Chapter 27: Korea's Couple

The Princess And The Singer

Chapter 27: Korea’s Couple

Following that night’s successful plan, Seo-hyun and Seulong, along with the other 2AM members, Taecyeon, Sohee, Adrian, Paolo, Gae-hwa, Switzel and Jonghyun all celebrated the couple’s reunion at their house where they ordered some food and drinks to celebrate.

Seo-hyun still couldn’t believe what just happened so she asked everyone to explain to which Paolo happily did. After doing so, she found it hard to take it all in but said:

“Well, it doesn’t matter anymore. Seulong Oppa and me are back together and this, time no more secrets, okay?”

“Araseo! For instance, we all know you that you guys didn’t enter elementary and high school here! You said you did!” said Seulong.

“Oh that? Yeah, I know. Well, during that time, if you guys remembered, an anti-monarchy atmosphere was prevailing in Korea so, they decided to send us in the Philippines to study. That’s where we learned much of our English and also their language! This drew criticism but, every holiday, we always go back to Korea.”

“I see now. But, why did you guys go to college here instead in Korea?” asked Taecyeon.

“That’s easy! The University of Tokyo ranks first in all of Asia so that’s why they decided to send us here!” answered Paolo.

“Sure, it also drew some more cirticisms but, since this country currently has much stolen cultural artifacts from us, it has become easier for us, the representatives of the Royal Family to negotiate with Japanese officials to return those artifacts.” continued Adrian.

“We estimated that the number of stolen artifacts that Japan has has now been returned to us. Many people have been praising that already!” said Seo-hyun.

“Oh yeah! I’d like to know why you two. Your names are Western ones while Seo-hyun isn’t!” said Sohee.

“Let me explain then: Mom and Dad’s favorite countries are of course Korea, Italy and Spain! So, their firstborn child, which is Adrian here named him in honor of Italy! His name is derived from the name Hadrian which was one of the Roman Emperors! Paolo was named in honor of Spain and lastly me, in honor of Korea!” explained Seo-hyun with a smile.

“Hahaha! Wow! You guys are mulit-national then! Hahaha!”

Everyone laughed after she said this.

“Wow, you know it’s very nice to see our best friend smiling again!” said Gae-hwa.

“Yeah! She’s right! It makes us sad if she isn’t!” said Switzel as she and Jonghyun held hands.

“Wait, before we continue on Seulong and Seo-hyun, you two, are you two dating?” asked Sohee.

“NEH!” shouted the lovey-dovey couple!

“And since when?!”

“When we debuted here as an indie band last 2009. We started seeing each other and eventually, this is our fourth year together!” answered Jonghyun as he gave Switzel a kiss on the cheek!

“Oh stop it!” she said.


“Yes! Why?” asked Switzel.

“AAAHHH!!! I’M THE ONLY ONE LEFT!!!” shouted Gae-hwa in despair!

“Hey! There’s a lot of free guys here you know like I don’t know, Taecyeon, Jinwoon and ehem, Lee Changmin…” said Seo-hyun with a smirk.

The two looked at each other and then looked away instantly and blushed!

“Hahaha! Now only Jinwoon and Taecyeon are left!” said Seulong while laughing!

“Yah! You don’t have to rub it in!” said Taecyeon.

“I was the first one who told the entire world I have a crush on Seo-hyun! Not you! You were second Seulong Hyung!” screamed Jinwoon.

“That’s right but, did you do anything then? Even when you knew that it was me? Did you? Don’t think so! Hahaha!” said Seo-hyun as she and the others laughed!


“Now what will you two call yourselves then?” asked Paolo as he pinted at Seo-hyun and Seulong.

“Wae? What will we call ourselves?” asked Seo-hyun.

“Ah! Our loveteam name!” answered Seulong.

“Neh! So, what’s it gonna be?”

The two tried to think of one but weren’t able to come up with any.

“Anyone?” asked Paolo.

Everyone did the same thing but, to no avail.

“Your first names sound a bit similar, a bit only but it still makes it hard.” said Jonghyun.

 “He’s right so, how about S&S?” said Sohee.

“That’s sounds frightening you know!” said Paolo.

“Why’s that?” asked Taecyeon.

“Their loveteam would sound like the dreaded SS of Nazi Germany during WWII!”

“Let’s think again.” said Gae-hwa.

“Ok then! While you guys do that, I’ll just check my Facebook account for something. One of our classmates was supposed to pass me something there.” said Paolo as he reached for his laptop.

“Okay.” said everyone while in deep thought.

As he opened his account, he was flooded by an astounding number of notifications-251!


“Yah! Paolo Hyung, what’s wrong asked Jo Kwon.

As Paolo checked some of the notifications, he was speechless! Then, he brought his laptop to and showed them what made him speechless!

“No way! This video of tonight’s event at Tokyo Dome specifically about Seulong and Seo-hyun has already reached 10,000 VIEWS?!!!” exclaimed Changmin.

“WOAH! They even have pictures of it!” said Jinwoon.

“This is just huge!” shouted Taecyeon.

“Wait guys, let’s check Twitter!” said Paolo as he opened his account and then…

“AAAHHH! Korea’s Couple is trending worldwide already?! Looks like you two have a name for your loveteam then!” said Paolo with a smile.

“Wow. I still can’t believe this is happening!” said Seo-hyun.

“Do you think we’ll get close to Prince William and Kate Middleton?” asked Seulong.

“Oppa… I don’t know, maybe?”

“Yah! It’s a possibility! This will raise not only 2AM’s image but the entire music industry of Korea as well! Not to mention the Royal Family’s image too!” said Adrian.

“AAAH!!! 151 Tweets! And they’re all about you two! Hahaha! Korea’s Couple!” shouted Paolo.

Eventually, everyone shouted the same thing which made the two blush!

“Maybe tomorrow, mom or dad will call! It’s pretty late already.” said Adrian.

“Yeah, you’re right. What do you say everyone? Let’s go to sleep?” asked Paolo.


And that’s just what they did!

That morning, the entire house was a mess! Paolo was sleeping in the sofa, Adrian on the stairs, Gae-hwa and Changmin were sleeping while sitting and had their backs on each other, Taecyeon was by the wall, Sohee behind the curtains, Jo Kwon and Jinwoon with their heads together while Seo-hyun and Seulong were both on top of the staircase. Seo-hyun’s head was on Seulong’s right arm while his head was on her own.



Everyone woke up and started cleaning their mess.

“(while whispering) Yah, Adrian Hyung, why is she like that?” asked Jinwoon.

“Rumor has it she was dumped by her boyfriend back then!” answered Adrian but, Ms. Kim noticed them so…

“Crown Prince Adrian! Please continue mopping the floor! Mr. Jung, stop bothering him!”

“NEH!” answered the two.

Meanwhile outside, while taking out the thrash, Seo-hyun and Seulong turned it to a race!

“First one to reach the garbage cans wins!” said Seulong.

“Fine then! One, two, three… GO!”

They ran as fast as they can to reach the cans outside but in the end, it was Seulong who won!

“Yah, so what?” said Seo-hyun as she folded her arms.

“I get a reward.” said Seulong as he hugs her.

“What is it then?” she asked.

“A kiss. Here on the cheek.”

“Araseo!” As she was about to kiss him on his right cheek, he turned and she kissed him on his lips!

“Yah! Oppa!”

“What?! We’re back tigther now right? Don’t tell me you didn’t like it?”

“Whatever! … Hey, what are those? Are those people running?” said Seo-hyun as she pointed at the far end of the street.

“I think so. But, why are they running?”

When the crowd were nearer! They knew exactly what they were!

“AAAHHH!!!  Reporters!” shouted the two!

As they turned around, a crowd of reporters has just reached them with out the two knowing!

“Your Highness, is it true that you and Im Seulong are now dating?”

“Princess! What happened yesterday was said to be planned so that you and Seulong could go back together, is that true?”

“Seulong! How did you two meet?”

“Your loveteam’s name is Korea’s Couple. Is that true?

“Ah… um…”

“Wait, you see…AAAHHH!!! GUYS!!! HELP!!!” shouted the two!

Immediately, everyone from inside as well as bodyguards kept the reporters away from the two!

Once they got inside, they were all surprised!

“How are we going to the campus now? I’m sure there will be many reporters there too!” said Seo-hyun.

“Well, I’m sure the guards wouldn’t let them in Your Highness but to be sure, I’ll send in more of our bodyguards there to be safe.” said Ms. Kim.

“Ah, Kamsahamnida Ms. Kim!” said Seo-hyun.

“Well, we need to get going too. We still have to accompany Taecyeon and Sohee back to their groups so they could go back to Korea and we also have activities planned today so, we’ll see you later then!” said Jo Kwon.

“Sure thing! Be careful you guys!” said Gae-hwa.

“Seo-hyun, I’ll call you later okay?” said Seulong sweetly.

“Araseo Seulong Oppa!” answered Seo-hyun.

The singers then left while the students prepared to go to the university. Once they got there, as was said earlier, reporters were trying to enter the campus because of what happened last night. There were security guards all trying to not let the reporters inside. The bodyguards of the royals were there too helping their Japanese counterparts. Their car was asked to drive to another entrance of the school but, all other entrances were in that situation too so, they disguised themselves so that they could enter and they were successful! Switzel and Adrian then broke off from the group to head to their respective departments while Seo-hyun, Paolo and Gae-hwa went to their department. When they were inside their building, every person, every teacher and every student were all congratulating and asking Seo-hyun about last night. When they got to their own room, everyone rushed to Seo-hyun and began bombarding her with questions!

“Seo-hyun! What happened last night was true right?”

“Of course it is! She and Seulong look so good with each other!”

“When did you guys meet?”

“Was it during vacation?”

“How was your first date?”

“Was last night your first kiss?”

“AAAHHH!!! You two are being called Korea’s Couple! AHHH!!! It’s so romantic!

“Um, uh… you see… I…” Seo-hyun couldn’t answer all of them one by one and was slowly sinking into confusion!

“YAH! All of you! One question at a time!” shouted Gae-hwa.

“My sister here isn’t a robot! Give her some time to answer all of your questions!” screamed Paolo.


It was their first period professor!

“Oh! Gomen Nasai Yamato Sensei! Gomen Nasai!” said Seo-hyun as she and the others scrambled to get back to the ir seats.


Professor Yamato walked towards the teacher’s table, placed his things on the table and then, in one quick move and with a deafening sound, he placed his two hands on the table too and then:


Their professor kept on asking her questions much to the surprise of his students! They started asking her again which eventually culminated in every period, she would go in front and tell everyone and the teacher everything from the very start!

That evening, when they came home, they were all exhausted and tired after a whole day of story telling! Yes1 Not only Seo-hyun but, Adrian, Paolo, Gae-hwa and Switzel were also forced to tell Seo-hyun and Seulong’s love story again and again!

“Aish! This day is so tiring! I can go to bed without eating! All I’m hearing right now in my head is Korea’s Couple!” said Seo-hyun as she sat on the sofa.

“Same here! I want to sleep right now!” shouted Gae-hwa.

“So how did they met? AISH! That’s what they asked this whole day!” screamed Paolo.

“I can’t take it anymore! Jonghyun! Save me!” shouted Switzel.

“Well, on the bright side, at least we don’t have anything to do tonight so, how about some TV then? Let’s watch the news and see how our people reacted last night and until now!” He then reached for the remote and pressed “ON”. The TV and the channel they were in was KBS World. Of course, as expected, all they saw was about Seo-hyun and Seulong!

“Aish! Switch channel Hyung!”

When he switched to Arirang, it was also the same!

“AAAHHH!!! BBC! Go!”

On BBC, it was the same thing!

“Oh God! Um, NHK!”

The same thing!

“Last, CNN!”

Anchor:”… Tomorrow, much of China, the Koreas and Japan will experience heavy snow…”

“Ah finally! The weather!” exclaimed Seo-hyun.

Anchor: “Thanks for the weather update and now to our top story, Korea’s Couple…”

“AAAHHH!!!” shouted everyone in frustration!

“My head hurts! I’m going to bed! I don’t want to be present tomorrow! Oyasumi Nasai Minna! (Goodnight Everyone!)” said Seo-hyun as she and the others headed for the stairs.

When she got to bed, she began sleeping when her phone rang.

She picked it up and saw it was Seulong Oppa.

“Ah, Oppa! What is it?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

“Yah, are you okay?” he asked.

“Aniyo. Instead of teaching us today, my professors made us everyone here tell our love story again and again and so, we don’t have anything to do today but, we’re all so tired from repeating again and again. They kept on calling us Korea’s Couple. she answered.

”Really? Same here! The guys are also tired from answering questions mostly about the two of us and they also called us Korea’s Couple here too!” said Seulong.

“Aish! Who the heck thought of that name anyway?” said Seo-hyun.

“Hahaha! Well, it does suit us right?” asked Seulong.

“Yeah well, I guess. Oppa, I’m very tired.” said Seo-hyun as she stretched her arms.

“I see now. Mianhae Seo-hyun.”

“Ani, you don’t have to say that. Is there anything more? I really want to sleep now. Oh and tomorrow, we won’t be going to class.”

“Then, can we visit you all there?”

“Neh! I’ll look forward to it Oppa. Annyeong.”

“Annyeonghi Jumushipshio (Good Night) Seo-hyun. Naneun Dangshineul Saranghamnida (I love you)!”

“Saranghaeyo, Seulong Oppa!”

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GPFPaolo #1
Guys!!! Hahahaha! Thanks for the many reads!!! Please do comment!!!!!
nice please update soon !!!
GPFPaolo #3
thanks you guys! oh and don't forget to answer my poll question!!!
AliceB #4
Awww thanks for your hard work! :) fighting!
AliceB #5
Noooooo they are wonderful!
Looking forward to your next update :)
Update Soon! :D.