Mrs.Choi wants me to call her UMMA!!!!!!!!

I will marry you!


Ren’s POV

Mom wanted Jiyeon to be my girlfriend??? I can’t believe it!!! Why is my life turn out like this when I met that girl???

“Dinner is here! Is Jiyeon back yet?” Mom said

“Not… yet...” I said softly

“Alright, Minki ah, let’s eat” Mom said

“Ne umma” I said

“Annyeong Mrs.choi” Someone said cheerfully. As you know…It’s her

“ Oh Jiyeon ah. You’re back right in time for dinner!” My mom smile.  I guess mom like her a lots. She not often smile like this to other rich and pretty girl because they are annoying…BUT THIS GIRL IS ANNOYING TOO!!!

“Ne Mrs.Choi!” Jiyeon smile

“Uhm….You will live here for 3 months. So don’t call me so formal…By the way, you are Ren’s girlfriend, so call me umma” She smile

What?????? I already told mom that Jiyeon is not my girlfriend!! And mom wanted Jiyeon to call her mom??????!!!!!!!!!

“Ne…” Jiyeon smile cheerfully

“U-umma!” I shout

End of Ren’s POV


Jiyeon’s POV

Mrs.Choi  wanted me to call her mom??? Whoa!!!! Today is a best day ever of my life!!! It is the first time I feel this happiness! I have never been so happy like this before…….

End of Jiyeon’s POV

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fionaz #1
fionaz #2
i like the ren hiyeon couple but ren ice prince anyway like it
Chapter 13: authooor-niiim~ plsss Updateeee PLSSSSS >3<
Fightiiing !!~
Chapter 13: Hi ~ New reader here ~ Hwaiting!
minjin5000 #5
Chapter 13: uhm, if you plan on continuing this fic.. maybe it's cool to have few ren/ji yeon moments before she leaves ren's house. just saying.. ^,^)
Omo this is so cute lol I love the story.
Chapter 13: sorry i can't help u T^T. But hwaiting !!
Update soon !!!! ^^
Chapter 11: but i see that ren/ji yeon is cute :(
Chapter 11: As long as Jiyeon stay as the main girl, I'm okay if you want to change Ren to Junhyung...
Chapter 11: I'm fine with it as long as you keep Jiyeon as the main girl :D