Midnight Snack

Midnight Snack

For those of you who like to cook (or who like to eat and would like someone to prepare something for you ^^) : http://allrecipes.com/recipe/new-york-style-cheesecake-2/detail.aspx 


Jun Ki was beginning to think that it had been a terrible idea to have subscribed to the online recipes website that he had, only about a month ago.

He had discovered the website, by accident, when he had been looking for directions to a new restaurant that he and his lover had decided to try. Neither he nor his lover were very adept cooks, but Jun Ki was still a little more skilled than his boyfriend. He could cook, but his repetitious menu was getting a little bland, even though his lover had never complained about it.

Well, Jun Ki had thought, even if Gackt really wasn't getting tired of only a slight variation of rice, chicken or fish every evening, he certainly was, and he desperately wanted to change things up.

And frankly, ordering in from a restaurant was not going to cut it. There was too much of that, already, what with his and his lover's utterly packed schedules.

It was for this reason that Jun Ki hadn't hesitated to put down his e-mail address and sign up to have a recipe a day sent to him.

So far, it had worked, wonderfully. On the days when he and his lover were home together for supper, he would print off a new recipe from his computer and try it out, having bought all of the ingredients required, the day before. Dinner was immediately refreshed- Gackt had never said anything about Jun Ki's redundant meals, but he had expressed his fondness for the new sauces and combinations that his lover had been serving.

Jun Ki was entirely pleased with the change in menu, as well.

That evening, however, he had received an e-mail with a recipe for cheesecake. The owners of the website that he had subscribed to were aiming to release an entirely new desserts section and had sent additional recipes to their subscribers for promotion.

In all honesty, Jun Ki wasn't particularly fond of cheesecake, or any kind of cake, for that matter. But recently, he had been following a diet that strictly forbid anything other than some grains, fruit, vegetables and only the leanest cuts of meat - and man, did the highly texturized and zoomed-in photograph of the fluffy, rich strawberry-topped cheesecake, that accompanied the recipe, look tantalizing.

Jun Ki had quickly shut down the web browser, knowing full well that he had to keep his diet clean.

"But it would only be one time," a little voice inside his head had tried to convince him.

With much effort, Jun Ki had stuffed the little voice in a figurative shoe box and had gone to bed, where his lover was already waiting for him.

With Gackt's arms around him and the scent of the older man's shower gel and residual cologne, Jun Ki hadn't found it too difficult to put the cheesecake from his mind... for a few minutes.

Jun Ki sighed for the hundreth time, trying not to wake his over-worked lover, as he turned a little to look at the clock on the bedside table.

1 am.

Jun Ki sighed. It was one o'clock in the morning. This had been one of the rare nights in which he and Gackt had been able to go to bed relatively early- at ten thirty, to be exact. Both men had had to pull their fair shares of late or sometimes even all-nighters, given their careers in entertainments, and Jun Ki certainly was tired. Yet, it was an hour past midnight and he was still lying awake, thinking about the cheesecake, as he had been for the past two and a half hours.

Jun Ki snuggled closer to his lover and closed his eyes, trying his best to focus on sleep and sleep alone.

Not the cheesecake, not the cheesecake, anything but the creamy, whipped, white cheesecake...

Jun Ki's almond eyes snapped open.

This was getting absolutely ridiculous.

He realized that if he wanted to get any sleep- any sleep at all, he was going to have to make the cheesecake.

Jun Ki tried to move a little to get out of bed, then realized exactly how tightly Gackt was holding him. Jun Ki silently laughed. Typical, possessive Gackt, even in his sleep.

Stealthily, the young man slipped out of his lover's embrace and quietly padded across the bedroom for his cell phone, where he pulled up the e-mailed recipe, once he had stepped out into the hallway.

He felt somewhat ridiculous, at first, mixing together sugar and eggs at nearly two in the morning, but he needed to know that he could have cheesecake, the following morning, and it was really only a matter of time before his strict eating regime drove him over the edge...

"Jun Ki...? Sweetheart, what are you doing?"

Startled, Jun Ki looked up from the glass bowl of mixed ingredients that he had been whisking together. So absorbed was he in the cheesecake, that he hadn't even noticed his lover come in to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Jun Ki asked, setting down the bowl and walking to his lover.

"It's okay," Gackt smiled, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's slender waist. "But really. What are you doing?"

"You know that website I've been cooking off of?" Jun Ki said, blushing a little.

Gackt nodded.

"Well, they sent me a cheesecake recipe, and I just couldn't stop thinking about it and well...I mean all I've been able to eat for the last month is vegetables and brown rice and I'm just getting so sick of it," Jun Ki explained.

Gackt chuckled and kissed his lover, deeply.

"Do you need any help?" He offered.

"No, it's okay, you should go back to bed. But do you know if we have any cream cheese?" Jun Ki asked, looking through the refrigerator.

"I don't think we do," Gackt answered. "But I can go out and get some for you, if you want. There's that supermarket that's opened twenty-four hours a day and no one there seems to recognize us."

Jun Ki blinked in surprise.

"You don't have to go out and get it, I can just find something else to use."

Gackt smiled and took his lover's delicate hands in his.

"Well, it wouldn't really be cheesecake without the cream cheese, would it?"

"Oh, I love you so much...!" Jun Ki said, hugging his lover tightly.

He was deeply touched that his lover would go out of his way to feed his untimely desire for cheesecake.

"I love you, too," Gackt said, and kissed Jun Ki, sweetly. "Is there anything else you're missing?"

It turned out that Jun Ki was also missing lemons, sour cream and vanilla.


The two men were up for most of the night, preparing the cheesecake, but it certainly was worth the toil and trouble when, in the morning, they allowed themselves to "cheat" on their normally cheesecake-free eating plans.

Jun Ki did, however, request that no more promotional recipes be sent to him.

Thanks for reading!

x Angela

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ah~ lovely xD
4ever_kpop_love #2
Hahaha that was too cute! Imagine what it would be like if Jun Ki was pregnant and had weird food cravings haha
Gackt is such a sweetheart^^