick naughty stalker ghost thing that’s been following me.

Me no has ghost medicine pills! Lo siento.

            I slammed my front door and ran up to my Nemo-filled bedroom.

            Actually, it’s walls are white, and I have no Nemo-related objects what-so-ever (they’re too expensive, sigh), but let me dream, k? K.

            I looked down from my fish-shaped window to see a dark figure with blonde hair. Oh, so my sick, naughty, stalker thing has a solid body! That’s good. It’s male! That’s not good.

            The figure looked lost. He stood in front of my door for a few minutes―he seemed to be debating with himself on something―, then left.

            Hm. He must be new in the Stalk Lee Donghae Until He Turns Into A Fish Company. I mean, they usually try ringing my doorbell so I would open the door and receive a failed y smirk.

            I just slam the door in their “seducing” faces. Ha. ers.

            This guy’s innocent…heh…I like that. Omg, Donghae, you’re sounding like a creepy guy who drives a white van.

            Well, he stalked me, so why don’t I stalk him back? Can’t let this guy have ALL the fun…


            I, Lee Donghae, am stalking my stalker.

            That sounds strangely amusing.


            The guy turned right into a lamp-lit street. As he walked up to the door of a small, cozy-looking house, I cleared my throat loudly.

            Blondie was obviously surprised. He yelped and jumped, his face looking like a surprised monkey.

            How cute.

            Wait, what?

            “I-I wasn’t stalking you…”


            “…I wanted to return this to you…”

            I looked at his outstretched hands to see my math homework.

            “Oh, thanks.”Darn it, no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to lose you. Screw math.

            “Why didn’t you just give it to me when you were following me?”

            The guy blushed and mumbled something that sounded like, “I didn’t have the courage to go up to you.”

            Ah. My god-like looks strike again.

            “What’s your name?”

            “Lee Hyukjae…”

            “Hey, you have the same surname as me!”

            Hyukjae lightly smiled, his flushed cheeks turning pinker.

            “I haven’t seen you around―you new here?”I asked.

            “Yeah…I moved here a week ago,”he answered with a gummy smile.

            Was this guy trying to drug me with that cute smile of his? I swear, I just might go homo for this guy.





            Lee Donghae, clear your mind. Think of Nemo, Donghae. Think of Nemo.



            “…Are you okay?”

            “Of course I am! Ahahahoho. Well, see you around, Hyukkie!”

            I mentally kicked myself in the nuts. Genius, Donghae. What a great way to say goodbye. And what’s with that nickname?

            “Y-Yeah. Bye…”

            As I walked home, I tripped again.


            There was a muffled laugh.

            Oh my Siwon.



{A/N:  Done! Was it too short? I think it was too short. Comments and suggestions make me the happiest dancing panda in the world :D}

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Chapter 1: haha donghaek! Don't embarrassed urself will ya... XD awww hyukkie blushing... Cute cute cute
Muahaha, so ducking cute~
Please amake a sequel!!!! This is really cute....... And maybe some ?.... *smirk*
Just kid but really! This is really good!!!!
myaolol #4
is there a sequel?
QuoVadis #5
this was really funny :) I love Hae talking to himself ^^
DeeYawn #6
wait....why did i say update when you're already done...? O.o lawls
DeeYawn #7
Kekeke ...Hae's so a-dork-able! Hyuk's not part of the company? Well....i think he's the president! Keke,Hae starting to like Hyuk after seeing his gummy smile....actually...who wouldnt? Xp update soon neh??