Sheriff on duty Part 1

The Last Gift

Okay I'm gonna update ^^ This chapter 2min comes in ^^


Have you ever seen a Sheriff on duty? A handsome sheriff on his handsome duty. I've only met Jonghyun once in my entire life, but his letters to me are written in his own vivid romance, I pictured him as a heroic chap. Well, its a Sheriff On duty, I hope ya'll like this chapter.

-Lee Jinki

" Oh my, I've cracked another case, hooray!" Jonghyun cheered. Cracking cases were no longer an achievement for the righteous detective like Jonghyun, however this lad found helping people really really satisfying.

He picked up his coat and hat.

" I'll be going off to Taemin's, Kibum. " Jonghyun said, his tone rather jolly.

Kibum, or Key, as known to Jonghyun, is busy typing away the report of the case on his trusty typesetter. They've been best friends for the longest time. Another beautiful, bright and aspiring boy. Jonghyun always wrote praises to me about that boy. I have never seen him but I've always imagined him as wonderful. However, after the war, Key disappeared, Jonghyun never saw him again. He didn't die, he wasn't sure. He just, disappeared.

Taemin's bar was a very lively place. He had this nice, dimly lighted pub he ran with Minho. The two is a lovely pair. Jonghyun has always suspected they had a thing for each other. Minho would never, ever admit though, homouality isn't very well accepted in their town, but Jonghyun and Key felt it was just fine. Jonghyun liked to call it Taemin's. He wasn't very close to Minho but Taemin was the second person he confided in, along with me and Key.

Oh I've dreamt about Lee Taemin. Jonghyun described Taemin as a man worthy to ravish on. Among his little gang, I would want to meet Taemin and witness his exceptional beauty. A man, with beauty, sounds really interesting doesn't it? 

Taemin's served a wonderful serving of beer at a really fantastic price. They have an ambience no other pub may beat. It was really lovely, with the grey and brown draped curtains and contemporary R&B they would so often play. Best thing yet, they had a lot of beautiful maidens, decent and so beautiful, pratonizing Taemin's.

Jonghyun pushed open the heavy door, and a whiff of cold, alcohol tinted air gushed to meet his face. 

Hmm, nothing beats a drink and a chat session with his mates. He felt drunk from the smell of the pub already.

He sat on the bar counter and smiled his oh-so dashing smile I'll try to picture when i'm bored. When I met Jonghyun, it was so long ago, and he had no reason to be happy then. 

" Hello there my beautiful Taemiin." Jonghyun smirked.

Minho heard someone called Taemin and looked over his shoulder, oh, its Just Jonghyun.

Taemin, with pearl-like smooth and fair skin walked over. He was more beautiful than half of the town's maidens, and simply adorable. For many times, Jonghyun was sometimes bedazzled with his woman-like beauty. However, thinking of Minho, he would snap back to reality.

" Hello there jonghyun, what can I do for you today?" Taemin softly asked.

" I'd like a cup of booze if you please." Jonghyun said sweetly, starring at Taemin, he's gotten more beautiful again.

Minho cleared his throat, suggesting a male dominant around the corner. Jonghyun giggled, Minho's really silly sometimes.

Taemin leaned on the bar counter and asked jonghyun " well well, whats bothering you today?"

Jonghyun thought for a moment, and was about to share with Taemin about the woman who caught his eye.

Then, Key came brusting in.

" Jonghyun hyung!!!!" Key said, breathlessly.

" Oh My, what happened to you here?" Jonghyun asked, he helped sort Key's messy hair and his specs that almost fell off his nose.

" The Bank... Mi- miss's Joon's bank got robbed And she's missing!" Key exclaimed.

" holy..." jonghyun uttered some unacceptable words and grabbed his coat, storming out of the pub, without saying goodbye, with key running after him.

Minho sneakily sneaked a hand around Taemin's waist " What's wrong with hyung today?"

Taemin stared Dreamily at jonghyun's fading silhouette and said, " Hyung... he is in love." 

Minho smiled and hugged his secret lover even more.


When Jonghyun arrived at the scene, he nearly fainted.

Miss Joon, wait for me, please.


For the fiesta in the bank, and the real part as a sheriff, wait till the next chapter :PPP i have to go study for exams now -_-"

And it isnt everyday that key goes running after jjong and not the other way around, well, im bringing out a real manly jonghyun here keke.

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