Chapter 7

Death's Embrace

Written by Mai

“It’s been reported that there were 7 men found dead off on the highway this morning. Autopsy shows that they bled to death from severe cuts on their bodies. It’s been said that all their fingers have been cut off and their heads are shaved. Their faces are so brutally cut up, that doctors cannot identify the victims. Many suspect that it is beast idol, 2PM, who have been missing since a week ago. Although DNA testing has not come in, our heart goes out to the 2PM’s family, friends, and fans. Please stay tune for more updates.”

Nona turned off the television and it fell silent. No one had anything to say at the moment. The room went still, especially the 2PM members who had to witness this. 2PM were not ones to give in easily, but for the sake of their own safety and their lives, they had to get rid of someone else’s life for their own. It was thought to be selfish, but it was the only way. There were no multiple choices to choose from.

Junho gulped in his saliva largely. Wooyoung went to turn his head to stare at him. Both had the same thing running through their heads. ‘Now everyone thinks we are dead. My family! My friends! Even our fans! What now….’

Nona had noticed Junho’s expression, in fact, she observed everyone’s expression. She didn’t know what it was liked to be loved by everyone in Korea, but she knew it was tarnishing for them to go through with this.

“Now, Mr. Park believes you guys are dead,” Lyssa said, trying to lighten up the mood. Although her statement was unnecessary, Taecyeon couldn’t help but reach for her hand. His soft touch reassured her that everyone in 2PM was going to be okay. Taecyeon was very disturbed with the news and feared of Miyu.

“Well, last night was fun,” Miyu said slouching back on the couch and eating an ice cream bar. She had a smirk plastered on her lips, it was almost satanic. Jaebeom looked over her with disgust. Although they all agreed to go along with it, Jaebeom felt nauseated with the news and his heart was ripping into two.

It was heart-wrenching when his parents, in Seattle, found out that he was ‘dead.’ He was also disgusted with the fact that Miyu was jolly about the whole kill.

Lilly then had noticed Jaebeom staring at Miyu with pure disgust and decided to cool the tension. “How about a movie?” she asked with a cheerful smile.

“Yeah,” Nona chided in. “A movie sounds great! I can make yummy snacks too!” they both were too over-excited to get answers from everyone else.

“Eh, I’m not in the mood for a movie,” Wooyoung sighed out. He was pretty upset with the situation that he couldn’t possibly focus on a movie.

“Me neither,” Chansung agreed with him. Chansung was horrified of the news earlier. He knew he couldn’t stick around this place or with these girls. They were pure evil.

“Oh come,” Nona said with a jolly smile. “Let’s try to get our minds off of this whole thing. It won’t be bad!”

“I suppose it won’t be too bad,” Junho cut in.

“That’s the spirit, how about everyone else?”

There were a bunch of ‘fine’ and ‘whatever’s’ scattered throughout the room. Nona got up and went to the kitchen to make fun snacks and Lilly and Jaebeom decided to pick out a movie since they were the oldest.

Junsu sat uncomfortably next to Miyu. His thoughts were mixed. He was sitting by a girl who brutally killed 7 men. He was scared to death at the moment. On the other side of Miyu, Nichkhun was calm and relaxed. He almost looked like he was enjoying himself as he watched Lilly and Jaebeom argue over movies. Junsu was irked that Nichkhun was so calm with the situation. Maybe Junsu needed to be more like Nichkhun. But still, he was sitting next to a psychotic murderer.

Miyu noticed the discomfort look on Junsu’s face as she turned. She cocked one of her eyebrows and ate the last of her ice cream bar, the tips of her finger. “What’s wrong, octopus face?” she asked cockily.

Junsu turned away for a moment. He stiffened as she leaned her face closer to him. “Nothing,” he mumbled out.

She snorted. “Sure seems like nothing. Come, you can tell me. What’s your problem?”

“Nothing, I just feel really uncomfortable right now,” he replied to her, trying to scoot away from her.

She gave him a small smile, a beam that Junsu has never witnessed before. All her smiles were either satanic or sadistic, not once, sincere. “Just calm yourself, octopus face, alright?” Then she turned her head to look at Jaebeom and Lilly. Junsu was puzzled.

“I say we watch something gory!” Lilly exclaimed, taking out Saw.

Jaebeom gave her a twisted up expression then took it out of her hands. “I don’t think this movie is right for us to watch right now,” he suggested. “Hey, How about comedies to lighten up the mood?”

Lilly grimaced. “I mean, I guess that would make more sense.” She could see Jaebeom’s face lighting up. She couldn’t help but smile a little. “Actually, I’ve been craving for a comedy now that I think of it. Let’s find a good one together.”

He gave her a cute little grin before nodding his head.

Chansung watched in disgust. ‘What is wrong with them!? All of them?! Ugh…wait, where is Mai?’ He started to look around the living. She was nowhere in sight. Then suddenly, Chansung caught Lyssa’s gaze. She cocked an eyebrow at him. His eyes widened then looked away, hoping it wasn’t too obvious that he was looking for Mai. He sure wasn’t.

Nona was cutting up fruits and putting them in a bowl. She did it in a swift quick movement. It was as almost her hands weren’t moving at all. Junho entered the kitchen, watching as Nona sliced a Kiwi in half. She glanced up and grinned down.

“Hello there, curious cat,” Nona greeted him. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, I thought maybe you need help,” Junho said, sitting on a chair near the island counter. He folded his hands on the cold granite table top.

Nona stopped chopping and slid over a bowl of kiwi. “You can peel the skin off for me, if you want.”
“I’d be glad.”

It was silent for a moment and then Nona spoke up, while chopping strawberries now. “Are you a little discomforted about the news earlier?” she asked.

“I’m horrified,” he laughed out. “But, we have to move on, right?”

“Right,” she agreed.

“So, I’m figuring what Mai said yesterday about your parents.” Nona froze and then went back to cutting.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“How did you figure it out?” she asked all of a sudden.

“Your face, your reaction when she mentioned it, it all fit. It’s none of my business, I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay, it’s over with and gone. I try not to think of it much, but it hurts every time when I do. You know when you love someone; you can’t help but try to protect them?”

Junho nodded, understanding what she meant.

“I thought I was helping my mother, by trying to kill him. It wasn’t accidental, I admit,” she laughed. “But, I knew that she loved him more than me, by the way she ended her life like that.” Then, Nona’s expression changed and her chopping got more forceful. “That stupid didn’t love me. She was so stupid! So idiotic!” she gritted her teeth. Junho’s eyes widened. “If she was still alive, I would kill her myself SO SHE CAN SUFFER THE WAY I DID!” she threw the knife towards one of the counters and it made a loud BANG, causing a dent in one of the cupboards.

Junho was so shocked by Nona’s emotion change. Her bi-polar has always gotten the best of her. She then smiled softly. “I apologize. I can’t help it when I do that,” she giggled. “Now, Lilly is going to kill me for leaving a dent in the cupboard.” She walked over and pulled the knife out and continued to chop the fruit up. Junho blinked for a moment, feeling terrified. Somehow, he didn’t want to run away from her. He wanted to stay.

Taecyeon had to use the restroom, so Lyssa decided to talk to Wooyoung, to see if he was alright. She also wanted to try to befriend them, hoping to earn their trust.

“Hey,” she said smiling as she sat next to Wooyoung.

He gave her an earnest smile. “I still can’t believe they are arguing which movie to watch! Ugh, they take forever! It’s like watching old married couples fight!”

Lyssa let out a chuckle. “I agree. The eldest are always crabby!” She liked this. Wooyoung was finally warming up to them.

“Ha, but I finally see that you detached from Taecyeon. You guys are like, attached to the hip. It’s kind of freaky.”

Wooyoung had a good sense of humor that Lyssa liked. She laughed. “Well, I’m sorry about all of this. I noticed how you were tensed up about the news earlier.”

Wooyoung grimaced a little. “Yeah, it is disturbing to hear about.” He glanced over Miyu, she was having an argument with Nichkhun about god-knows-who. “But, I guess I have to live with it. It’s something we cannot take back. It’s something that was meant to happen. I have to deal with it. The more I complain, the more trouble there is, you know?”

Lyssa nodded. She knew what was going on with Wooyoung. “I’m glad you are accepting it.”

“Also, it’s going to be hard for Chansung to break through. He’s stubborn. He’s barely eaten this past week. I worry about him sometimes. I’m worry for your friend, Mai as well. She doesn’t give a dog’s crap about him or how he feels. I think if Mai was friendlier with him, he could lighten up a bit. Too bad Mr. Emotions is stubborn to even be considering being friends with her.”

Lyssa looked over at Chansung. His eyes wandered everywhere. His expression was like a blank piece of paper. “Do you mind? I’d like to talk to him.”

WooYoung grinned. “No, go ahead.”

Lyssa nodded and walked over next to Chansung. He jumped from being startled. He looked over and his eyes widened.

“Hey, are you alright?” she furrowed her eyebrows. Chansung stiffened.

“Just because you are Taecyeon’s girlfriend, doesn’t mean I have to talk to you,” he said stubbornly.

“Cut the Chansung. Come with me,” Lyssa said and grabbed him by the wrist.

“I don’t want to go wherever you are taking me,” Chansung groaned.

“Just go, Chansung,” Taecyeon frowned. “If I can trust her, you can too. Now go.”

Chansung rolled his eyes as Lyssa lead him to big doors. She turned the knob slightly, hoping Mai wouldn’t hear them. “You were curious about Mai’s disappearance. So now I’m showing you.” They walked quietly down the hallway. In a distance, Chansung could hear music playing. He cocked an eyebrow. The song was soothing and melodic. “I wasn’t curious to where she was,” Chansung objected.

“Shut up and watch,” Lyssa took a seat on the last step of the stairs. Chansung widened his eyes. He was staring out a window and Mai was standing there, watching them.

“Can she see us?” Chansung asked, averting his eyes as Mai was staring directly at him.

Lyssa laughed. “Don’t worry. She can’t see you. The window we are looking out of is a mirror in the room in front of us.”

His eyes were rounded now and Mai had looked away. The music was still soothing and he can feel himself being entranced by the soft sounds. “So is this a dancing room?”

“It’s a training room.”


“Just watch now.” He nodded.

Mai suddenly turned around. Chansung couldn’t help but look. She wore short shorts and a white baggy tank-top. Mai had bandages wrapped around her fist and she stood barefoot onto the cold wooded floor. Following the sounds, she stretched her body in different directions, her body elongating. He hadn’t notice before, but she was graceful. She managed to target every inch of her body. In a sudden quick movement, she starts to pump her fist into a dummy standing nearby. Her punches were quick, hard, and precise. They could hear her fist thud up against it.

“She’s really strong,” Chansung was in awe. Now Mai was jumping in the air, jabbing the dummy with her elbow, causing it to fall backwards. She landed on her knee in a quick movement.

“Yeah she is.”

“Why does she kill?” Chansung asked.

Lyssa gazed over at Chansung. She knew Mai wouldn’t have told him and she knew if she said anything, Mai would get pissed. He was still watching her, now that she was doing flips and Tae Kwon Do moves he recognized.

“I can’t say much, but she kills to avenge her family. Not many people in this organization know what happened to them or why she is avenging them. Heck, no one in this group knows much about it either. Only she knows about it.” Lyssa paused. “I wouldn’t ask her either. It could be a sensitive topic.”

Chansung watched as she landed again on her sharp flip. After Lyssa told him this, he was more curious about her. “Why would I care? She’s the devil anyway, pure evil with the crest of her body.”

Lyssa sighed. Chansung was so stubborn that she could slap him. If it wasn’t for Taecyeon, Chansung would be limping by now. She closed her fist tightly. “Listen,” she said sternly. “If you got to know her more, if you understood her more, you will know she has a heart made of gold. If it wasn’t for her, you guys would be dead. The reason she kills is not entirely her fault. She is brainwashed, she can’t help what she does.”

Chansung looked away to look at Mai, who was beating the out of the dummy now. “Brainwashed….” He should have known. This organization she’s in, they brainwashed her to kill people. He suddenly felt his heart swell. ‘NO, stop it Chansung!’

Suddenly, Mai flipped around and looked directly at Chansung again. Suddenly, she ran towards the mirror and then punched the glass so hard that it shook violently.

“Oh ,” Lyssa said. We better make a run for it, she can see us.”

“You just-“Lyssa pulled Chansung up to his feet.

Mai’s voice popped up from behind the glass. “If you move, you’ll get it even worse.” Lyssa froze and sighed.

“We’re caught.” Lyssa turned around as Mai made her way to the door. She opened it and glared at the both of them.

“What the hell are you doing down here? You know I like to keep my practices private!” Mai exclaimed.

Chansung looked down and Lyssa just straightened up and walked down the steps. “Sorry, we were just waiting for you. We were going to watch a movie.”

“I don’t give a ,” she said coldly. “…For a stupid- movie, why don’t you guys leave while I practice?”

“Aw, but I worry about Mai a lot. Come on now. Stop practicing, let’s go watch a movie. Nona is making fruit cocktails! Let’s go, let’s go.” Lyssa grabbed her hand happily but Mai jerked it out of her grasp.

“No thanks, I said I don’t give a . Just leave please.”

Lyssa just glared. “Fine, be a crabapple.” She turned around up the stairs.

Mai shot a look at Chansung. Chansung gave her a long gaze. “What the hell is wrong with you? LEAVE!” Mai exclaimed, pointing up the stairs.

Chansung gave her one last look before turning around. Mai let out a sigh and stormed back into the room. Chansung then turned around to see Mai laying on the floor now, looking up. Instead of following her orders, he went back down and sat in front of the glass, watching as she cried.

He knew that she heard the whole conversation between him and Lyssa. Even though there was a big glass in between them, he wanted to hug her tightly.
The movie had ended and the credits start to roll up the screen. The charred laughter came about from two giggling leaders. Everyone watched them in amusement. It caused a roar upfront from Junsu, who couldn’t contain himself any longer.

Lilly and Jaebum squealed together, holding as they died with laughter.

“This never gets old!” Lilly yelped, her sentence filled in with heavy breathing.

“Oh, god, that had to be the best movie ever!” Jaebum chanted along. Then they both went silent and wiped their tears that strained their face.

“I always thought Chansung was easily amused the most,” Taecyeon said, looking at this odd duo.

Junsu had stopped laughing, realizing he was the only one who was. Then he looked around. Man, did he feel like an idiot. Then he looked beside him where Miyu was curled up into a small ball and snoring. Junsu couldn’t help but twitch with a smile.

“Maybe you guys should bring Miyu up to her room. She must be fatigued from last night,” Nona suggested.

Junsu nodded and got up, about to pick her up, but Nichkhun beat him to the finish and picked up Miyu in one swift. Nichkhun walked down the stairs to her room while as Junsu followed them. Nichkhun opened the door to her, taking a sniff of fresh lilacs roaming around.

“I don’t think comedy is her kind of movies,” Nichkhun said as he walked passed her revolving closet. Junsu just nodded in agreement, feeling envious of Nichkhun.

Suddenly, a loud shriek pierced through the air and a loud scream followed by after that.

Junsu looked up to see Miyu attack Nichkhun.

“PUT ME DOWN YOU ERT!” Miyu shrieked loudly. She started scratching him and punching him. She pulled his hair violently.

Junsu quickly reacted by running over there and prying Miyu off of Nichkhun.

“OW! OW! GET HER OFF ME!” Nichkhun screamed and yelled in pain.

Junsu quickly pulled Miyu off of Nichkhun and realized that she stopped moving. Her breath was heavy and her hair was in disarray. Junsu had his arms wrapped around Miyu, he felt herself being calm.

“Don’t ever, AND I MEAN EVER, lift me up like that again!” Miyu screamed her eyes with stern anger.

Then she looked back at Junsu. His warm arms were wrapped around her. She almost felt… ‘No,’ she said in her head. “GET OFF ME!” and then pushed Junsu back, where he fell to the ground.

Junsu gazed over at Nichkhun, who was touching his face. He had several scratches on his face, one bleeding, and his hair was a mess. His arms were dead beat red and he could see his new shirt tearing. He felt bad for Nichkhun, but in a way, Junsu was glad he didn’t lift up Miyu, because he would have been in the same condition.

Miyu walked over to her basket and pulled out shirts and pants. Then she smirked. “Punishment for today,” she said with a satanic laugh. “Wear these.” She tossed some over to Nichkhun and then to Junsu. Nichkhun eyes rounded into big moons to realize that these closed had blood all over them.

“What the….” Junsu said then threw across the floor and yelped. “THESE HAVE BLOOD ON IT!” He exclaimed.

Miyu bolted out a sadistic laugh, causing her to drop the floor like a crazy lunatic. “I know,” she breathed in. “Next time, you guys need to learn not to make me angry.” Then her face turned serious.

“But, we can’t wear these!” Nichkhun yelled.

She stood up and put her hands on her hips. “When I’m not mad at you guys anymore, you can stop wearing them. You can learn from this lesson. NOW PUT IT ON!” she demanded.

“But…” Junsu was about to say something but Nichkhun interrupted him.

“Junsu, just…listen to what she says,” Nichkhun said.

Junsu gulped and looked down at the shirt and pair of jeans. There were small bloodstains on it. He felt oozy at that moment and could almost vomit.

Miyu crossed her arms. “The bathrooms over there, what are you waiting for.”

Nichkhun glared at her and walked over to the bathroom. Miyu smirked and sat on her bed, then snapped her head to look at Junsu, who looked uneasy.

“I won’t be mad for long, don’t worry,” she said.

Junsu didn’t look over.
“Ew, what the did you do, Miyu?” Nona said as she saw the two boys trudging behind the magnae of the group. They looked unhappy and sick.

“Oh, they pissed me off, so they are serving the time for doing the crime,” she beamed deviously.

“Miyu,” Lyssa said walking over to Nichkhun and Junsu, who hadn’t said a word. The others looked uneasy as well, just watching as their brothers’ stand there in the blood-drenched outfits. “This is unsanitary, this isn’t right.”

“Oh, get over it. It’s only for a day. I think everyone will live,” Miyu scoffed, taking out three sodas out of the fridge.

Junho walked over to Junsu and looked down at his shirt and pants. “I’m so sorry,” he said quietly.

Junsu just looked down. “Let’s not talk about this now.”

Nona just shook her head.
Mai looked up at the ceiling once more. She had heard them talk about her past behind that mirror. She had ears of a cheetah. Now Chansung knew about her, why she was troubled, why she cried herself to sleep. She gushed out more tears and rolled over to look in the mirror.

“You’re worthless Mai. The only reason you are living is because you kill, because you need to avenge your family. YOU CAN’T EASILY GIVE IN BECAUSE OF THESE BOYS!” She yelled in her head and then screamed violently, throwing her water bottle to the mirror. The reflection shattered and behind it, she could clearly see Chansung watching her. She took large breaths and her eyes widened. Chansung slowly got up, walked through the door. He didn’t take her eyes off of her. Mai stared into the blank space ahead of her.

Then, out of nowhere, Chansung wrapped his arms around Mai’s little body. He embraced her tightly, almost squeezing her. Mai couldn’t help but cry into his shirt, soaking it with sadness.
“You guys, my father just called,” Lilly said looked down. “We have to go out on a mini-mission.” Everyone looked at each other.


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wonderkris #1
Chapter 33: hope things goes better next
pleaseman #2
going to read this!
Yaaay~ i'll be waiting~ ^^
:O i hope everything goes well.....<br />
thanks for the update~ :D
ohshytsitzmarina #5
Yay! I'm glad you guys updated! <br />
The chapter was really good.<br />
Can't wait for more :)
YESS!! thank you for the update~<br />
and LOOOL had to go back a couple chappies cause i forgot T^T<br />
<br />
Ehhhh o___o awkward~ hahah but Taec's so cheesy XD and Miyu and Junsu hahah *shakes head* what was it? Miso soup LOL
Miyu_ballad #8
lol ok. u should get on aim now~~~ I wanna know what your writing! :D So I can plan too~~
Well I know what I'm writing about in the next chapter but I won't go into detail on the comments page to avoid spoilers.<br />
<br />
If I get stuck I'll talk to you on AIM or Facebook and we'll plan for your chapter XD
Miyu_ballad #10
:D so are you saying, we're gonna begin writing again, Lily Unni?! LOL <br />
<br />
and to the readers, I am so sorry! I know I said we'll write again in the summer, but as you can see, that didn't work out...^^;; <br />
Everyone was pretty busy this summer :(<br />
<br />
But anyway, if we're gonna write again, won't we have to go over all the ideas again? lol Esp for the ball, cause I don't...remember much info for that lol