Autumn's Palette

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Hyemin is the epitome of a perfect girl. 

A daughter of a well known businessman, smart, well mannered and beautiful. 


Then she met Siwon, the perfect guy.


Is being the perfect girl enough to attract the perfect guy?



This is my first attempt for a suju fic.


I love autumn and in that in mind I came up with this story. A story of waiting, of prayer and God's divine will.


I am browsing over my journal and found one of my favorite verses dribbled on the paper.



“Place me like a seal over your heart,

like a seal on your arm;

for love is as strong as death,

its jealousy unyielding as the grave.

It burns like blazing fire,

Like a mighty flame.

Many waters cannot quench love;

Rivers cannot wash it away.”


Song of Solomon 8: 6-7a



...With that on mind I shall start my humble fic.





DISCLAIMER:I don't own the characters in this story. This is fiction and any instances, places or people that might have had a similarity here is purely coincidental. 



Copyright giraffehugger 2012. All rights reserved.

Hi guys I know it's been a while. I decided to put this in hiatus since I never got to update it. Will resume after 2 months. thanks.. ^_^


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Chapter 6: Ohohoho. Someone is on a writing spree. Thanks for this. And ate, the tone in this story never changed. It is still light, sweet and heartwarming. It is different from your other stories. But I like it just the same.
New reader here!!! I must say your story is very unique and I like the way you portray the characters, especially Siwon...I really think it's very close to his real life personality :D

Can't wait for the next update!! ;)
So I shall comment on the chapter banner!
I like the effect you used here unnie.

^0^ Yay!
Happy Siwon ^-^
This is still romantic unnie

My cheeks hurt lol
Oh the feels of this chappy

And kyaaaaaa!
Siwon!! Too sweet, romantic even, ohhh... it suits him!!

Ate, this is so different... the writing style
Paran in-love ka talaga

and now is the time i should keep quiet
this story gives off autumn feeling.
did i make any sense? XD
waiting for the next chapter :D
Is that... ^______________^
Unnie, is this your vision of an ideal man?
I approve! I approve!

Weeeee... Autumn is the season of love. Hohoho.
Thanks for the update. Moorrrreeee!
Awee, saw the photos unnie. Beautiful shots!
But since you are only doing this for fun, I won't comment on typography.
Choosing fonts...takes me foreverrrr. Haha.
On to the story!
I like your style in this fic unnie ^0^

noticed a few things: titled should be tilted, and quenched? clenched? maybe?

When I'm reading this, I see the color pink. So light, so soft~~

This is wonderful unnie. I can really see how this relates to you in this season. "Our lives" are the best stories we could write. Keep going and I shall support this fic!!

This is like the fanfic version of my dad's gift when I turned 20 LOL: Saving My First Kiss: Why I keep confetti in my closet

Ah, I know how Siwon would fit in this ^0^
So it's Siwon!